#143 “A Golden Lion”
Everyone, meet Ruthless; aka, Lady Blackheart – The Lost Mother. Officially. Oh, and the reveals just keep coming! It’s also Ruth & Thomas’ anniversary!
A bonus comic this week, it was originally a part of the last page, but I split it up to give a proper look at Ruth’s reveal. So if you didn’t see the page before this one you might want to check it out!
Is there going to be a graphic novel collection at some point?
Brandon I think you have a monster under your bed trying to sabotage you uploads lol
This is how I will master patience.
The truth is out there ‘queue x files theme’
OK so your computer ain’t working well I have no advise for that… have fun, I’ll just stay here admiring this page. *lenny face*
Lucky SOB! Brings a whole new meaning to the term MILF!
OMG! Monster I’d Like to F#$@! That’s genious!!!
Not going to lie
I would tap that so hard every day and every night
Till my crotch broke
Thomas, hmm, that’s my name. I could have ripped her in half lengthwise in my 30s. I miss my 30s.
I love the mom-tum’. Very well done.
I must say that this is one surprise that I never expected to see and it raises a bunch of new questions surrounding Tim and his upbringing.
I didn’t think they were actually right, I didn’t want to believe it. But looks like Tim-Tams mom really is BlackHeart!
Wonder because of Tim being half Noxian, that is what attracted and intrigued Shadow.
I hope that some day you do a series of how Blackheart & Tims dad got together.
I seen this coming from the first hint but still like the reveal
so wait…. wouldnt that make tim half monster?
i was seeing the resemblance earlier
i saw the resemblance earler