#150 “Different Strings”
What happened to our innocence?
Did it go out of style?
Along with our naivete?
No longer a child
Different eyes see different things
Different hearts beat on different strings
But there are times
For you and me
When all such things agree…
The Monster Under the Bed returns… JULY 1st!
UPDATE #4: I’m back in business, baby! It feels good to be able to get creative again!
I wonder what shadow looks like in MS Paint…
Flat and pixelly!
Where can i get the original stories of this comic
In my braaaaaaain!
That was the best story I have ever read in years. I stood up damn near all night reading it through and through. Good stuff man I can’t wait till its finished. This is gold. Its like waiting for a new episode of your favorite tv show to come on.
If you search the comments from past pages you can find a link. That is all i will say…
How do I gain access to this software?
Nice reliable technology. you can rely on it to break when you most need it.
So…. Can it be more sexy art times then? I’ll get on that as soon as I get back from vacation.
Here I just finished my new fanart https://longrangebushido.deviantart.com/art/Nightmare-2-tmutb-748298069?ga_submit_new=10%3A1528181010
I might also try making different outfits on my fan art
Hey, that’s pretty good.
You’re getting better! Good job
She looks very good. Keep it up.
I agree. Well done for keeping close to the canon images. So many of the fanart submissions don’t bother.
Cool you noticed I always try to keep canon character fan art in a respect canon
Brandon reported “… but the screen replacement might not even come in for 2 weeks…” (it’s in the preamble to the splash page 150- look it up).
I understand your pain,mate.
Late last month, my toilet seat broke, so I ordered a replacement online (because I’m mobility restricted since the strokes and had to surrender my licences & sell the motorcycles, OK?)
When it arrived last week, I discovered that there was no installation hardware included, so back online and ordered the right kind. It’s due to arrive (from China) the week after next, unless it was onboard the Chinese freighter that lost 83 containers overboard in rough seas over the weekend.
Meanwhile winter has started and that porcelain’s damn COLD first thing in the morning.
You have what sympathy I can find.
Winter? Do you live in the Southern Hemisphere?
When I’m actually alive, yes.
Hang on while I check.
If you don’t mind me asking, which Country do you live in?
I’m in Godzone, the Great South Land.
“I come from a land Down Under, where women glow & men thunder…”
In 24 hours i will be in Alaska… Im in Florida right now. Wish me luck on the hours upon hours of flight.
I’m already in Alaska. I live here.
on the plane now and im about to take off!
What brings you here to AK?
Hey Brandon thanks for the advice on how to write a comic. I was able to make a title, and a few characters concepts. Now I’m just trying to come up with ideals.
One of the best comic series I’ve ever read
This has probably come up and I missed it, but since Ruth is a monster, is Tim half monster?
Well, there hasn’t been any reveals about it. Most of what has been said has been fan theories. Some suggest that the transformation magic physically changed to genes to human. Others have suggested mix-breed results. Some further suggested that the two together just make a normal human. We won’t know diddly-squat until Brandon proclaims the canon.
Brandon what program do you recommend for people that want to create comics that dont have laptops or computers but do have mobile devices
… My recommendation is to not create a comic on a mobile device. Go and get the proper tools! XD
For my fan art I use “Sketchbook draw & print” it was originally a desktop app and now it’s on mobile. They released all features for free. It’s good if your a broke ass like me. You can also Scan drawing into the app
>Returns June 10th expecting webcomic
>sorry computer broke
OH FATE YOU CRUEL MISTRESS. WHY MUST YOU CURSE US SO. Ah well what can you do. I really can’t wait to see more and I was going to use the latest update as a buffer of emotional shock from another one of my webcomics ending but damn. Can’t wait to see more dude
glad your wrist is doing much better
Just wondering, will we get a page this week?
I thought that was it, it’s not over yet? If not, I can’t wait to see what’s next, this is literally the best story I’ve ever read, and I’ve read at least 500 books in my lifetime so far