#143 “A Golden Lion”
Everyone, meet Ruthless; aka, Lady Blackheart – The Lost Mother. Officially. Oh, and the reveals just keep coming! It’s also Ruth & Thomas’ anniversary!
A bonus comic this week, it was originally a part of the last page, but I split it up to give a proper look at Ruth’s reveal. So if you didn’t see the page before this one you might want to check it out!
So, Brandon, around how long do you think we’re going to have to wait until we get into more detail about what Tim is exactly and more importantly, how does it affect him currently? The next couple months are going to be huge!
Love your work, keep it up!
I fell that the tides of this story are going to change greatly but I don’t know what yet…
So; I haven’t commented in a while but I decided to read the comments on the last few pages before I did.
First off; I think that with Terminus’s reveal being the REAL Plot Twist; it would have made better sense to put this before his reveal.
Now; I think that when it comes to story-telling; the whole “hero” and “villain” dynamic is too over used and black and white. Now plot-wise a story need a protagonist and an antagonist. The protagonist is most often the main character(s). The Antagonist; is simply who or whatever they might “facing” against. It could be a friendly rival, family members, etc.
Currently with the branching subplots of the story we have three protagonists Tim & Shadow in plot 1 and Terminus in plot 2. Plot 1 deals with Tim & Shadow and their growing relationship. With the Antagonist(s) are simply those they are trying to keep it a secret from. Terminus and his quest to find what is behind the door is the second plot. The antagonist is currently simply being unable to figure out how.v
Terminus isn’t a villain; but a sleazeball and possible sociopath? Most defiently.
Finally; I found the original story; but I never read it. As far as I’m concerned its merely the crappy first draft for this. While it might be good to read to figure out Brandon’s underlying thought processes for the story; its just not something I want to do.
You should really read it anyways. Casuals complains about “spoilers”, but the real connoisseur apretiates watching the differences and improvements in the story with an eye for detail.
Yes, but only after this, the main current saga, is complete. That will be the time for exploration, review and compare & contrast exercises.
We didn’t start comparing Shakespeare with Beaumont & Fletcher (or Kit Marlowe) until they’d all finished writing.
Yeah I have to agree with this. I want the story to unfold naturally as it were. The less I know about the “other” story the better because that means I’m not expecting specific things to happen.
Don’t worry, I’ll be throwing a pretty big Monkey Wrench into the comic for those who’ve read the story and think they can predict things.
I’ll have to refute some of your points; not EVERYTHING has to be this avant garde, profound storyline with grey moralities and complexities.
First of all, it’s a fantasy stories, and fantasy more often lends itself to more black and white story telling. Furthermore, as long as something is fun and entertaining, it doesn’t have to be ‘new’ or overly complex.
Well, you certainly put a lot of theories to rest! (Well, and created a few more new ones!)
Thank you for giving Ruthless a full page! Beautifully drawn! Wow!
So did they get married on Halloween or did they meet on Halloween?
Now isn’t that the question.
Awesome. I love the comic. Great job. Keep it up Brandon. Can’t wait to see the next pieces. Also can’t wait to see what Tim is.
He’s a boy!
…AND he knows the difference (see P40)
They’re anniversary is on Halloween… huh…
Who’d have thought it, oh wait…

Makes me wonder, that if that’s the case of Ruth being Lady Blackheart;
A) How long had she known about Tim and Shadow meeting in secret?
B) How long will it be before Shadow (and possibly Tim) find this out for themselves?
Both questions can be answered in the original story. But due to spoilers, I shan’t speak of them here.
From yesterday Internet can sleep well
Thanks to this treat you gave us.
Is this a wedding or a first meeting anniversary ??
fkn knew it
I remeber the story this is based off of, was wondering when she would show, as for the girl and her monster man, that is a twist I didn’t see coming. I wonder if she is in on it or knows about the other girl. Bou, their is going to be a lot of explaining going on soon.
I so called it. You dropped a ton of hints that Lady Blackheart is Tim’s mother. So I was waiting for you to reveal it.
Brandon, you do realize you could make a prequel comic called, “How I Met Your Mother”
*The Monster Under the Bed Edition*
Just an observation I had…
Could be! XD
With Alyson Hannigan as Shadow in the live-action (straight to DVD) version?
Oh yeaaah!
And the seed is planted!