#153 “Push”
Alas, this page was meant to be so much more; however my computer corrupted the file during the final hours of completion, and after much raging and a good night’s sleep… I quickly managed to punch this replacement page out this afternoon.
Merely the first panel (of five) of the lost original page, re-drawn and blown up to a full-page pin-up.
EDIT JULY 21st, 2018:
Just letting you guys know that there won’t be an update this weekend. There’s no trouble or anything, I’m just taking this weekend to play a little catch up and get ahead of the curve again. I may do this every few weeks for a while. Who knows. Also, I’ve been doing some more scripting and you guys are gonna lose it once the mid-160’s start rolling out. I fear for my life… XD
No Worries.
I just finished binging the who series and the whole time i was like “chapter 1 released around 2016? oh the whole thing must be done, lucky me!” then i hit the end and go “son of a bitch” and i can’t continue and now have to somehow patiently wait for each new panel…
thanks for the great piece of work and looking forward to more!
Or if you want you can read the whole story on his deviantart the story as well as the sequel, the comic will be different in some (big) ways.
if you’re wondering about the increase of traffic lately, this fellow is why
-> https://imgur.com/gallery/KhdAAgd
hmm~ just read this all way since midnight my time to almost 3 hours of this time. It is good so far, kept my attention. Normally, I don’t go for things like this, but it caught my attention from a post on Imgur. Keep this up and keep going.
Aak!! Where’s my next button?!? I stumbled onto this and binged everything up to now in one night!
Keep up the good work!
Brandon, I’ve just sat here for the past few hours enjoying every single page. I love this comic and will definitely be following for more. I’ll check out your pateron as well for some more goodies!
Nothing happens, you do a great job, it’s like this, the comic, every time, better, great work, you get some free time from time to time, but after doing so many chapters I love this comic I follow you from the beginning I hope the comic advances and does not end okno not tano but at least if it ends have a season 2 or sequel good that’s what I wanted to say you always go up chapters I love: 3 a health from Argentina
Good for you that there is a sequel
Fun sounds like you have some plot twists and surprise’s in store for us
Hey firslayer did u c my response to your post about my question?
I’m don’t think I did what was it
Holy hell I am loving this so far, it’s gonna be torture waiting for updates
I love it so far, I am new and was wondering when the usually get posted or if it changes? Keep up the good work!
It updates most Sundays, unless I’m taking a break like this past weekend.
Sry fires layer I thought I sent something 2 u, my bad.
*Fireslayer* It did it again…DAMN IT!!!
Lol I feel your pain I’ve had similar situations
Gud 2 know I’m not alone on that situation. (Of course I ain’t, LOL)