#143 “A Golden Lion”
Everyone, meet Ruthless; aka, Lady Blackheart – The Lost Mother. Officially. Oh, and the reveals just keep coming! It’s also Ruth & Thomas’ anniversary!
A bonus comic this week, it was originally a part of the last page, but I split it up to give a proper look at Ruth’s reveal. So if you didn’t see the page before this one you might want to check it out!
I fu*kin called it
Yeah, you and everybody else.
Yeah, good comic but I figured that out .5 seconds after the first appearance of lady Blackheart
This begs the question since Tim is now obviously a half-breed. Does he have a glamor on him as well or there needs to be an explanation why he’s human when his Mom is obviously a monster.
And considering we know that Terminus has at least one human side-piece, who’s to say he doesn’t have another and who’s to say none of them has gotten pregnant? I’ve got an idea on this but want to see how the story develops before just blurting it out.
It’s not green paint – it’s mildew from hanging about in the darker, damper corridors of Nox.
Well it’s your story, you can take it wherever you want. Although if I could suggest, making him a Noxian makes for a more interesting story especially if we can find out more about his past and how he and his human girlfriend met.
As to why Tim appears completely human, there are a few ways to figure it.
1) He’s adopted (get the easy one out of the way).
2) Assuming that Ruth is Tim’s biologic mother, there are three possibilities:
A) A child randomly gets the appearance of one parent only.
B) A child has the racial appearance of the father. Fathers determine the gender of the child, so why not the race?
C) It’s completely random with normal racial appearance of either being the extremes. Tim just maxed out human.
I tend to 2B as an explanation myself.
Or… magic…
He’s an F1 hybrid (much nicer than calling him a “half-breed”). There’s a known genetic distribution formula fo F1 hybrids which determnines gene distribution. Much depends on the dominance or recessive qualities of EACH separate gene, so I doubt that a simple “It’s Thomas’s fault” theory is correct.
This does NOT apply to sex-determinant genes, which are essentially random. XX XY YY (with trisomy XXX or YYY being very rare and often dysfunctional) are the possible outcomes.
I know all about genetics and that but I’m not paying much attention to that as honestly I’d be happy for the answer to be “magic” if that’s what it came down to it.
And unless Tim minds being called a half-breed, I don’t see the problem as I’m not saying anything negative about it.
As for 2B that was exactly what I was thinking but I didn’t want to come right out and say it until hopefully it had been bounced around a little more.
It’s the father that determines this much in the same way that it’s the father that determines if the child born is male or female. In this case I’m thinking Tim’s dad is 100% human so he can’t provide anything else that 100% human genetic information because it’s all he has.
Let’s for the sake of argument say that Terminus gets his human girlfriend pregnant, assuming he is 100% Noxian, the child will be born with 100% Noxian features again because that’s all he can provide.
But what happens if Tim and Shadow decide. Then you have a crapshoot but with one option is completely off the table, namely their child will NOT look human. At most, he or she will be literally half human and half Noxian. Whereas there is the definite possibility that their child could be 100% Noxian.
Makes for an interesting thought.
OK so my newest question. Can magic be preformed by humans or only Noxians or whatever the fuck Tim is?
Hey Brandon I have been lingering on doing this and I finally decided to try Drawing one of your characters “nightmare” when I finish I’ll try to post it on the fan art section. I’m a decently talented artist I made my icon. I make my stuff on paper then digitally scan it onto a art app are go over it
I have also been looking at nightmares details and making my version with that as a base makes me really respect how much work goes into your character design
That’s cool, though you can’t post it in the fan art section by yourself, you gotta post it up somewhere else and send me the link, or send it to my e-mail or something. I’ll put it up in the gallery.
Thx good to know. btw it’s still in line for but I think you will love it. I should have it done by tomorrow it’s a full page drawing
“Line form”
so if lady blackhart is tim’s mom and shes also shadows moms sister doesn’t it make Tim and shadow cousins
No, Lady Moonlight isn’t Shadow’s biological mother. She’s just a guardian, and has a soft spot for Shadow because she was left in the care of the guild as a baby.
That’s why when Tim asks about her parents waaaaay back in the kitchen scene, Shadow doesn’t want to talk about it; because she has no parents and doesn’t consider Moonlight to be her mom. It’s complicated.
Well then will we learn anything about Shadow’s parents?
Haha, now now, I can’t just roll out every secret at once. You’ll find out when it’s time.
I know that! but will it happen in the not too distant future?
Hmmm… no. I’ll be letting you guys stew on that one for a while.
I’ve got a suspicion that Lord Mortis has some kind of relationship with Shadow that hasn’t been revealed yet. This is based on how protective he’s been of her, despite them having little interaction.
Here Brandon my fan art of nightmare “I feel my paper version was better but I can’t get a clear picture of it so here’s my digital image I did” hope you like it https://somestrangeguy68.deviantart.com/art/Img-20180127-023450-727769627?ga_submit_new=10%3A1517042341
Ok it’s fixed https://somestrangeguy68.deviantart.com/art/Img-20180127-051420-727782405?ga_submit_new=10%3A1517051887
I also have the original versions of the drawing if you want to put them up too I don’t care
Brandon don’t listen to these comments or delete them if you can I was super sleepy and trying to rush myself to finish the drawing I’ll send a link to a version of the fan art I’m happy with when I’m done. Ps sorry for filling your chat
Mmh, regarding your EOF corruption,
I found a thread on adobe forums (a bit old, but i guess the solution’s worth trying :))
One guy managed to open the corrupted file with Paint Tool Sai, and then resaved it, which fixed the EOF error.
In any case, test that on a copy of the file
I find it odd that with all these questions of whether or not Tim is a hybrid, nobody seems to have realized that his mixed heritage is probably the reason why he gives off such an extraordinary “aura.” At first I thought it was just because it was a different sort of fear, nervousness instead of terror, but being half Noxian could be the reason instead.
Kinda makes me wonder, since Terminus has been crossing species lines, and obviously this family is as well, just how common IS this? I’d imagine there’s quite a few Noxians in the proverbial (and literal) closet about relationships with humans.
Well, Noxians do have laws against such things… so it must have happened before to set a precedent, in order to create those laws in the first place.
Laws against?
Has this been revealed previously? (Reference page No. please) I realise that Lady Blackheart (Ruthless) and Shadow were keeping their relationships with humans quiet, but that’s just normal “What I do in my bedroom is nobody else’s business, – so fuck off!”
This reveals a whole new complexity and several potential plotlines.
Nox previously seemed a peaceful place apart from normal teen mean girl angst, but now there’s the chance of N.P.P. (Nox Purity Police) raids, purity trials, race hatred, riots as supporters and opponents clash, (just like the USA really)
Well, way back near the beginning Shadow does imply that she’ll be in BIG trouble just for getting caught talking to a human. So, one would think a much more intimate relationship than that would have exponentially greater consequences.
“BIG trouble” from her guildmother acting in loco parentis or a posse of Bed Bugs mean girls is a different order of magnitude from an offence against the actual codified laws of the realm.
Just take my word for it, geez. I’m god around these parts. XD
Yes, O Mighty One.
Your humble worshipper begs Your Divine forgiveness.
I don’t think that it’s his 1/2 Noxian heritage that makes him attractive to Shadow. After all his father had the same mojo going on. Shadow even mentions that when they were hiding in the closet that she knew it was his Dad because he smelled like Tim.
After all we saw what happened when Midnight wanted some of that “good stuff” from Tim and wasn’t able to get the same thing that Shadow got. It could very well be that some Noxians are also wired in a specific way to find some smells attractive while others don’t feel the same way.
Fun Fact : Apples can be green
So Terminus is actually an apple?
They can also be yellow!
Or, a mix of several colours!
So Terminus may even be an avocado or a mango?
I know! HE’S A BANANA!
He starts out green, turns yellow and his skin eventually decays to black as his flesh turns runny.
Did I get it right?
Or he’s some other kind of fruit?
He’s no peach, not a plum, certainly not a pomegranate, maybe a kiwi (or as they used to be known “chinese gooseberry” before the marketers took over.)
Fun fact : terminus can be any gender he wants to be
Fan Art https://somestrangeguy68.deviantart.com/art/Nightmare-complate-727946042 …. finally
Brandon, if you can open that file with a different image-viewing program, such as Paint or the GIMP, you might at least obtain part of the lost image, which could be copy/pasted to a new PhotoShop file.
Tried that, it didn’t work. Just a white screen. Everything was gone. It’s fine, I started over anyway.
Sorry about my delay in replying, but there is still one other option, if the corrupted file still exists. Find a computer nerd who has a “hex editor”. It can open any file and modify individual bytes. If a file is missing an end-of-file marker, one can be added. The only caveat is that this nerd will need to know something about how PhotoShop saves data. Lots of proprietary formats (not well-described in public tech literature) are out there, alas.
I’m already well past where I was in the process on the new file, it doesn’t matter anymore. XD
Well, if you can still find such a computer nerd, then you will be prepared if that type of problem ever happens again.
You might still be able to save the pic, Brandon. There’s a program that reads raw data and tries to convert it to a graphic. Let me find the name of it…
“PixelDBG” is the program. Just lead the page and mess around with the settings until you get it, then export it as a PNG or something
It’s okay. It’s gone and I have long accepted it. Besides, I’ve already begun work on version 2 which is better than what I had anyway.
Ah, well that’s good
Regardless, I’d try it on the old version, just to see if it will work, and you can keep it on-hand in the event this happens again.
now i gunna have to wait for this comic to update. by the way once i get my own Credit Card i am going to put at least 4$ towards this comic every payday(read Month)
I know “Blackheart” glanced over this with Shadow, once, but, is there any chance we’ll get a 3-4 installment ministory of how Ruthless and Thomas first met? Just to see if there’s any similarities?
There’s a good chance we’ll see at least a bit of their past sometime.