#153 “Push”
Alas, this page was meant to be so much more; however my computer corrupted the file during the final hours of completion, and after much raging and a good night’s sleep… I quickly managed to punch this replacement page out this afternoon.
Merely the first panel (of five) of the lost original page, re-drawn and blown up to a full-page pin-up.
EDIT JULY 21st, 2018:
Just letting you guys know that there won’t be an update this weekend. There’s no trouble or anything, I’m just taking this weekend to play a little catch up and get ahead of the curve again. I may do this every few weeks for a while. Who knows. Also, I’ve been doing some more scripting and you guys are gonna lose it once the mid-160’s start rolling out. I fear for my life… XD
Stop Messing around Morty!!
They are tr-tr-trying to separate us morty!!
The world is against us! The world is f***ing against us Morty!!
Just me-*burp*-ee and you morty!!!
we have our on website morty!!!
J-j-j-just Moonie and Morty.com morty!!!
we will get t-rough *burp* morty!!!
So in mid 160s our brains will exit our skulls and the blood of the non believers will flow the streets? At the current rate, will those pages come out after Nov? You tend to take Nov and Dec seriously for vacation.
I have no idea, I don’t really track it that way.
Hopefully nothing like that will happen, I just hope you all don’t lynch me like a twitter mob. XD
I just started reading this today thanks to a post on Imgur and I love! I need moar! Give it to me! No but seriously amazing work and writing, it’s funny and sweet. I can also tell how much you’ve improved during your drawing of this comic. Amazing!
Thank you! Yes, I have improved a little bit, but it comes with drawing the same thing over and over again.
I came here thanks to that post too!
There are dozens of us !!
Love the art and the story. I’m looking forward to what’s next.
Maybe my english is not too good, i hope it was enough to you know that i like so much your work and I will follow your page. Your story is charming and enjoyable, the characters are very good thinked. Good job.
Thank you very much! Your English is fine!
Hmmm… *checks the first couple pages again* Ah …. well 6 years passed rather quickly, eh?
yes, that can happen when there is a time skip during a story.
Hey Brandon I’m literally stuck and can’t come up with anything to write. And it weird how to put this question like ways to get back into writing if you get what I mean I’m just in a dead end.
Yeah, writer’s block sucks. Just keep at it, eventually you’ll find an angle.
Have you ever considered hiring extra artists and editors to speed up the process of making the comic? If so, why haven’t you done it yet?
I haven’t considered it, that’s why I haven’t done it yet.
That would dilute the quality of the art and writing, removing the essential of it as one author’s vision.
I love this comic
Why does she look exactly like his mother?
Because it’s supposed to be a parallel. XD
Well, she’s supposed to be doing the same thing from the beginning of Chapter 1, on page 5.
I personally don’t think she looks like Ruth at all other than she’s blonde and has big boobs. I guess that’s all it takes for some folks.
Will she complain about tim’s socks too?
Decidedly not. ;-P
It’s like the theory that all guys date girls that look or act like their mom
I stumbled into this adorable little story today, and got caught up during work. The world you are building is intriguing! I am excited to see more. I am getting a somewhat more grown up Star vs. The Forces of Evil vibe…but that may just be because I recently binged that too. Keep it up and keep smiling my friend!
I’ve recently began reading this and didn’t know this website existed so I’ve scrapped the story from imgur and YouTube and I have to say I like what your doing, and I also look out for all the little hints you put out for future or past scenes as a hint for what’s to come…..really just good work.
Thank you very much!
Brandon, how long have you been studying drawing and graphics tablets at what firm do you prefer?
Well, I don’t know much about graphics tablets, but I’ve been drawing forever.
Friend, I want to thank you for this wonderful work. I really like the story, I’m really anxious to see what’s going on, I read all the comic in one night, it’s really good. I have recommended it to my friends, I hope they like it too. Keep it up, you’re on the right track.
Shadow gonna murder that bitch…
On no not the push it will kill us all. Hurry arm the that-doesnt-exist cannon. Mwahahahaha.