I can see an after-page for this.
Midnight: How was your night walking the pet?
Shadow: Good. I even gave him snuggles.
Midnight: heh, Tha…. YOU WHAT!?
Could be. But I’m also wondering about picture two. For me its not a relaxing hand position to hide a finger if I try to have my hand as Tim do. And I would expect the hand positions on to two pictures to be alike ?
I love your comic, so this it just a minor constructive feed back
I don’t know about you, but when I lay my hand flat and look in the mirror to see it from that angle I only see 3 fingers, because my longest middle finger is covering my shorter pointer finger. Also my thumb is hidden behind my palm.
Tim still has 5 digits on his hands. Don’t worry about it. X-D
I’m not worried about the parents seeing Shadow. Officially isn’t the right term. It’s more like “from Tim’s perspective,” because officially, they do know (see #142). Since both parents already know about the Noxian world, they won’t flip out from seeing Shadow. The two most likely possibilities if Shadow overstays and is seen is 1) it triggers the talk that was mentioned in 142, or 2) Tim’s parents play it dumb and pretend to see her human illusion.
I tend to think this chapter can’t end before Tim learns that his mom is Lady Blackheart. As she herself stated in #142, she thinks Shadow suspects, and we know that Shadow started to say something about Tim’s mom back in #128. Note that we are reminded, in #133, of how well Shadow can distinguish scents, with her saying, back in #42, that Tim’s dad smells like Tim. We know that Shadow has personally encountered both Lady Blackheart and Tim’s mom –so we can be sure that if they have the same scent, Shadow will certainly notice it.
Note that Shadow probably again encountered Ruth when the two kids returned to the house and went to Tim’s room. I think it is a distinct possibility she might deliberately stay the night just to force the Ruth/Blackheart reveal to Tim.
Hey, I said “possibility”! I’d much rather see a whole other chapter “set” in-between the younger and the older versions of Tim and Shadow, showing us things like how Tim finally learns about his mom, and how he acquired a female-clan Aegis –it just occurred to me that since Lady Moonlight has two of them, Lady Blackheart might also have had two of them (or even more) when she “reached the top” of Nox society. That would make it really easy for Tim to be given one of the type that female Nox use.
*raises eyebrow* That’s essentially the plan! The next chapter does take place between the past and present timelines… it merely takes place MUCH closer to the present than the past. I’m not going to skip any of the stuff I’ve spent 3 years setting up…
Well, well! And here I thought “the plan”, based on other comments you wrote on other pages, was for the next chapter to be set in the present. Thank you!
xD if she said that it would be much cuter then when casper did it lol also I feel like I might be one of the only people who got that reference
They are so cute together like this !
Well at least the monsters are on the bed and not under it for a change. All the dust bunnies must be hard the get out of her her any way.
Wonder how Moonie is gonna react if and when she finds out the Ruthless(Lady Darkheart) has been playing “fairy godmother” to Shadow
See #91 of the story. Moonlight already knows, because Blackheart told her.
Duuuh!! Forgot about that.
*waves* Asleep……………..good *Steals socks*
I can see an after-page for this.
Midnight: How was your night walking the pet?
Shadow: Good. I even gave him snuggles.
Midnight: heh, Tha…. YOU WHAT!?
Soo sweet.
But it seems like Tim lost a finger on this page
It could be his Noxian half acting up. After all, they only have four fingers on each hand.
Or it could just be tucked under his or shadow’s hand
It’s there, I drew him completely first before I overlaid her. It’s just hiding under there.
Oh no!… Not the HIDDEN FINGER” !!
Could be. But I’m also wondering about picture two. For me its not a relaxing hand position to hide a finger if I try to have my hand as Tim do. And I would expect the hand positions on to two pictures to be alike ?
I love your comic, so this it just a minor constructive feed back
I don’t know about you, but when I lay my hand flat and look in the mirror to see it from that angle I only see 3 fingers, because my longest middle finger is covering my shorter pointer finger. Also my thumb is hidden behind my palm.
Tim still has 5 digits on his hands. Don’t worry about it. X-D
In the cute darkness of the recent past there are only snuggles.
How cute but hopefully nobody will notice that she’s not home
That’s my concern as well. Another concern is that she’ll wake up there in the human morning. Officially, his parents don’t know.
I’m not worried about the parents seeing Shadow. Officially isn’t the right term. It’s more like “from Tim’s perspective,” because officially, they do know (see #142). Since both parents already know about the Noxian world, they won’t flip out from seeing Shadow. The two most likely possibilities if Shadow overstays and is seen is 1) it triggers the talk that was mentioned in 142, or 2) Tim’s parents play it dumb and pretend to see her human illusion.
I tend to think this chapter can’t end before Tim learns that his mom is Lady Blackheart. As she herself stated in #142, she thinks Shadow suspects, and we know that Shadow started to say something about Tim’s mom back in #128. Note that we are reminded, in #133, of how well Shadow can distinguish scents, with her saying, back in #42, that Tim’s dad smells like Tim. We know that Shadow has personally encountered both Lady Blackheart and Tim’s mom –so we can be sure that if they have the same scent, Shadow will certainly notice it.
Note that Shadow probably again encountered Ruth when the two kids returned to the house and went to Tim’s room. I think it is a distinct possibility she might deliberately stay the night just to force the Ruth/Blackheart reveal to Tim.
Well, I have bad news for you, friend… ;-P
Hey, I said “possibility”! I’d much rather see a whole other chapter “set” in-between the younger and the older versions of Tim and Shadow, showing us things like how Tim finally learns about his mom, and how he acquired a female-clan Aegis –it just occurred to me that since Lady Moonlight has two of them, Lady Blackheart might also have had two of them (or even more) when she “reached the top” of Nox society. That would make it really easy for Tim to be given one of the type that female Nox use.
*raises eyebrow* That’s essentially the plan! The next chapter does take place between the past and present timelines… it merely takes place MUCH closer to the present than the past. I’m not going to skip any of the stuff I’ve spent 3 years setting up…
Well, well! And here I thought “the plan”, based on other comments you wrote on other pages, was for the next chapter to be set in the present. Thank you!
It’s only about a year off of the ‘present’ they will both be 18.
Funny how in the beginning of the night she was one her costume now she isn’t XD
them Noxian quick change abilities XD
Shadow checking to make sure Tim is asleep is so adorable.
Awww, so cute. ^_^ <3
their first time “sleeping together” Nice to see it was wholesome
Let me guess, she sleeps in and wakes up in the morning?
Awww! Cute.