#153 “Push”
Alas, this page was meant to be so much more; however my computer corrupted the file during the final hours of completion, and after much raging and a good night’s sleep… I quickly managed to punch this replacement page out this afternoon.
Merely the first panel (of five) of the lost original page, re-drawn and blown up to a full-page pin-up.
EDIT JULY 21st, 2018:
Just letting you guys know that there won’t be an update this weekend. There’s no trouble or anything, I’m just taking this weekend to play a little catch up and get ahead of the curve again. I may do this every few weeks for a while. Who knows. Also, I’ve been doing some more scripting and you guys are gonna lose it once the mid-160’s start rolling out. I fear for my life… XD
Something tells me that the “little push” will be as subtle as a bull with rollerblades on.
Oh, and FIRST!!
Nice save xD
Dude,this is the best comic i have ever seen,this is great,pls don’t stop now i need a solid ending,one that hopefuly be a happy and surprising ending,youre awesome,love you
I will try to figure this out as much as i can
She is obviously a cheerleader, school colors being yellow and purple
Alide from that, she has a strange half pink/half blue thing going (the highlights, the socks, the laces, the hairties)
From what I know of webcomic creators, this will be an important character. All I have for this is that it seems like a bit of thought was put into her with the half and half colors, the cheerleader role, and the naming of Marcy Weaver. Webcomic makers don’t usually like to design a character like this for just a few pages of use (but you never know).
Also, I can’t help but feel like I’ve heard the last name Weaver before, but I won’t know for sure until I reread the comic again.
That’s all, hope I was right
Your not the only one, I can help but feel like if read that last name a few pages back. I feel other plot twist coming on.
I say that she is a romantic rival for shadow and make her and him realize there feeling. Calling it now
*Here comes a New Challenger*
Oh dear, It’s smells like trouble ALL the way to Mexico!
All men, out of the harm’s way, this will be swift, painful… and delicious.
She is either a human love rival or she is pretending to be human so shadow will leave him
It’s all right. Shadow will take her down.
maybe it’s some girl that bothers Tim at school
Oh no the Joker has sent Harley Quinn (disguise as Marcy Weaver) to spy on Tim and learn how to get into the Noxian world, so they can steal their secret and gain a dark power that he will use to take over the world !!! Fortunately Tim and Shadow crossed paths with Batman years prior while he was investigating the mysterious creatures that feed on fear, and he was impressed and made Tim is apprentice, and Tim took the name Drake. As in Tim Drake the red Robin. Now it is up to him, Batman, his friend/lover Shadow, his parents and catwoman apprentice Midnight (who may also be Tim and Shadows lover) to save the world !!!
Hehe but seriously, looking at this I have a few real theories. This girl is a cheerleader and is hot so I would say she is part of the popular crowed at school and as Tim may not be she might be picking on him for amusement. Or option two, Tim is really popular and she wants to be his girlfriend and unlike the other girls she won’t take no for a answer. Option three it’s Shadow in disguise. Option four she may be a new mystery student and was told by the principal that Tim should show her around school. That’s what I have so far, possible bully, love rival, Shadow or new mystery crazy girl. Now on to other things, this happen a year ago ? So that would mean Tim and Shadow are around 17 now, and they still haven’t done more than kiss ? I mean with the outfits she wears Tim had to at leat have checked Shadow out and fantasized a few times.
I’ll go with Shadow in the same type disguise that his Mom uses, but knowing the likelihood of that, I’ll go with the Girls have decided since he doesn’t date they’re setting him up for a prank. Doubt he and Shadow go to the movies, or drive=ins because the problem of where does Shadow go to school and what is her name.
Except we’ve seen human shadow already in the Halloween arc. Red hair, and green eyes. Nothing like this girl.
Didn’t notice that before
I smell girlfight coming up soon! The prize: Tim Newton! Go Shadow!
Brandon! You are awesome. i can only imagine how much stress you had and you still managed to put out something for us fans! Thank you!
I see Shadow opening the underbed exit to Marcy’s bedroom and a subsequent MIDNIGHT STRANGLING ( with claws!)
I actually do have a scene planned where Shadow interacts with this character briefly, but hey, I’m not getting into specifics.
Strangling with claws.. sounds kinky.. i like that!
Love the comic Brandon keep up the good work, also I think I might be gay, if you can help me in any way,shape or form, I would really appreciate it. Sincerely, one of the fans…V
No matter what happens, never forget that you are loved. Even if it seems like no one loves you now, just wait, and someone will come along. Your life has value. You have value. And your sexuality does not define who you are as a human being.