#144 “A Long Night”
Oh, and I updated the Fan Art gallery located above! Check it out!
It certainly has been a long Halloween night!
Oh, and I updated the Fan Art gallery located above! Check it out!
It certainly has been a long Halloween night!
Brandon, I know your game grumps Fan and so am I… Check out 3:50 if you haven’t already seen this episode. Too much of a coincidence for this week.
Hah, I was hoping one of them would plug my comic, but I’ll take the random coincidence. XD
I honestly don’t understand the coincidence.
can you explain why its a coincidence? (i don’t get it)
Dan sings the same song I had playing on the TV in this comic, that’s all.
Are they going to kiss? On my Christian comic?! What is this foul obscenity? This must be purged off the face of God’s domain!
They’ve already kissed… TWICE, no, THREE times since the beginning of this comic. How’s that for some good old-fashion heresy?
Dare I say she might even touch his Willy next chapter? *LE GASP!*
FOUR TIMES! Counting the small kiss on the nose.
didn’t they have sex in the first couple of pages in the comic?
Technically in the future, yeah.
What gives you the right to call Brandon’s comic “yours”?
What makes you think that either Shadow (or any other of the Nox) or Tom, Ruth or Tim would follow such a perverse, twisted, blood-soaked and bigoted doctrine as Chistianity. Hint: You’ll need to quote page numbers in your evidence.
I expect that before long, Tim and Shadow will be gleefully indulging in sweaty, juicy and physically exhausting activities.
Better get into your sandpaper-lined panties in case you may enjoy the action, and you wouldn’t want THAT!
[My eternal thanks and praise to Frigga, Amaterasu, Gwan Yin and Brigit who have saved me from that damned (ptui!) Christianity perversion.]
I’m assuming their comment was satire.
Me too. That was why my response was so exxaggerated.
Although this is a flashback to the past, if you go back to the beginning, you’ll notice the “dirty deed” has already been shown.
Existentialism for the win my friend you don’t need to be religious to have morals
Is there an imgur link or something for the roomies webcomic? The link is outta wack…mannn
Why bother with Imgur when Brandon maintains the most current pages on http://www.themonsterunderthebed.net?
Sorry just noticed, you’re asking about some OTHER comic. Can’t help.
Hah thanks for trying my man. I appreciate you for your act of kindness and helpfulness.
Live another 200 years after that, I dare you.
When will the next one be out Brandon?
Soon. This weekend for sure!
God I can’t wait for the new chapter man. This comic is just too good!
sure sex is cool but have u ever gone to the theater just to eat popcorn
predictions to wat shes going to say
Well the setup seems sexually perverted but my psychic sense is telling me shes just gonna take his socks off to snitch a fresh stinky pair for her fetish perversion. Possible as a keepsake for such a great night.
If she’s going to indulge her perverted tendencies while Tim’s asleep, this is the perfect moment to escalate.
You watch, as well as nicking a new, used sock (she doesn’t seem to realise that socks are PAIRED, see page 72) what are the chances she’s going to increase her connection to Tim’s aromatic feet by actually sucking on the (new, used) sock?
After all it’s already a perversion, right?
Direct punch to the temple to help him sleep
Reading these comments I’d weird sometimes because my name is Brandon
Two man enter! One man leave!
Two man enter! One man leave!
Two man enter! One man leave!
I came into this from reddit expecting a porn comic, came out wishing it was updated more and not caring at all about the porn side and loving the story, nice job Brandon.
Am I the only one wondering when they had the chance to change clothes? I didn’t think they were at the point in their relationship to change together yet.
He went home, she went back down through the hammock in his backyard, collected her original clothes and then came back up in his bedroom already changed. There. I figured it out.
The logic behind that explanation works for me. There are further questions I could come up with, but I will refrain from doing so. Looking forward to the next update.
That’s from the end of Beetlejuice.