#144 “A Long Night”
Oh, and I updated the Fan Art gallery located above! Check it out!
It certainly has been a long Halloween night!
Oh, and I updated the Fan Art gallery located above! Check it out!
It certainly has been a long Halloween night!
Given that this is the 90s, has Tim seen the film before? Somehow, I suspect he would be less inclined to sleep if it was his first time watching.
Thinking about the film and the actress:
Are pages #134 to #143 available to read?
I don’t see them listed in the Archive pull down.
Thank you for creating this story, it’s very enjoyable, the artwork could very easily be adapted to animation; at least it appears that way.
Try the Imgur link my man
…. you can always click the ” < Prev " button and go back to them you know….
Ok I see a Nintendo entertainment system and a VCR and a box tv. What year is this set in I had all 3 before and my guess would be early 2000
It’s set in the 90s but we haven’t been told which year in the 90s.
We can estimate when using math let’s see the snes was released in November 21 1990 and Tim got it in October. So it had to be from 91 onwards… that’s as far as I’ve gotten
Like Batman is always and forever happening now, and Batman Beyond is happening 50 years from now; so too is the present day of my comic happening now, and the past where they met always 7 years ago. But everything happens AFTER the 80’s. That’s all I know.
We also know that a photo shop is thriving so it can’t be too modern.
There are still photography studios now, you know? XD
But ones that sell film to the public for taking photos barely exist at all.
So in the event that Tim shows shadow video games what would happen if he shows her doom? Eh just trying to spark up conversation before the next panel.
Shadow will not suffer any”doom”.
Shadow will be eternal.
So eternal darkness :p
In the halls of Nox, certainly. under Tim’s bed, probably.
See I would never have guessed beatleguise from the image and the lyrics shown. The only song I remember from beatleguise is the one around the dinner table! “Daylight come and I wanna go home.” It took a while before I even remembered how the movie ended.
(That and lets be honest – the cartoon was way better)
Never seen the cartoon but read up on it. Given that Beetlejuice tried to force her to marry him, and she cheerfully dropped the flowers that were part of wedding outfit down the hole the sand worm made, I think it’s safe to say that the chances of Lydia wanting to spend time with Beetlejuice is approximately zero!
I once read a fan-fiction bridging the two very different forms from the movie to the cartoon. It wasn’t too bad for an unofficial writing.
When’s 145 coming out?
Oh nevermind saw your comment below. Can’t wait for the new pages!
Sometime this week my man. I’m as eager as you.
Undoubtedly the best webcomic I’ve read in a long time. Most have multiple authors with good art but Brandon alone created this masterpiece!
If i had the funds i would donate it’s really good. I assume you come from reddit or am i wrong?
Nope. Just found it while searching for comics.
Hey do you recommend any web comics?
Does tim have any friends outside shadow and midnight?
All women are queens
If she BREATHES, she’s a T T T O O O O O O O T T H H H
*lighsaber battle starts*
Midnight isn’t even his friend currently, so… yeah.
Though, I’m sure we’ll see some more interactions with other people eventually.
I see, also question will the comic be done before tomorrow or is it too early to tell?
The forecast is .. [kaf kaff] cloudy and … darkness obscures the future, enquirer. The crystal declines to [kaf kaf] answer further.
Hah the crystal may decline but my magic eight ball says otherwise! Whoops… I may or may not have dropped the magic 8 ball.
Well, I had to go visit my parents this afternoon, so work was pretty much postponed for today. In other words, no. It won’t be up before tomorrow, it might not even be up tomorrow due to my job… we’ll see!
That’s fine my man we understand you still gotta do stuff and thangs. Take your time with the comic, it’s like i always say “Engines equipped with quantum phasing molecular mechanics able to pass through solid objects so as not to interrupt the racing experience!” which basically means you can’t rush perfection.
Brandon your characters are awesome but for bloody hell it’s hard for me to draw their Dawn hands!
They are tricky for me to draw sometimes as well!
Ha I got my sketch finished for the fan art and got them freaking fingers just right! VICTORY HAHAHAHA
Oh my.. I like where this is going.
@Francisco (I haven’t figured out how to reply yet)
The cannon explanation for the cartoon was that this wasn’t the same Lydia… Why else did she live in what appeared to be a mansion! ^.^ – The Beatleguise cartoon supposedly took place decades before the movie. The reason he thought he and that Lydia could happen is cause she reminded him of his past girlfriend/waifu.
It’s only Vaguely touched on when the cartoon ends, the last episode actually showing when he was summoned in the movie.
No, that’s not right. The last episode is a silly ‘split personality’ episode where he literally splits in half into ‘good guy/bad guy’ personas.
It’s the same house and family from the movie. Lydia’s parents even have the same names and personalities.
Brandon be weary a Noxian is making the rounds and she isn’t happy that she was called a “side character and wasn’t named” https://somestrangeguy68.deviantart.com/art/Dubbed-Amaya-730685290?ga_submit_new=10%3A1518515403&ga_type=edit&ga_changes=1&ga_recent=1
I named her “Amaya” it means night rain
when next update coming up?
At this rate it probably WILL be next weekend as life is determined to “F” Me this week! X(
Fun with a capital FU eh? I know those weeks. No worries Brandon, your fanbase aint going nowhere!
OK Brandon you’re Canadian. So tell me how many of these Canadian stereotypes I’m getting correct. Over use of the terms of “eh” and “sorry” also the consumption of poutine and “brewskis”. Canadians also play a shit ton of hockey and moose are also a thing. You only drink maple syrup and you use the Demonic metric system. Please let me know if I’m missing anything…
you love mayo on everything
I say ‘Huh?’
I do say ‘Sorry’ a lot, but I’m not some rude American.
I don’t like poutine much.
I’ve never said ‘brewski’ in my life, except if I was quoting someone else or making fun of dumb jock ‘bros’. In fact, I always thought that was more of an American mid-west saying…
I barely pay attention to Hockey, I can hardly do much more than skate in a straight line.
I have drank pure maple syrup once.
There is no such animal, it’s all a ruse to trick dumb southerners. ;-P
I measure everything at work in inches and feet, and drive in kilometers.
There’s more than one road. We have two. One for going out west, and another for going east.
I don’t live in an igloo, poor wi-fi reception.
Polar bears are just regular bears spray-painted white.
“There is no such animal, it’s all a ruse to trick dumb southerners.”
And there are so fucking MANY of them.
Luckily most of them don’t know south from north so they’re not often a problem. (but remember Lundy’s Lane-it can happen again).
Canadians have gotten rich by shouting “Noo!! Improved!!” at southerners and selling them a bunch of rusted worn out ploughs.
Southerners! You wouldn’t piss on one when he set himself on fire. (Fun to watch, though)
I live in Alaska, and the polar bear and igloo stereotypes are always fun to mess around with. We also have our fair share of moose.
Ever had a moose block traffic for a half hour cause that’s a real thing in banff
No, they don’t live too close to me. We have deer and some bears though, mostly.
There are quite a few moose living in and near the city of Anchorage, Alaska, but I’ve never heard of them blocking traffic. I have had quite a few moose walk through my front yard, though.
Had to reset my chrome…. Hopefully put in the right email
Ok think I found my correct one
August 28, 2016 I found this comic and I was 14 and in 8 days I will be turning 16! Meaning I was born on 2/22/2002 and I’m going to turn 20 at on 2/22/2022
I knew a girl who was born on 12/12/2000. She turned 12 on 12/12/12.