#150 “Different Strings”
What happened to our innocence?
Did it go out of style?
Along with our naivete?
No longer a child
Different eyes see different things
Different hearts beat on different strings
But there are times
For you and me
When all such things agree…
The Monster Under the Bed returns… JULY 1st!
UPDATE #4: I’m back in business, baby! It feels good to be able to get creative again!
Awesome. Can’t wait to see the next chapter.
Can’t wait to see what’s next for this chapter
Good to hear. Hope you’re doing well.
Welcome back Brandon, how was your lil vacation
My vacation was good! It still is good, for another 2 weeks or so!
Haha!!! Tell me the story will take a dark turn! I’ve been waiting so long to see noxian heads roll
Que no te escuche darius!!!
Sorry what?
His original had a little bit of a dark turn. But the sequel to his original had a very dark turn in the first chapter.
Depending on whether he includes events from his sequel into this remake, or saves them for another story (remake of the sequel) will decide whether or not we get a little dark or very dark.
If you’re going by that old thing, then you may be surprised; but yes, expect some bad things to happen eventually. XD
HAHA yes!!! Some noxian blood will run!!
Uuuuuuugh. I’m off for BT, so it’ll be months before I get to see new updates.
Still looking forward to it though. So excited to see what the story has in store for us, whether it’s the bits between childhood and now, or the future going ahead, so many unanswered questions! Like the socks…. I’m missing quite a few socks myself actually…
Sweet, a concrete date! Thx man, looking forward to it.
Eagerly awaiting this !!!. Also from the description it sounds like this chapter will be darker and more mature, will it ?
Hmmm… somewhat.
It’s going to be an emotional chapter.
I know I’m ready.
Oh you fucking tease! My body is ready! But patience is a virtue and this better be woth the wait
Whoo! It returns.
Does this description mean a bit of time skip /age up of characters, or is it still just after Halloween?
It takes place six Halloween nights later, so yes; they’ll be a bit older.
So many strings to pull. Love it!
It has been a while since i’ve read a peom that gave me goosebumps. Good job!
Sadly, I can’t take credit for it, it’s actually lyrics from this song by Rush.
Well, I hope drawing this page didn’t hurt too much. Looking forward to seeing more.
Haha! Actually, I’ve had this page finished for almost 2 months, I just needed to know the exact page number it would be.
I’ve been planning to use this one as the come back announcement since I took my vacation/recuperation period (which has been lovely, by the way.)
Well, it was popular enough to get posted over on the E-Hentai site…
And on Imgur.