Oh, no, nothing of the sort, Tomokatu. Just a bit of humor, is all. It was only meant for a chuckle. Whether or not Brandon does, or does not, doesn’t matter to me. This is technically an adult comic, and it is up to him. I support him regardless. I’ve seen far worse than lolicon, and I don’t find myself offended in the least at it.
Next week most likely; I’ve taken this weekend to actually chill out this week since I’ve found my motivation lacking, just now. I’ve been working on the new page a bit here and there, but it’s nowhere near ready to be posted.
Take the week off. Take more if you need it. And dont even think about feeling bad over it, that interferes with the recharge. Taking care of yourself is also taking care of the comic (and all our favorite characters) in the long run.
Brandon if this comic could be turned into a show what channel would you like it to be on? Cartoon network, DisneyXD or something else. Also what time would you have play?
It might carry a bit stronger rating than material those channels like to air…
Although, mentioning Disney has me thinking… MutB/Gargoyles crossover. I smell fanfic.
Yeah I’m just implying that if it waa on daytime cartoon network or Disney XD it would obviously be PG or PG-13. But the reason I ask is because the comic doesn’t seem too much like a comedy at least not enough of a comedy to be in a Cartoon Network/Adultswim and work Disney time slot.
Methinks that possibly Dad and / or Mom is going to peek in and see this lovely little scene and think back to the time they first met. If so, somebody or possibly two somebodies, are going to be getting a bit of a talk soon.
Not that it matters in any way. Take your time Brandon. Some stories are worth waiting for.
Dude, Brandon, i just gotta say that this web comic has really helped me through these past couple of months and that your plot knows no bounds and is by far the best comic I’ve ever read.
On the 19th of February 2017 Shadow set off, now is still the same evening; Brandon, I will not live forever and I need to know how the two become a couple!
DIABEETUS. Type 2… diabeetus. Yes, the sweet, cutesy scene givith the diabeetus.
Also, just a minor thing. DON’T LEWD THE LOLI!
Wrong, always lewd the loli.
Lolis are often lewd on their own with no encouragement from Brandon or anybody else.
Refusing to realise that is just puritanical censorship. However! There’s never been any sign from Brandon that he’s likely to depict loli lewdness.
As he’s been meticulous in his restraint, I wonder, Leelanidas, at your own motives in raising such a suggestion.
Looking for more censorship perhaps despite Brandon’s self-censorship?
Oh, no, nothing of the sort, Tomokatu. Just a bit of humor, is all. It was only meant for a chuckle. Whether or not Brandon does, or does not, doesn’t matter to me. This is technically an adult comic, and it is up to him. I support him regardless. I’ve seen far worse than lolicon, and I don’t find myself offended in the least at it.
Noted, Leelanidas, without comment.
Love the Casper Reference !!
I logged in only to say that this strip is impossibly cute and I really love this comic.
I can’t help myself to hear this music when I see them like that in the last panel.
Dammit! Too many sweet things like this and I’ll get myself diabetes
WAIT ! I just realize ! Is it me or Shadow’s tail tip is on Tim crotch level ? @_@
Nope, you’re just seeing things.
Fuck, I was hoping there was more.
So, love the comic, but how long until the next issue?
Next week most likely; I’ve taken this weekend to actually chill out this week since I’ve found my motivation lacking, just now. I’ve been working on the new page a bit here and there, but it’s nowhere near ready to be posted.
Fair enough. Take your time with it. I would rather have a good page than a rushed one.
Hear, hear!
Do it right, even if it takes longer.
Take the week off. Take more if you need it. And dont even think about feeling bad over it, that interferes with the recharge. Taking care of yourself is also taking care of the comic (and all our favorite characters) in the long run.
Even if the adage “take the time you need to do it right” did not always apply, this is an excellent choice to pause on.
Tims a little too high up, I think
So. I binged this all in one night……Not gonna lie new ffav comic. You do tim and Shadow so well
Brandon if this comic could be turned into a show what channel would you like it to be on? Cartoon network, DisneyXD or something else. Also what time would you have play?
It might carry a bit stronger rating than material those channels like to air…
Although, mentioning Disney has me thinking… MutB/Gargoyles crossover. I smell fanfic.
Yeah I’m just implying that if it waa on daytime cartoon network or Disney XD it would obviously be PG or PG-13. But the reason I ask is because the comic doesn’t seem too much like a comedy at least not enough of a comedy to be in a Cartoon Network/Adultswim and work Disney time slot.
That’s the thing, it’s not exactly a comedy. It’s not really anything specific, as there’s a little bit of everything in this.
May not be an actual comedy, but I certainly had a chuckle when Craig the Tool was confronted by Shadow.
the monster wanst suppose to be under the bed?
Not while there’s cuddles to be had.
Awesome rhymes, man)
Methinks that possibly Dad and / or Mom is going to peek in and see this lovely little scene and think back to the time they first met. If so, somebody or possibly two somebodies, are going to be getting a bit of a talk soon.
Not that it matters in any way. Take your time Brandon. Some stories are worth waiting for.
Dude, Brandon, i just gotta say that this web comic has really helped me through these past couple of months and that your plot knows no bounds and is by far the best comic I’ve ever read.
On the 19th of February 2017 Shadow set off, now is still the same evening; Brandon, I will not live forever and I need to know how the two become a couple!