#150 “Different Strings”
What happened to our innocence?
Did it go out of style?
Along with our naivete?
No longer a child
Different eyes see different things
Different hearts beat on different strings
But there are times
For you and me
When all such things agree…
The Monster Under the Bed returns… JULY 1st!
UPDATE #4: I’m back in business, baby! It feels good to be able to get creative again!
saw a post about this on imgur and just read the whole thing. great comic. cant wait for the next one!
Where on imgur? My numbers are spiking through the roof today, which is an awesome surprise, especially since updates begin again this Sunday…
But who is sending you here!? XD
https://imgur.com/gallery/aFH0eTz is the OP that I saw this from today.
It would appear that the original imgur post was taken down since when I go to it all I get is an error 404 post not found
same this is amazing!
I am also from Imgur and just read everything
Where are you coming from exactly, I’d like to know because today is the highest number of views I’ve ever gotten in one day on this site, and the day isn’t even over yet!
Gimme a link?
What a wonderful surprise to come home to, and good timing as well!
Looks like the imgur album got deleted, but that’s where I’m from too ^^
*waves back*
I’m from Imgur as well, but as Stegosaurus said, the post seems to have been deleted.
Imgur as well, but I absolutely love the comic!
Brandon, it appears that the original post on IMGUR has been removed. but was posted by the Imgur user CustardIsIcecream with the following comment with the post
Comic name is “The Monster Under The Bed” made by Brandon Shane and is still a work in progress. I found this cute little comic while digging through a NSFW comic subreddit. Its rather tame compared to comics in my other posts (only nudity is waist up) but I thought you guys would enjoy it. The full version can be found here http://themonsterunderthebed.net/?comic=test-post or pm me for an imgur link to the full comic uploaded by the author ( @jiveguru on imgur )
FP edit: Thanks guys, its always a pleasure to share these comics with you. I had to tone things down this time around because my last “RonBon” post got taken down and I got a strike for it.. Too much implied sexual activity, oh well. Still expect more posts from me
he provided the story line from #5 to #24
Ahhh, I see. Well, I’ll have to send him a message or something thanking him for all the traffic today!
I actually do have a gallery over on Imgur where I back up the comic, but it’s hidden from public view. There’s a link in the left-hand menu though.
Fucking a man so good having you back. Have you rested well?
Hello to all the new imgur fan! I love that more people are getting into the comic. More questions, more theories, more discussion, i can’t wait!
So glad I found this on Imgur…this is so amazing. I can’t get enough! You really need a book deal or something!!!
Also from imgur !
Read the whole story and I liked it. Please dont stop ! Great job
By the way here is the link to the imgur post : http://imgur.com/gallery/aFH0eTz
Also here from Imgur. After reading the entire comic so far, I love it and can’t wait for the next update.
It’s been difficult to have to wait for the next chapter to start, but I am adult and I CAN do this!
3 days remain. *BOOM*
*TISH* (trumpet fanfare later)
I’m off the chat for a day or so and it looks with comments what did I miss.
“Looks like like comments booked what did I miss” I swear what is with me and making sentences today
“Boomed” fucking auto correct
*Ominous fog rolls in, thunder cracks* Soooooon…
I super glad for all the new imgur fans and all but i feel jealous in a way because just about everyone else has had to wait 2 and a half months, but these new fans show up like 4 days before the next update… Smh. Like i said before I’m super happy for new fans but c’mon man…
Soon they’ll be waiting for the next update just like everybody else! XD
You can do it wolf , just wait a bit longer the next page is almost here Q^Q just a tiny bit longer………-imtooimpatient-