#143 “A Golden Lion”
Everyone, meet Ruthless; aka, Lady Blackheart – The Lost Mother. Officially. Oh, and the reveals just keep coming! It’s also Ruth & Thomas’ anniversary!
A bonus comic this week, it was originally a part of the last page, but I split it up to give a proper look at Ruth’s reveal. So if you didn’t see the page before this one you might want to check it out!
And now that Moony and Ruthy are at time of revealing secrets, it’s flashback time! I assume, at least XD
I’ll be waiting eagerly ^_^
OH MY GOD!!! https://youtu.be/pnSeMy9u95M
Waited like 2 years for this! Thank you for the big reveal.
About Time
I mean it was so obvious we have to wonder if you got the idea from your fans!
No, it existed before the comic did.
Nice job on the reveal. The long as crap Waite time between your post was officially worth it. Also dang how old is Ruth cause she looks only 24. As well as a happy anniversary to the comic. It’s also been a year since the 21st of January since I joined the group.
Here? In her early to mid 30’s, but it’s impolite to ask about a woman’s age.
Hmmm, I mean, I did call that a very long time ago now .3.
Wow, over two hundred comments. First rule of marketing: get their attention.
YEAH !! me like a lot :O)
Honestly, I would have confused her for a golden lion too if I didn’t have my glasses on…. and if she she was on here hands and feet…. and if she was 50 yards away.
But then I would get curious and walk towards here then brag to everyone that I saw an alien. BTW this would apply whether i’m 2, 5, 10, or 14.
At 14 I would be Naruto running to here takin pictures then brag then play smash and pass with my friends later while bragging that I smash her last night. Puberty is a horrible thing
When she first appeared:
“Everyone, start placing ur bets for the reveal!”
“Its Tim’s mom its too obvious”
“Brandon Just show it already we know who its is”
“I’m going to make you suffer a year before I show it to you muhaha”
Me: Watch Brandon pull one of the biggest ‘yeets’ in all of Fanfiction, WordPress, and Wattpad”
This page:
*undistingusable yelling and elated joy*
“You all owe me 50 bucks!!!!”
*People getting lit to a song as the celebrate the reveal*
Brandon: “Ok yall earned it, but I’m only doing this because I need to prepare everything for the next chapter. You all are lucky”
Me when I first see the page: “Holy shit, that mysterious figure is gonna get it on. Time for some NSFW. Oh wait, why does she look like Tim’s mom. HOLY SHIT, ITS TIM’s MOM. Wait who is she talking too. Nevermind, she’s not. Time for that yeet I’ve been saving up.
*deep breath as I scroll down the page*
“YYYEEEEE- oh wait, Brandon said that its really here nvm. I’m just going to comment then let it out later before it erupts and I get in trouble.”
Will you become in-depth with the sex scenes or keep it as is?
There will be sexy times, I’m not 100% sure how far I’ll go with them, but I know they will never become the focus. Don’t expect anything too graphic. I’m going for ‘tasteful’, not XXX hard core insertion shots, with body fluids flying all over the place.
Nudity by itself can be rated PG13. Sexual situations can also be rated PG13. But when both are present at the same time, as with Lady Moonlight just a few pages back, it gets rated R.
Holy crap I’ve been waiting for the new pages and he releases the one where it shows Tim’s mom is Lady Blackheart on my birthday!
I mean i knew from the very first time he introduced her cuz the forms and hair look identical.
And wats really funny is that i came here looking for something sexy but instead found a comic that i fell in love with at first word!

So now we have to wonder if we will ever see Tim in monster form at some point.
Eeeeheeheehee!~ Been watching from day one, waiting and reading and loving every character- Thank You for such a great comic!
Dun dun dun dun dramatic sound