#143 “A Golden Lion”
Everyone, meet Ruthless; aka, Lady Blackheart – The Lost Mother. Officially. Oh, and the reveals just keep coming! It’s also Ruth & Thomas’ anniversary!
A bonus comic this week, it was originally a part of the last page, but I split it up to give a proper look at Ruth’s reveal. So if you didn’t see the page before this one you might want to check it out!
very awesome. also very curious about how they met as well.
OH MYyyyy!! Yeah… definitely a “Demon in the Sack!”
Hah. The alternate title to this comic. ;-3
Oh my. It’s nice seeing more tits, though it sad we have to wait for Tim and Shadow’s first time before we see any real action. Also Ruth only goes into her monster form for her husband on special occasions ? Would think she’d be in it every night.
Oh, she lets her guard down more often than that, but only in private.
And probably a little less since the risk of a certain someone barging in unannounced became more prevalent.
Also in this pic to me she kinda looks like a man eater, wonder if Tim dads was her first or if she was rather adventurous in her youth. Can just imagine her standing in the middle of a group of passed out men and being like, what your all done ?
Hey, ain’t nothing wrong with a man eater so long as she remembers that nibbling is fine, biting is bad.
I think, in a way, all Noxian women have a bit of that essence in them once they reach Prime Milf-hood. Though, it’s perhaps a good thing that they tend to (generally) bond to a single, lucky, mate for life.
Sounds like Terminus is facing a large case of Big Trouble in his future! (Thanks to a focus on him by Nightmare.)
Heck yeah, love the story!! I did not see this coming, and looking back I should have. I’m not bright lmfao
Final thing I’m wondering, they seem ok with Tim and Shadow being alone in his room. What would happen if they actually did have sex right now ? I mean they aren’t going too but if they did how would his parents feel then ?
Character-wise, neither kid strikes me as one to jump into sex. And if it got anywhere near that point, the loud and laughing would stop first.
If you’re talking about Tim and Shadow, at this stage, they’re far too young to be interested in that sort of thing.
I dunno about that. On page 44 Tim’s already getting strange, uncomfortable “feelings” and all he needs is a demonstration or illlustration to spark his interest in wanting to “try something new” with his good friend Shadow.
He’s ready and adventurous.
I don’t have to entertain this idea, it’s not going to happen. Stop thinking about that scenario it is what I say. :-O
Finally! The Golden Lioness herself! Ruthless Blackheart, or at least I hope that’s her name….
Very nicely done Brandon. Worth the wait.
i think its just ruthless. so far noxians dont show that they have a surname at least as we do.
Yeah, it’s just Ruthless. Blackheart is a pseudonym, she uses to cover her tracks in Nox, since ‘Ruthless’ is currently a wanted criminal there. It’s a long story and we’ll get there eventually.
It is nice of her sister Moonlight to not have ratted her out, then….
She isn’t happy about it, obviously, but yes. She hasn’t ratted her out.
Oh, cool, she found her old Halloween costume after all!
Dang, you beat me to it
I wanted to make that joke
Haha yeah, she really puts a lot of effort into Halloween!
As proven before, this is certain to get the readers attention again
Well, I can’t argue with a massive surge in my numbers. Usually I average about 30-50,000 views per update. This update I got 97,000 page views. Of course there were 2 updates with nudity, so, yeah.
So is she Tim’a biological mother, or stepmother?
Can demons and humans have kids?
Looks like we’ll find out!
Okay, cool. I didn’t miss something. I was afraid I had.
hate to admit it took me this long to figure out the ‘golden lion’ bit……
I am slow some times..
brandon your comic is better then anything marvel or dc puts out.
Well, it certainly won’t reboot itself every few years, that’s for sure.
SO CALLED IT. also SO AWESOME! great work, love this comic and cant wait for more
So their anniversary is in Halloween, how appropriate!

Mmm can’t stop thinking about this comic now, so have two more questions if thats alright. One lewd and one actually serious.
First a lewd one, are there women in this comic who could be described as shameless ? Not really in a slutty or exhibitionist way, more like they just wouldn’t care if someone saw them naked or having sex. They be like meh they can watch if they keep quiet and don’t try too touch.
Noxians have no moral shame about nudity. It doesn’t bother them at all seeing another person naked. Heck they take communal baths together.