#150 “Different Strings”
What happened to our innocence?
Did it go out of style?
Along with our naivete?
No longer a child
Different eyes see different things
Different hearts beat on different strings
But there are times
For you and me
When all such things agree…
The Monster Under the Bed returns… JULY 1st!
UPDATE #4: I’m back in business, baby! It feels good to be able to get creative again!
No worries, man. This story is good enough to wait.
MAAAAAAAAAN! I already read all in two days!
I do love your work.
The way your taking the story is just simple and at the same time so envolging and mysterious…
Boy, when I get myself a creditcard, wanna be a patreon too
No worries. Patience is a virtue
I read all of it in probably two hrs… it’s a good story, what can I say
hows dah vacation going brandon i just passed mah finals
Well, I suppose my vacation is still just kinda coasting along still until my new tablet screen comes in (it hasn’t in 3 weeks now, which I suspect is shenanigans on the local repair shop’s part), or I break down and buy a new tablet. I *WANT* to get back to work already…
It would be cheaper to buy a new tablet the screens are expensive
$400 screen fix versus $2000+ new tablet.
Yikes, I was going to ask how things are going and glad I read the comments of late. I hope things work out but it does seem odd they are taking so long with your repairs.
I’d wager a guess that the screen they ordered got super-effective-critted mid transport. And now they are waiting for a new one.
Ok then I meant most screens cost twice as much as the aplience
This story feels amazing! Keep up this amazing work!
-side note: something is off with the mail in my country and in other countries as well mail seems to get lost or confiscated for no reason and you don’t seem to get informed, so if its being sent back via mail you should ask or go check out if anything happened to it-
What country do you live in I want to know for latter in my life to ship something there or not
Eeeeeee Europe?
Those repair guys are horrible. One time I waited for 3 weeks to get a broken screen just because they thought I wouldn’t want to pay like 20 bucks more for a better screen. The better screen ahowed up in like 2 days. And they did a horrific job fixing it. I think you’re better off doing it yourself. Call them and ask if it’s still back ordered or if it shipped yet.
Hey im in Canada for a day. What is there to do?
Uhhhh… depends where you are, I guess!
I would suggest just explore the waterfront area or go to Stanley Park. Its free (added bonus) and can be quite nice here. Oh, also Granville Island.
I went it’s Stanley park and holy shit it’s beautiful! But now I’m back in Florida… And god Florida sucks in comparison to just about every other place on earth short of a Third World country lol
Go – do a moose.
I just learned one thing about writing a story. It’s easy to go days without being able to coming up with story ideals
Made concept art for the cover if you want to take a look https://www.deviantart.com/longrangebushido/art/Comic-cover-concept-art-750494259?ga_submit_new=10%3A1529416362
Here’s hoping you get the screen sooner rather than later. BTW, I updated the fan fic. I also made a massive amount of changes to my site. So if you want to read the fanfic just visit my blog, the link is on the front page of my site. http://mega-anime.net/
There might be some spelling and grammar errors, I’m not done yet editing the first part of the fanfic. But I hope you like how it’s turning out so far.
This comic is still the best I’ve read so far, keep up the good work. And I’m sure you’ll get that new screen really soon.
I truly love this comic one of my top 3
Hi, new fan. Binged the story two subsequent nights… the other… nights. Love it a lot. The facial expressions, everything… loving it! Midnight is super cute, all the nudity seems natural rather than… yeah. Stuff.
Seems I came in at a great time to have just caught up, with the first three flashback chapters only just wrapped up now, so yay! I’m going to miss seeing child Midnight though! She’s too cute!
I followed the fb page, and naturally thinking the question if you’d make an actual group for fans? I’m a member of el goonish shive’s group, and yeah, they’re neat.
ps. weirdly, comic rocket has six dud ‘pages’ for TMUTB. Weirdy weird, but not unexpected. Sigh.
Those dud pages are old holiday pictures I’ve since moved into the gallery, so it messes up the web address tracker over there. You aren’t missing out on anything.
Oh, and Teenage Midnight will still be cute as ever, just with hips and a bust now. Err… you ARE talking about Midnight, the blue star-speckled girl, right? Often times newbies switch Shadow and Midnight’s names around.
But I want the backstories of Sunshine and Gloom. They’re sexy too (and unattached)
We’ll see.
Ah, that makes sense. I might totally remember reading comments about them being moved, ha.
Ahhh, DAMMIT! dammity dammity damn… I did… switched their names around… I meant Shadow! xD
Woot! On the down side, how much did that new tablet run you for? Or, I mean… the donators… meh you know what I mean.
Oh, plenty. About twice as much as my current one did 5 years ago.
Dayum! But, it says volumes to the dedication that you have here. We got a nice community here.
Does the new tablet have more (or better) features or much the same for the increased price?
That sucks you had to buy a new tablet while the other is being fixed. Technology is expensive now days
When you say tablet, is this something like an Ipad, or one of those things some artists use?
No, Brandon has already told us – it’s nothing like an iPad, it’s a REAL tablet, he’s an artist.
That makes sense. I can’t see anyone doing any serious drawing with the usual type of tablet. I suppose we need another word, like does “Indian” refer to people from America or Asia.
Seriously touch sensitive. Never actually seen one in RL.
I had a Waco sketch tablet on my old 486, using Win98.
Drawing surface size was only 3 x 5 (cm) so since it (and the other similar) tablets pre-dated the Apple ipage isize ihand-held icomputers (see how I too can co-opt common language words to a brand?) I believe that Apple has to forfeit any claim on the word “tablet”.