#143 “A Golden Lion”
Everyone, meet Ruthless; aka, Lady Blackheart – The Lost Mother. Officially. Oh, and the reveals just keep coming! It’s also Ruth & Thomas’ anniversary!
A bonus comic this week, it was originally a part of the last page, but I split it up to give a proper look at Ruth’s reveal. So if you didn’t see the page before this one you might want to check it out!
Well, It’s offically official… Unless they make this be a costume.
Now a serious one, as it looks like more humans are aware of the Noxians then we first thought I can’t help but wonder if the government knows and if they maybe have a unit to deal with them. This lead me to wonder do Noxians have like a specific weakness or something that is deadly to them ? You know like vampires with sunlight and werewolves with silver, Noxians got something like that ? Also do Noxians have any combat capabilities ? Know they have claws but like martial arts, weaponry or magic or something ?
Well, I hope that Brandon DOESN’T answer this because that would make it canon.
Well he could answer the lewd question, not like I am for specific names just a simple yes or no there. The serious one he could answer, don’t see a problem with making it canon unless it’s counts as spoilers and will be revealed later in the comic. In that case he could just say SPOILERS !!!! sorry
We’ve already seen the claws used in violent ways, or at least as threats, no less than 4 times now. Terminus and Nightmare knew what a knife was when they saw it so they are at least familiar with edged weapons. We’ve seen their strength and agility, along with some forms of magic. I imagine they are no strangers to conflict, so martial arts of some sort can probably be assumed. What we’ve seen of the cast so far amount to schoolkids and guildmasters, not warriors. I assume they exist somewhere in Nox but the question is, are they relevant enough to the story that they will get screen time? You dont generally see the army show up in teen drama flicks.
Wait, so their aniversaty is on Halloween? Or November 1st?
so does that make Tim a half breed?
Technical flaw (or maybe not).
Usually those panties are worn over the garter belt rather than under, for ease of removal whether for sexual delights or pissing.
I’ve seen it both ways, but yeah… I get what your saying. XD
First off, let me congratulate you on coming up on a unique (adult twist) on Monster’s Inc. Very creative!
Second, congratulations on pulling off a well timed “Soap Opera Style” revelation! You don’t see that kind of quality writing in web-comics much anymore. I sort of figured that Lady Black-heart was Tim’s mom after comparing pages 11-87-121 and 132. I’m starting to believe that his attraction and fascination with Shadow is more instinct than chemistry (subconsciously desiring to breed with his own kind / nice touch!
I’m also impressed on how you’re keeping the primary and secondary charterers story-lines interesting. I’ve been a fan for about a year now and I must say, you deliverer a sweet balance of drama and adult content.
Monster under the Bed is one of the more entertaining web-comics out today and I’m looking forward to what you have in store for Tim and Shadow in the next 100 pages
(You’ve set the bar pretty high for yourself and your fans…….. please don’t disappoint!
Blood Moon Comix
Haha, thank you very much!
I shall try my best not to disappoint both my fans and myself!
I’ve just reread a lot of the comic, you mentioned this ages ago with Tim, he mentioned seeing the “Golden Lion costume” when Ruth had finished making his Kruger sweater.
this is awesome!
Yay finally it has been confirmed. I’m so happy.
Ok now I just got one final question, in the previous page it’s shows Tim’s parents can hear him and Shadow giggling and laughing. So wouldn’t that mean Tim can here his parents when they get loud like they are about to ?
That was his father in front of Tim’s bedroom door, which isn’t that close to the parents room, so the distance is enough to separate the noise.
NO FUCKING WAY!! this is some M Night Shyamalan shit!
Lol forever you have been letting us make theories about this and we finally get it confirmed
. Took ya long enough
It took MUCH longer in the original version before I ever even thought of the concept.
I made a full out theory on this while back I literally looked at each page and every detail from Tim’s mom’s Maul to her text color and hidden references to her being a monster!!!!!! It was 3 paragraphs LONG!!!!!
Ah, very nice. Raises some new fun questions. Is Tim a half-breed? Might be he’s entirely human, and just inherited a quality from his father that makes his scent attractive to Noxians (Shadow commented on this). Or if he IS half/half, are there any little hints to that, like heightened senses, sprinkled into previous pages? Also, could Tim’s dad see through Shadow’s disguise? If his wife is using that glamour every day, it’d stand to reason that if there were any ‘tells’ that it was a disguise, that Thom might pick up on those, yes?
so in the future will Ruthless teach Shadow how put a smile in human boys faces?
She’ll teach her about the miracle that is women’s underwear.
“First thing’s first young lady, if you’re going to be hanging around with my son, I’ll have to insist you wear these!”
For decoration, for encouragement of mystery, for tittilation, for warmth in those cold, cold Canadian winters, for defence against unwanted advances (Hello, Craig) and to encourage the growth of fungus (why should humans be the only sufferers?)
Exactly! Work it to drive up her numbers! XD
yup. saw this coming
So now with all this established. is Tim half Noxian? or dose Tim’s race have to do with the form Ruth was in at the point of conception? Orrrrrrrr……….?
*turning a rusty old hand crank on the side of a scary-looking, dirty old machine with scattered circus music playing out of tune*
More theories for the theory grinder! The grinder demands more theories!
Theories – OK
Look at the tail tips. Brandon has already revealed that there’s a familial similarity in tail tips.
We know that Lord Mortis is Shadow’s father.
We know that Mother Moonlight is Ruthless’s sister.(Page 91)
We can see on page 52 that Shadow and Midnight have VERY SIMILAR tail tips -not actually identical
Question – is Lord Mortis also Mother Moonlight and Ruthless’s father?
This would make him Shadow’s grandfather as well?
Is there any female that Lord Mortis wouldn’t fuck?
Does this mean he’s just like us? Another brother?
But is Ruth therefore Shadow’s auntie?
There could therefore be nobody more appropriate to give Shadow “The Talk”
1. Tail tips do mean a familial relationship (but only in pure Noxian/Noxian couplings, adding in ‘foreign’ DNA does make things complicated!)
2. We do NOT know that. I’ve never established that at all.
3. True. They are blood-related sisters.
4. To me, a Spade and an Arrowhead shape are not similar enough to make that connection. They aren’t related, just friends.
5. I should hope not, otherwise he’d be plowing his own daughter currently. Incest may be a bridge too far for this comic.
6. Mortis is not a player, he is actually quite dedicated to his partners. I assume you’re talking about Terminus, and in that case… yeah, he’d probably screw anybody willing.
7. Shadow and Moonlight are not technically ‘Family’, but they do care for each other. So… maybe? It’s complicated.
8. I’m sure they’ll be talking a lot in future.
Re 2 – I thought you had confirmed that in comments, but I couldn’t find it so I admit your superior knowledge.
Re 4 – A difference which matters only to the participants but appears identical to the casuak observer.
Re 5 – The Tasmanian option (or Arkansas or Tennessee or Newfoundland or pick your own ethnic joke location) I’m cool with it anyway – no siblings!