#151 “Seasons”
Hey everyone! Happy Canada Day!
Welcome back to The Monster Under the Bed! Chapter 4 begins… right now!
Thank you everybody for your patience while I took a vacation/recuperation period, and then had computer problems which took several weeks to finally work out. While I was away, I did a lot of thinking and came up with some interesting new bits to work into the story, so hopefully those will keep you folks on your toes (especially you pre-comic readers out there who think they know everything! ;-P) That’s right, we’re going even further off the rails! MOOOOWAHAHA!
Is this now going to pickup around the seven time difference, or will it still be prior to that point in time?
And we come back on track people !!
It’s really good page. The Tim’s narration is great. “… remained undiscovered, under cover of darkness” and that scene below made me laugh
David Bowie and Alice Cooper plot XD
Shadow certainly has an advantage over Tim in video games
You’ve returned! Huzzah!
And what adorableness you’ve brought with! And an epic troll of a mother, obviously enjoying the situation.
…and now I’m hoping for a chapter with her as the focus, driving Tim and Shadow up the wall.
Those trolls of parents. I love the dad’s expression especially.
So is that the end of the young tim and shadow? are they gonna be adults in the comic now?
Aww. Older Shadow looks adorable with the ponytail. So how old are they on those pics, Brandon?
If I’m not wrong, I think they’re 9 or 10 years old
I believe the first pic (vidya gayms!) is 9-10-11
the health book scene maybe 13-14
bathroom pic going on 15-16.
at least, my point of view they are.
13 or 14 actually. Brandon bumped them up in age remember.
It would be good to see a development on the universe of shadow, if it was adopted is that there are more people, what do they do? It would be nice to see an expansion of your universe with different types of beings and things like that. Good job 10/10
Why were they even in the bathroom
every time do you plan to upload a new page?
lol david bowie ikr xD
Story time!
I was scrolling through imgur when I saw Chapter 1 of this comic. I finished it and chapters 2 and 3 that night. It’s very rare that something catches my eye, but it’s even rarer that a story or comic is so good that it inspires me to create a new WP account to tell you that this comic absolutely fantastic and I just cannot wait to see the next chapter of the story.
Also, I will be supporting you via Patreon as soon as I get paid next month, something I have never done. This is how much I enjoy your work and wish to see more. Thank you for creating this awesome story.
-ThatFurryGuy (FurryBronyGuy)
I may be a 13 year old boy but, I still luv the comic. Keep up the good work man. P.S. I think I might be gay (IDK) can somebody help me out with that or nah.
I wonder if Ozzy had a run in with Shadow’s kind as well.
Ozzy did but couldn’t handle the experience, “Shaaaron! they say one of their bats is missing. Do we have any more bats, Shaaaaron?”