Snuggles :3. Her checking if he was asleep made me crack a good laugh.
I love Shadow’s face in the first panel also. Pure sweetness. The glowing eyes is a really nice touch!
Now tagged as a marketing troll because:
a) Off-topic {which is Brandon’s comic “The Monster Under the Bed”)
b) Urging the purchase of {some product or other} by encouraging off-topic comment on it.
I’m sorry that you think that I was promoting something. I was just asking if anyone liked Mac DeMarco. I think you need to sit down, pour yourself a glass of single-malt Scotch whiskey and relax.
They aren’t though. I know it’s very confusing, but Moonlight is NOT Shadow’s mother, she just took care of her growing up, as she did with all the other girls under her care, the only difference is that Shadow has no other real family to go back to, so the guild IS her family. But not really. She even says to Tim that “it must be nice to have parents” back in their little kitchen outing.
In most English-speaking countries first (and subsequent) cousins may marry, so it’s basically not an issue.
They do tend to frown on brother-sister matings but not cousins. Your local rules may be more restrictive.
So, check those laws and see birth certificates before you have sex unless it’s “same-sex” where there’s no restriction because the mating is ipso-facto infertile.
Also can in Spanish-speaking countries.
And in ALL originally Catholic countries – where to marry a first cousin you used to need Church autorisation, but nothing else (wasn’t a dificult thing to get).
The taboo against cousin relationships in the US actually comes from the above (Mayflower guys were Protestants, mind you – and from a time when they tended to say “if the Pope says it’s OK, it means it isn’t OK” on general principles. Not that Catholics of that time weren’t all “if the heretics say it’s OK, it means it isn’t OK” themselves, mind you. Was a time when they all acted like kindergarteners – and that’s all I have to say on the issue)(*)
The aforementioned reaction against first cousins marrying meant the general US population, through the well-known process of “forget the little details through the years”, extended the taboo against ALL cousins, no matter how related (or not related at all, cousins can be 100% in-law ones).
That said, it’s all moot because they are NOT related, they are not cousins… or sisters… no more than Shadow and Midnight, I mean. And is not like Tim is likely to suddendly gonna become… naaaah.
I refrained (because I’m pagan) from any statement which could have been considered “Christian-bashing” (even though there’s LOTS of grounds for it) but historically there’s many cases where whole nations and cultures fall into that toxic mindset of “My Gang-good; Your Gang-bad, evil and worthy of being killed”.
George Orwell (a hero) also expressed it “Four legs good, two-legs bad” in Animal Farm.
It’s an attitude we all have and need to work at constantly to supress.
Well Blackheart, ie Tim’s mom already knows about Tim and shadow. So when she walks in first thing in the morning, she wont be shocked just mildly amused. Waking them up should be a lot of fun.
For her and us.
That, or she’ll use the old trick of LOUDLY go through her own morning routine to give her ample time to depart.
Bonus points if her “morning of the night after her anniversary” routine is of the kind that, if noisy, will utterly embarash Tim (making one’s offspring blush is one of the sacrosant rights of parents).
(Like bringing Thomas a breakfast in bed with lots of sugary, diabethes-inducing, lovey-dovey talk, of course. What did you think I was talking about, you gutter-minded ones?) }:-)
Dirty mind, they have. They see a tender cuddle, and think it’s a tailjob. Way to ruin what’s likely the LAST inocent cuddle betwen the pair of kids before the hormones set in and the awkward sexual tension betwen teenagers starts.
am I the only one who can imagine tim having a friend over for a sleepover, and shadow popping out from under the bed and scaring the hell out of the friend
Now that’s too sweet. No seriously, I need to call the dentist. I can feel the cavities forming. LOL
Awesome work as always. Keep it up.
Dude, I will need insulin after this…
am I the only one feeling…awkward about this? I mean we literally watch 2 children sleep.Good bye.
“…am I the only one….”
Many similar psychological problems can be alleviated (or even cured)
Try wearing unstarched underwear for a week or two
Good call, Tomokatu. I, for one, can’t tire of watching MY child sleeping. Or sleeping with her cousins. And/or with her pet.
W H O L E S O M E .
Snuggles :3. Her checking if he was asleep made me crack a good laugh.
I love Shadow’s face in the first panel also. Pure sweetness. The glowing eyes is a really nice touch!
*Notices your profile pic.*
“Ah, I see you’re a man of culture as well.”
Just read all this comic. Dude, it’s awesome! I’ve never seen something this cute! Waiting for the next page
Does anyone here listen to Mac DeMarco? If so what’s your favorite song? If not then listen to all of his songs and tell me which one’s your favorite.
Now tagged as a marketing troll because:
a) Off-topic {which is Brandon’s comic “The Monster Under the Bed”)
b) Urging the purchase of {some product or other} by encouraging off-topic comment on it.
Hey man I just like Mac DeMarco.
And I like single-malt Scotch whiskey, but I do not promote my favourite label in Brandon’s comic discussion space,
I’m sorry that you think that I was promoting something. I was just asking if anyone liked Mac DeMarco. I think you need to sit down, pour yourself a glass of single-malt Scotch whiskey and relax.
Not even if we ask you? Pretty please?
I COULD possibly be persuaded. Cash or carnal favours would be an advantage.
What specifically are you offering?
Judging by the first strips I have to wonder: Do they never learn that they are cousins or do they simply not care?
They aren’t though. I know it’s very confusing, but Moonlight is NOT Shadow’s mother, she just took care of her growing up, as she did with all the other girls under her care, the only difference is that Shadow has no other real family to go back to, so the guild IS her family. But not really. She even says to Tim that “it must be nice to have parents” back in their little kitchen outing.
In most English-speaking countries first (and subsequent) cousins may marry, so it’s basically not an issue.
They do tend to frown on brother-sister matings but not cousins. Your local rules may be more restrictive.
So, check those laws and see birth certificates before you have sex unless it’s “same-sex” where there’s no restriction because the mating is ipso-facto infertile.
… Okay?
The thing is, nobody is anybody’s blood-related brother, sister or cousin; so…. yeah.
Also can in Spanish-speaking countries.
And in ALL originally Catholic countries – where to marry a first cousin you used to need Church autorisation, but nothing else (wasn’t a dificult thing to get).
The taboo against cousin relationships in the US actually comes from the above (Mayflower guys were Protestants, mind you – and from a time when they tended to say “if the Pope says it’s OK, it means it isn’t OK” on general principles. Not that Catholics of that time weren’t all “if the heretics say it’s OK, it means it isn’t OK” themselves, mind you. Was a time when they all acted like kindergarteners – and that’s all I have to say on the issue)(*)
The aforementioned reaction against first cousins marrying meant the general US population, through the well-known process of “forget the little details through the years”, extended the taboo against ALL cousins, no matter how related (or not related at all, cousins can be 100% in-law ones).
That said, it’s all moot because they are NOT related, they are not cousins… or sisters… no more than Shadow and Midnight, I mean. And is not like Tim is likely to suddendly gonna become… naaaah.
(*): kindly imagine the previous sentence is a potholed hiperlink to – it’s useful to avoid flamewars
Well and completely explained, Erana.
I refrained (because I’m pagan) from any statement which could have been considered “Christian-bashing” (even though there’s LOTS of grounds for it) but historically there’s many cases where whole nations and cultures fall into that toxic mindset of “My Gang-good; Your Gang-bad, evil and worthy of being killed”.
George Orwell (a hero) also expressed it “Four legs good, two-legs bad” in Animal Farm.
It’s an attitude we all have and need to work at constantly to supress.
Well Blackheart, ie Tim’s mom already knows about Tim and shadow. So when she walks in first thing in the morning, she wont be shocked just mildly amused. Waking them up should be a lot of fun.
For her and us.
That, or she’ll use the old trick of LOUDLY go through her own morning routine to give her ample time to depart.
Bonus points if her “morning of the night after her anniversary” routine is of the kind that, if noisy, will utterly embarash Tim (making one’s offspring blush is one of the sacrosant rights of parents).
(Like bringing Thomas a breakfast in bed with lots of sugary, diabethes-inducing, lovey-dovey talk, of course. What did you think I was talking about, you gutter-minded ones?) }:-)
Now fuck, i like loli.
From the looks of it, Shadow’s tail is quite close to where I’d assume Tim’s dick is. This might get real.
It won’t. It’s a cartoon!
Dirty mind, they have. They see a tender cuddle, and think it’s a tailjob. Way to ruin what’s likely the LAST inocent cuddle betwen the pair of kids before the hormones set in and the awkward sexual tension betwen teenagers starts.
Tailjob. That HAS to be a thing in Nox. Not with our main pairing (at least not yet) but pretty much confirmed by Termites side action…
No, it isn’t. It’s an AWESOME cartoon. Keep up the good work! And I was kidding Erana.
Nothing, Sicarius, is stopping your own imagination of Tim’s or Shadow’s feleings or actions but please don’t feel it’s essential to share.
am I the only one who can imagine tim having a friend over for a sleepover, and shadow popping out from under the bed and scaring the hell out of the friend