#143 “A Golden Lion”
Everyone, meet Ruthless; aka, Lady Blackheart – The Lost Mother. Officially. Oh, and the reveals just keep coming! It’s also Ruth & Thomas’ anniversary!
A bonus comic this week, it was originally a part of the last page, but I split it up to give a proper look at Ruth’s reveal. So if you didn’t see the page before this one you might want to check it out!
Just guessing but I bet her full name is “Ruthless”
NVM, I guess I should read the description
that’s the problem with reading the comic on a 3rd party site, miss out on the commentary. re-reading the whole (ongoing) comic on the home site to catch up on the comments that I missed.
I effin knew it
I called it
That means Tim is half monster: will be start to look like one? Then he and shadow can be together in nox!
Ahh so shes the lady blackheart.
Tim’s dad is cheating on his wife with Lady Blackheart!
No lady black heart is his mom
I knew it sense she showed up
So she is Lady Blackheart? *surprised pikachu face*
Who could have guessed ???
So, ruthless in her true form wearing mostly revealing lingering is the golden lion. Lol mind blowing.