#153 “Push”
Alas, this page was meant to be so much more; however my computer corrupted the file during the final hours of completion, and after much raging and a good night’s sleep… I quickly managed to punch this replacement page out this afternoon.
Merely the first panel (of five) of the lost original page, re-drawn and blown up to a full-page pin-up.
EDIT JULY 21st, 2018:
Just letting you guys know that there won’t be an update this weekend. There’s no trouble or anything, I’m just taking this weekend to play a little catch up and get ahead of the curve again. I may do this every few weeks for a while. Who knows. Also, I’ve been doing some more scripting and you guys are gonna lose it once the mid-160’s start rolling out. I fear for my life… XD
I just binge read your comic and am all caught up. I just wanted to say that your artwork from first to last page has gone from good to great. Loving the original story and glad I found a new comic to follow.
Love the comics! Fantastic style!
I can’t tell if she wants to bully the unpopular kid or fell for the guy who has other things to do. Either way, that’s an event Shadow might claw someone over.
On a side note, I’ve noticed the pages have been loading slower lately. Do you happen to know why?
You’ll find out for certain, next page.
Spotted on imgur. Just binged my way through. I love it! Keep up the good work.
Just met this kid, and already I’m thinking she needs a good smack upside the head. Excellent characterization as always. We’ll see if my snap judgement is borne out.
Hook me up with the corrupted file and I might be able to recover somethin. I wont share it except to give it back to you. I’m just suuuuuper curious how your program keeps eatting up your images and why! We must prevent the borg corruption!
Btw, if you managed to find a copy of the corrupted file from a couple months back, send that one too/instead so I can take a whack at preventing it from happening.
He’s probably already moved on from it
Yeah… that’s what everyone said last time too. Along with ‘it was a fluke and will probably never happen again.’
I like challenges! This one seems interesting and I want to help the artist by figuring it out. (Its prob just a program version and operating system conflict, but it could be anything! Its like a detective mystery you get to solve yourself! ^w^)
I think it’s mostly a ‘Me” problem, as in I’m turning my system off prematurely before it fully finished saving sometimes.
I already shipped it out to another guy, and no go. It’s fine though, work is underway already on the new one.
Ah, that (w/c)ould do it! Good luck!
resistance is futile
welcome to the collective
This may have already been suggested, but have you considered using RAID? It’s pretty easy to set up and would limit the possibility of hard drive failures.
What a complete wierd cliff-hanger. D’:
Nice that you’re back.
Classic cliffhanger, yes. Will Brandon find a white hat hacker that can recover the corrupt files? Will he install RAID? Will his old pad catch a whiff of the new one’s scent, and rip its face off? Wait, that’s not the story we’re following.
Wait, is that a year before… the current time after the timeskip montage?
*puts face in hands and cries*
please, keep uploading it every time it becomes more interesting and bad for the PC error
What do you think of this fan art. It’s a crossover with a character of mine one half is my experimental style and the half with your character is in your style. This was originally made on paper and digital remade on my phone theirs 17+ layers on it.
Not too bad! I’m worried about whatever bubble is keeping all that water on your character’s side though. haha don’t wanna flood Nox!
Timothy Newton vs the Evil Cheerleader of Doom. Sounds like an MST3K-bait movie.
With that look on her face, I can’t tell if she wants to kill him or kiss him. Possibly both. One guess is that she lives a few doors down or across the street from Tim, caught Shadow’s silhouette against the window, and wants to know who the super-hot girl he was with is so she can turn Shadow against Tim, because dweebs don’t get any breaks from bully cheerleaders. Little does she know just how big a dork Shadow is… :]
“Possibly both. ”
So, it all depends on the order she decides?
Is she a kinky killer – only Brandon knows (hehehe..)
when did discount harley quuin get here
Just now. See? Page 153.
Incomplete or not, it still gets the point across very nicely.
I’m still wondering why I found this on a porn comics site.
it’s does have boobs in it.