#153 “Push”
Alas, this page was meant to be so much more; however my computer corrupted the file during the final hours of completion, and after much raging and a good night’s sleep… I quickly managed to punch this replacement page out this afternoon.
Merely the first panel (of five) of the lost original page, re-drawn and blown up to a full-page pin-up.
EDIT JULY 21st, 2018:
Just letting you guys know that there won’t be an update this weekend. There’s no trouble or anything, I’m just taking this weekend to play a little catch up and get ahead of the curve again. I may do this every few weeks for a while. Who knows. Also, I’ve been doing some more scripting and you guys are gonna lose it once the mid-160’s start rolling out. I fear for my life… XD
Where is the new comic for this week, Brandon?
Brandon usually posts on Sunday… and it’s still Saturday in North America.
Welp last post for this page and next one will go soon I think so just gonna keep typing and just gonna stay typing anyways let’s see who looks at this page if you’r reading this reply
How often do you update the comic
I try for once a week, but it’s just a hobby so sometimes I miss a week.
Just found your comic via imgur. It’s been a great read! Keep up the awesome work!
Noooooo dont ruin the love between shade and tim nooooooooooo dont mess this great history
Marcy weaver should be destroyed
Wow, nobody noteced?! She is Harley Quinn, am i right?
P.S. Just started read this comics yesterday, and this is sooooo gooood! I love it!