#153 “Push”
Alas, this page was meant to be so much more; however my computer corrupted the file during the final hours of completion, and after much raging and a good night’s sleep… I quickly managed to punch this replacement page out this afternoon.
Merely the first panel (of five) of the lost original page, re-drawn and blown up to a full-page pin-up.
EDIT JULY 21st, 2018:
Just letting you guys know that there won’t be an update this weekend. There’s no trouble or anything, I’m just taking this weekend to play a little catch up and get ahead of the curve again. I may do this every few weeks for a while. Who knows. Also, I’ve been doing some more scripting and you guys are gonna lose it once the mid-160’s start rolling out. I fear for my life… XD
“Jimmy Neutron!”
Heh… I’ve never understood this comparison, not that it’s a common one leveled at me… but it’s come up before. They don’t sound anything alike to me.
They are both science terms Neutron and Newton. I didn’t realize at first either.
By the way you do realize you drew her remarkably similar to Timothy’s mother, blonde hair, confident pose, facial features, etc. I personally would like to know if it is on purpose or now it is.
Go back to page 4. I’m doing a thing.
Pg.4 = Chapter-Start
Pg.5 = “Deja Vu”, in Panel_1
The pose is different-enough to avoid being derivative, but identical choice of words.
i think you meant page 5 technically it is the 4 page but you counted chapter title pages
Yeah, that. XD
I don’t like her…
I don’t think we’re meant to like her … yet.
Brandon the reason why box wasn’t flooded in my fan art is the same reason why a main character in a crazy gun movie can fire 50 rounds from a pistol without having to reload “magic”
So, Spencer is going to be an awkward wingman in this story, huh? Well, there is not so much time left to find out what happens next
I bet both sides will have to overcome increasing concerns coming from their respective societies.
You just know this girls’ internet handle is something like xXx_HaRlEy_WeAvEr85_xXx or something like that.
Her name was Marcy Weaver….and she smelled Like butt wipe on toast
so Brandon,do you have a schedule? When do you plan posting the next page?
Usually new pages go up on Sunday… although I’m thinking of skipping this weekend to play catch up, and get ahead again.
do you post 1 page every Sunday? or more than that? i just got here and gotta say,you’re doing an incredible job answering every fan and having time to do your thing,keep it up! you’re a champion!
Just one page, sadly. I don’t have a ton of time each week to put out much else.
All the work you’ve done is amazing. It’s a really good storyline so far.
You posted this on July 14th, a saturday.
Yea…I may be late on this response, but I just wanted to say the “Connor” for response, it means a lot to me. Love, V
A little question, are you planning to include the sequel as wel in the webcomic series?
Keep up the great work!
I dunno! *cartoony shrug*
A new challenger has arrived!
By the way she’s posing and that grin my moneys on girl next door in love. Or is that friend that uses sexual comments and remarks to mess with him
“Her name was Marcy Weaver.”
He he heh… WAS, eh? Almost sounds like we’ll be getting into some dark stuff here pretty soon… that, or maybe after figuring out Tim’s dating a Nox Girl, she’ll go after a Nox Dude?
… And possibly run off with said Nox Dude? If they can make themselves look human, perhaps the same can be said about the other end of the coin?
he’s in the future and is speaking in the past tense. It doesn’t mean anything really. XD
Hi Brandon. : D
How old r u exactly
Brandon, you don’t need to answer intrusive personal questions.
Please retain some privacy because the more information you give out, the more ammunation you hand to trolls and phishers.
Or, just lie outrageously. I’d say you’re about 85 years?
Hey Brandon, first off love the comic. I’ve been wondering, if a nox can make him/her self human-looking could a human make them self look like a nox. Can Tim look like a nox because he’s half nox?