My comment is gone on my end so I’m typing it again. What inspired this Brandon. If I may ask. And is it bad I wish for there world to be real with ours? The axis,the nox. The brother hood and sister hood and etc.
What inspires any creator? I cannot say. I don’t know where it began, other than I liked a lot of weird stuff growing up. There was no ‘single’ spark of inspiration, more like a slow build to what it is today as I connected more and more random ideas together that seemed to stick.
From my experience with art you do something or see something that hits you and you use it for your representation then you draw it a bunch then you see something else the does the same thing and it builds up slowly and slowly making your own style. My first personal art inspiration was a model motorcycle that I had so I tried copying in on paper and it looked good so I did it more and probably why I free hand everything. It’s different for all artist and makes us all different. Ps sorry this is so long just had to comment
Brandon, I found this comic originally on Reddit. Binge read a few weeks ago and am so happy I found this comic. I am so excited to see where you go with this story!
I just started your comic yesterday by pure luck (looking “Monster under the bed” on google to find some picture for a meme) and : “Oh my god !!!” What a discovery !!! I love sweet and happy story like this, it’s making me happy too !
To be honnest, I readed so fast I didn’t realise for Lady Blackheart / Ruthless, surely it was obvious for poeples who read you since the begining and have each time a whole week to think about it. But for me it was a full suprise, maybe I’m the only one who didn’t think about it ^-^”
I’m a french speaker, so if one day you want to propose you comic in multiple languages here (something like this :, I will translate it in french for you with pleasure
Keep going, I’m waiting your next page and you will probably be the first creator I want to patreon
Obviously, it would at least need to wait until it was finished for an complete adaptation, a studio with fully equipped animation staff and equipment, money, about a year or two for production… more patience than I have to keep everything going, so, probably a few other brains. XD
Not a Nox custom, however the fact that Tim has an aegis JUST LIKE Shadow’s may be indicative of a different (but similar) claiming or ownership ritual.
Not necessarily, recall that Nox has a theory of human “pets”.
Midnight already thinks of Tim as Shadow’s pet, so it’s just as feasible that Shadow believes Tim is trainable, obedient and will do as she tells him.
There’s an implicit quid pro quo in this relationship that if Tim DOES behave as instructed there may be some “benefit” to him at a later stage.
Now we readers know (having read the first ten (or so) pages) that they actually do become friends with benefits, but at this stage, that’s not guaranteed and we all understand from human life that a female can negate all such implied contracts without notice.
So, Tim give her all your cookies but be prepared for her to leave at any time.
Love?? this is serious business and if the cookie supply dries up……..
I hope he locked the door. Cause I am sweating bullets
Why? both of tims parents know who and what she is. It’s not gonna come as some great shock to them (though their lack of shock, might shock shadow)
What inspires this Brandon. What inspires this comic.i would like to know if that’s alright
My comment is gone on my end so I’m typing it again. What inspired this Brandon. If I may ask. And is it bad I wish for there world to be real with ours? The axis,the nox. The brother hood and sister hood and etc.
What inspires any creator? I cannot say. I don’t know where it began, other than I liked a lot of weird stuff growing up. There was no ‘single’ spark of inspiration, more like a slow build to what it is today as I connected more and more random ideas together that seemed to stick.
Do you ever wish what you created was real?
Nooo, not really. XD I don’t really fantasize about my own creations in that way.
Will in continue? It’s kinda nostalgic, it reminds me of some other manga that i forgot of…
From my experience with art you do something or see something that hits you and you use it for your representation then you draw it a bunch then you see something else the does the same thing and it builds up slowly and slowly making your own style. My first personal art inspiration was a model motorcycle that I had so I tried copying in on paper and it looked good so I did it more and probably why I free hand everything. It’s different for all artist and makes us all different. Ps sorry this is so long just had to comment
Brandon, I found this comic originally on Reddit. Binge read a few weeks ago and am so happy I found this comic. I am so excited to see where you go with this story!
Thanks fellow redditor!
I just started your comic yesterday by pure luck (looking “Monster under the bed” on google to find some picture for a meme) and : “Oh my god !!!” What a discovery !!! I love sweet and happy story like this, it’s making me happy too !
To be honnest, I readed so fast I didn’t realise for Lady Blackheart / Ruthless, surely it was obvious for poeples who read you since the begining and have each time a whole week to think about it. But for me it was a full suprise, maybe I’m the only one who didn’t think about it ^-^”
I’m a french speaker, so if one day you want to propose you comic in multiple languages here (something like this :, I will translate it in french for you with pleasure
Keep going, I’m waiting your next page and you will probably be the first creator I want to patreon
Ca fait du bien de voir quelques français et si ya besoin d’aide pour la traduction, je suis la
Will it be another chapter?
Yes, don’t worry the story is FAR from over!
I think you should make it into a show out of this. I know would watch it.
I’d love to, but it’s a bit more complicated than just doing it out of the blue like that. XD
If you ever do decide to make an animation out of it just know your fans have your back
No shows can be made ‘ out of the blue. ‘
It takes time to make animation, especially with a comic this big.
Yeah….. I know. ¦~}
Obviously, it would at least need to wait until it was finished for an complete adaptation, a studio with fully equipped animation staff and equipment, money, about a year or two for production… more patience than I have to keep everything going, so, probably a few other brains. XD
Yes, you can keep him, Shadow. There’s a little thing humans do that involves metal rings, usually inlaid with precious stones.
Not a Nox custom, however the fact that Tim has an aegis JUST LIKE Shadow’s may be indicative of a different (but similar) claiming or ownership ritual.
That’s a great theory. I’m curious as to how it pans out. All that we’ve seen so far is it’s practical use. Maybe there’s more to the Aegis.
There’s certainly a symbolic aspect to the aegis already, since the marked designs differ between guilds and genders.
*facepalm* I managed to miss that little detail, and I very much agree. At the absolute minimum I guarantee it’s more than just a keepsake.
Hey Brandon because I have been Drawing you characters it’s been helping me improve my art style and im just sharing something for you guys to take a look at for fun. Its not the best picture due to glare but it’s a block print design for art class. I might share a picture of a print when I get it done
Nice! She just wanted him asleep so she could snuggle with him. She really does love him doesn’t she?
It’s obvious he really cares and trusts her too. 
“….She really does love him doesn’t she?…”
Not necessarily, recall that Nox has a theory of human “pets”.
Midnight already thinks of Tim as Shadow’s pet, so it’s just as feasible that Shadow believes Tim is trainable, obedient and will do as she tells him.
There’s an implicit quid pro quo in this relationship that if Tim DOES behave as instructed there may be some “benefit” to him at a later stage.
Now we readers know (having read the first ten (or so) pages) that they actually do become friends with benefits, but at this stage, that’s not guaranteed and we all understand from human life that a female can negate all such implied contracts without notice.
So, Tim give her all your cookies but be prepared for her to leave at any time.
Love?? this is serious business and if the cookie supply dries up……..
Sorry to disappoint you, but what you described doesn’t only apply to Nox…
I’m not disappointed that you recognise reality.
Sadness fills me, so many delays and the year is just starting ;-;
I wish that an animation maker could adapt your comics into an animation, that would be soooooo awesome
wheres new page
Oh boy, cant wait for the next page