curse you brandon, I’ve become addicted to your web comic, and now have to add it to the list of amazing web comics to keep track of. but I don’t mind, it’s worth it! the story is amazing, the characters are likeable and in some cases even relatable…well as relatable as you can be when dating a monster heh, but in all seriousness this comic is fantastic, i’ll have to keep a close eye out for updates
Memories of Symbiotic Titan flashback to me
i need morrr
In a few hours!
I am waiting impatiently and this is how it turned me like ferreta
it drew me like a manga fereta and I want more
it drwe me like a manga ferreta and i wand more and i am sorry for the dialoge but i am using google translator because my english is written in lime
curse you brandon, I’ve become addicted to your web comic, and now have to add it to the list of amazing web comics to keep track of. but I don’t mind, it’s worth it! the story is amazing, the characters are likeable and in some cases even relatable…well as relatable as you can be when dating a monster heh, but in all seriousness this comic is fantastic, i’ll have to keep a close eye out for updates
haha thanks! Next update is in 9 hours!
thanks and I will be grateful if you can write me on Facebook when my next facebook is Drazjel Wilk
That innocent “Hi!” is always a begining of something… bad
And I hope to see Spencer often
Oh dear.. don’t like where this is going…
Does it bother anybody else that Marcy colors her hair like Harley Quinn?
Two words for Marcy:
Marcy, back tf off. You can have Spencer I just shipped you two
Is that poster a Back to the Future reference I see?
Also, I just stumbled across this series today and I’m in love. Everything about it is great!
Yes, it absolutely is! Good eye!
I just want to read all those posters!
Between Spencer’s comment and the pink/white/blue color scheme young Ms. Weaver’s got going on, I think I have a headcanon forming here.