#143 “A Golden Lion”
Everyone, meet Ruthless; aka, Lady Blackheart – The Lost Mother. Officially. Oh, and the reveals just keep coming! It’s also Ruth & Thomas’ anniversary!
A bonus comic this week, it was originally a part of the last page, but I split it up to give a proper look at Ruth’s reveal. So if you didn’t see the page before this one you might want to check it out!
And Brandon shed light upon the world and he did look at his and creation it was good. His people did looked upon his glory and rejoiced in it’s splendor.
So this means Tim is half-human…….and may have powers, I guess.
Aside from seducing hot monster babes, of course.
That assumes that when they transform into humans they don’t become fully human while the spell is in effect.
They’re all pink on the inside. WHAT? Don’t look at me like that!
Oh! That’s disappointing. I had pictured Shadow being bluish with golden speckles ALL over. (Dreamer!)
It looks like Everyone is doing the MONSTER MASH.
THE MONSTER MASH! It was a graveyard smash!
It caught on in a FLASH!
They did the monster mash
Why would anybody want to smash a graveyard???
Boris Picket did.
Now we know.
And knowing is half the battle
Brandon, surely there’s a pantless version of this….
that’s already a ‘pantsless’ version. i believe you mean ‘pantiless’ XD
There isn’t… but I suppose there could be. Hrmmmmmm…
yay.!! new vote incentive…?
Fully clothed version?!
Just gloves and garterbelt version!
Daaayum! Nice pic, suitable for framing.
So, is getting to have a tumble with Ruth in her Noxian form a special treat for Tim’s dad? Kinda like the birthday BJ?
She just likes to let loose on special occasions. Keeping that glamour up all the time HAS to be draining.
Of course, I imagine she turns it off when she’s alone or just with her Hubby behind locked doors.
Keeping that glamour up all the time might also have made her one of the strongest magic-users in all of Nox.
I’d like to point out that there is still one other mystery waiting some revealing, and that is, where did Tim get his Aegis between the presently-portrayed Halloween and age 18? Could there be enough “story” behind that acquisition that we might be blessed with a whole extra chapter, before the currently-planned age-18 stuff happens?
Boy, some people really know how to celebrate.
And now for the obligatory “I called it” comment. I F***cking called it!
Yeah, you and just about everybody else.
Now that its no longer spoiler turf, technically the old story called it first
and now, I would like to request a similar image as ‘Voting incentive’
I bet!
Brandon you’re awesome man! I love how the story doesn’t get turned and twisted and upside down just for a big “final” reveal.
Ye we kinda already knew this, but it’s awesome to see them so nonchalantly talking about it.
One thing though, that’s ticking my brain in all wrong ways is the toilette…
Man, you could have drawn a sink and mirror to portray it being the bathroom XD
Other than that way to go with sexy Ruthy!!
But that’s where the toilet is… I drew it that way a long time ago and now it’s stuck that way. XD
In our house, the toilet is next door to the bathroom, so there’s no sink or mirrors in there.
Makes sense, privacy wise.
Knew it.
In either form Ruthless is absolutely stunning, although her Noxian form is certainly more exotic.
This is true. Very exotic!
This has been the longest chapter yet
It’s almost finished. Just one more stop before we depart for Chapter 4.
I just want to say again to you, Brandon, thank you for designing female characters that show that having a realistic body shape can be sexy.
Squishy ladies are the best! XD
Cuddle Monsters For The Win!

She can cuddle me anytime!
Careful, she’s got sharp edges, as well as huggable curves.
There is nothing wrong with a woman with a bit of padding here and there. Give them those killer curves that we all love.
well i think that i talk for a lot of people when i say “THANKS” for creating this wondefull race of hot monster girls, really really Thanks ( of course that nobody is more thanks than Thom right now).