#146 “Can I Keep You?” by Brandon on February 25, 2018 at 12:00 am Chapter: 03. Many Doors No words; only snuggles! PATREON Vote
well I’m going to assume that Brandon will show there first time which I’m going to also assume is going to be some time inbetween 18 year old them and now.
I ment to reply to Fireslayer
Yeah their at least 18 in the B story line
Dear God, its going to give me diabeetus!
I was an adveturer like you until i touck an arrow to the neae
Now you can only type with your elbows?
Its a skyrim meam
So the erratic spelling isn’t the result of your arrow wound, just your own basic lack of skill?
I can’t even with this comic it’s so good
Try using a VERB
This has got to be the cutest page I’ve seen in a long while, from any comic (I’m including the manga I read in this).
You should read Idolon then (on hiatus though).
And they called it puppylove~
The monster under the bed is on it with a BOI?! OH MY!
Here is something cute for you.
I’ve actually seen that before, but I agree, it’s very cute!
So how many more pictures for this chapter
If I can squeeze everything I want in… 2 more pages. However I’m going to just say 3 to be safe. We’ll see.
Skip to the Nightmare on Elm Street part
*insert kappa face here*
D’awwww~ There goes my heart, melted into a jelly puddle once more~<3 ;w;
But images can say more than words and this one is just so super sweet.
Awww! So cute
that costume type pants makes her legs look weird
but its still cute
Es la ropa interior/pijama de Shadow

Then mama lion sneaks in and photographs them
From “What is underwear?” to “XIX century bloomers”, cutenes includes “hey, let’s cosplay Victorian attire”, too