#144 “A Long Night”
Oh, and I updated the Fan Art gallery located above! Check it out!
It certainly has been a long Halloween night!
Oh, and I updated the Fan Art gallery located above! Check it out!
It certainly has been a long Halloween night!
9. They are 9
actually Brandon has stated previously that he has aged the characters to 12 or so to kinda speed up the timetable i believe. while they were 8 or 9 in the prose, they are now a bit older as a result.
Your point sir?
There is no significant difference between 13 and fully adult, hormone wise. Unless you want to give them the edge, to be honest.
9 – I don’t really remember. I do remember 11.
There is a big difference between a 13 yo and a 25 yo hormone wise
Ya, its mostly stabilized by 25. at 13 you are wondering WTF hit you.
And your point is? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Who are you abusing (“oatcakes”? haha) and for what? Or do you just log into random sites to spray – oatflakes?
Hahahaha wtf even is going on here? I’ll have you know that I am not an “Oatcake”. I am a “Spudflake”. How dare you assume my food type.
Sorry Tomokatu, that was supposed to be a response to TinkerCat. All is fine with you.
Thank you, Leelanidas.
I’m just wondering about the likelihood of OTHER escapees from the Porridge Factory.
Do they pose a general danger to the community before their brains turn completely to mush?
Oatcakes? That’s a new one.
just binged this comic bcs it was linked somewhere to me
Awesome! I like the story, and wonder where it’ll go.
Also all these jokes, ahah
Very good!
And mysterious, hmmm.
“Your exhausted”( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
“Listen, just relax” ( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)
“Let me H E L P” ( ͡◉ ͜ʖ ͡◉)( ͡◉ ͜ʖ ͡◉)( ͡◉ ͜ʖ ͡◉)( ͡◉ ͜ʖ ͡◉)( ͡◉ ͜ʖ ͡◉)( ͡◉ ͜ʖ ͡◉)( ͡◉ ͜ʖ ͡◉)
No but for real. Shadow look high af on the fear in the last panel
Can Noxians get high on people’s fear? Do they bottle that stuff and use it for special occasions?
It would make sense, as you can get bottled pure oxygen and get drunk on it.
Hmmm… Do Noxians add flavor to their bottle drinks? Is their a certain type of fear they perfer? What about fear from people who never get afraid or from rare fears, like your fear of not being able to answer these questions because you haven’t thought about every question or senerio we might ask?
They should class fear based on how rare it is. Like totally one-in-a-million chance fears should be in the AB- class, hehe…
If you get the AB- joke, then you at least 11. 10 and under must watch a lot of brainpop.
so is this the night, we know in the first chapter they’ve been lover for years.
They are 12/13 here. They are 18/19 in the beginning before this huge flashback. There’s PLENTY of time for Shadow and Tim to become long-time lovers without starting now.
“Of course!”
(She then pulls a History Book from her bag.)
“I’ll read you a bedtime story! I heard this one bores most people to sleep in schools!”
And thus, was this Halloween one of the scariest around…
Yay, a new page at last! ^w^ u>
Somehow, my comment got crapped up..
“Yay, a new page at last! ^w^ u>”
Darn it.. I wish there was a way to delete these f-ed up posts.. -_-
Love Shadow’s bedroom eyes here, Brandon. :3
Though I know I should be wary,
Still I venture someplace scary.
Bedroom haunting I turn low.
Shadow, Shadow, SHADOW!
…needs work.
Though I know I should be wary,
Still I summon someone scary.
Claws and fangs and hair in bow
Shadow, Shadow, SHADOW!
Haha if only!
I had to postpone my fan art
I got a stomach bug but I’m feeling better today
I wonder what would Shadow’s reaction would be after watching Little Monsters.
This, needs to happen. Followed by Shadow promising to call on Tims help if anything ever threatens Nox
How do I get a profile picture on this?
Never mind I’m dumb
I must be too. Tried once but I mustn’t have found it. Forgotten to try again.
yes this Halloween night feels like it has been going on for months.
That’s the miraculous and mystical art of the Storyteller who can make a decade pass from panet to panel or a minute which lasts a whole book.
I’m not sure Tim will be able to sleep after whatever Shadow’s going to do. At that age, the slightest romance thing can can get a boy all worked up (can’t talk for the girls, though).
I’m not sure if they even got used to kissing…
Valentine is coming
So she should be after all this foreplay
Thi sis the point Shadow snags his socks before tucking him in…..
‘What you doin