Although I must say, with a skirt that short, her tuck would have to be *impeccable*
(although if she transitioned young enough to have boobs like that at 18ish, it might not be quite so much of an issue.)
Yeah, well, he’s a teenager. He might most likely be physically attracted not only to Shadow. (In my experience this also never changes.) However, Shadow is much more earnest and likeable than some cheerleader with very questionable motives, imo.
We learn a few things from the posters on the wall. There’s a fundraiser for getting new sports balls. Somebody named Patrick Willis is running for student council president. And, maybe most important, Saturday they’re holding a dance with a theme lifted from “Back to the Future.”
You forgot perhaps the most important bit: Ellis High School is the name of their school, implying that the place where Tim lives is named “Ellis”. A somewhat important lore fact.
I love the Back to the Future reference x’D also TwT already in highschool seems like just last month he was but a wee lad…oh wait that was last month wasn’t it xP
Yes love it, want more. Waiting a week is starting to kill me !!! Hehe now to the page and how about that, Marcy being nice and interested in Tim was one of my theories for this page. Now have some questions. First the way Tim is reacting suggest he may have a crush on Marcy or at least thinks she is pretty ? So Tim and Shadow aren’t a thing here yet ? Second was Marcy implying there that Spencer might be gay ? It be hilarious if he actually steals her BF. Third don’t know if this girl is a bitch or not yet but know she is pretty hot, so there a chance we’ll see her naked or near nude in the future perhaps? Speaking of the future I really curious about the 160 pages, as you have mentioned those pages will be very… interesting. Wonder in what way they are “interesting” , like from a lore point or a rated R point ? Can’t wait to find out. Final question, with another girl interested in Tim I have to ask is Tim gonna have a HAREM ??? Heh only joking with that last, though Midnight becoming both Shadow and Tim lover is…
1. Tim is still nervous around girls.
2. Tim and Shadow are just friends.
3. Marcy is implying he plays on one of the sports teams, most likely baseball.
4. Maybe we’ll see some ‘more’ of Marcy.
5. Lore points AND perhaps a little Rated R action too.
6. No Harems.
Tim is still nervous around girls ? Even after spending so much time with Shadow who as we’ve seen is not very shy or nervous around Tim. So Marcy is just implying he’s on a sports team, mmm. Also my current theory about the upcoming lore point and possibly upcoming R rated action you speak of is, can’t say for the lore points yet but know it will be interesting. The R stuff may be Marcy trying to seduce Tim (which is when we’ll see a little ‘more’ of her) but Shadow or Ruth will interrupt it before things go to far. It will be R rated but not to R rated, just enough to be nsfw. That’s my guess anyway. Finally, no harems !!! Awww booo hehe, but now I wonder if just two girls, a boy and a threesome are considered a harem
After young Tim having that epiphany back in #44, and now adding teenage hormones into the mix, they are just friends? Do they know that? I mean, even if they havent acted on it, surely they must both be having some thoughts…
I suspect Marcy is Craig’s sister.
*That’s* “a relationship” and might explain any evildoings she has in mind for Tim.
Shadow will know once she smells Marcy ’cause siblings have similar aromas, especially if Marcy’s just come from a workout.
Spencer was about to suggest she has balls, huh?
Or that she’s often running around after them. *ahem*
Nothin’ wrong with a hot girl having balls!
Although I must say, with a skirt that short, her tuck would have to be *impeccable*
(although if she transitioned young enough to have boobs like that at 18ish, it might not be quite so much of an issue.)
Shadow may be unhappy with the competition
Oh, most certainly!
IS she competition though? Tim probably realizes at this point he is attracted to Shadow.
Yeah, well, he’s a teenager. He might most likely be physically attracted not only to Shadow. (In my experience this also never changes.) However, Shadow is much more earnest and likeable than some cheerleader with very questionable motives, imo.
They, konkurens for shadow, after has made what Shadow to Halloween which who would be able with it konkurieren!
We learn a few things from the posters on the wall. There’s a fundraiser for getting new sports balls. Somebody named Patrick Willis is running for student council president. And, maybe most important, Saturday they’re holding a dance with a theme lifted from “Back to the Future.”
You forgot perhaps the most important bit: Ellis High School is the name of their school, implying that the place where Tim lives is named “Ellis”. A somewhat important lore fact.
Not always true.
Remember… in Family Guy, the high school is named “James Woods High” but they live in Quahog.
True, I suppose. Though not in this case!
why is Tim so negative maybe he love or like Marcy. It could be a Love triangle with Tim, Shadow, and Macy.
Wait, what? I think you mean Spencer.
Enchantment Under the Sea Dance?
I know; it’s Heavy, Doc.
Brandon are you going to show the school dance in the next or new page of the story
No, it’s just to spice up the wall. I’ve got other plans in store.
nice Poster
Hmm, I wonder if Shadow and Midnight are about to get some scaring tips from Lady Blackheart, with a certain not quite willing volunteer…
Maybe we’ll see her get ‘disappeared’.
I love the Back to the Future reference x’D also TwT already in highschool seems like just last month he was but a wee lad…oh wait that was last month wasn’t it xP
Heh, ‘last month’ he was still 12 years old. Add 6 years to that!
A study partner? I’ve seen enough hentai to know where this is going!
Marcy need be very carefull about what is under her Bed
Haha, indeed!
I have the feeling that she is gonna just use him for school porpuse
A “school porpuse” ? That would be like a kind of dolphin, right?
Sorry im not really good in english i meant purpos, i thinks it’s like that
Yes love it, want more. Waiting a week is starting to kill me !!! Hehe now to the page and how about that, Marcy being nice and interested in Tim was one of my theories for this page. Now have some questions. First the way Tim is reacting suggest he may have a crush on Marcy or at least thinks she is pretty ? So Tim and Shadow aren’t a thing here yet ? Second was Marcy implying there that Spencer might be gay ? It be hilarious if he actually steals her BF. Third don’t know if this girl is a bitch or not yet but know she is pretty hot, so there a chance we’ll see her naked or near nude in the future perhaps? Speaking of the future I really curious about the 160 pages, as you have mentioned those pages will be very… interesting. Wonder in what way they are “interesting” , like from a lore point or a rated R point ? Can’t wait to find out. Final question, with another girl interested in Tim I have to ask is Tim gonna have a HAREM ??? Heh only joking with that last, though Midnight becoming both Shadow and Tim lover is…
1. Tim is still nervous around girls.
2. Tim and Shadow are just friends.
3. Marcy is implying he plays on one of the sports teams, most likely baseball.
4. Maybe we’ll see some ‘more’ of Marcy.
5. Lore points AND perhaps a little Rated R action too.
6. No Harems.
Tim is still nervous around girls ? Even after spending so much time with Shadow who as we’ve seen is not very shy or nervous around Tim. So Marcy is just implying he’s on a sports team, mmm. Also my current theory about the upcoming lore point and possibly upcoming R rated action you speak of is, can’t say for the lore points yet but know it will be interesting. The R stuff may be Marcy trying to seduce Tim (which is when we’ll see a little ‘more’ of her) but Shadow or Ruth will interrupt it before things go to far. It will be R rated but not to R rated, just enough to be nsfw. That’s my guess anyway. Finally, no harems !!! Awww booo hehe, but now I wonder if just two girls, a boy and a threesome are considered a harem
Okay, he’s not AS nervous around girls anymore, but there is one that still spooks him the most.
Marcy would still make a good Voting incentive.
I actually have a fun picture in mind, but need a few more pages to set it up.
After young Tim having that epiphany back in #44, and now adding teenage hormones into the mix, they are just friends? Do they know that? I mean, even if they havent acted on it, surely they must both be having some thoughts…
Tim, don’t let her touch your balls, they’ll wrinkle and fall off.
I fore See a Marcy and Spencer Relation ship. Must Remain Vauge.
Heh, maybe. Wo knows?
I suspect Marcy is Craig’s sister.
*That’s* “a relationship” and might explain any evildoings she has in mind for Tim.
Shadow will know once she smells Marcy ’cause siblings have similar aromas, especially if Marcy’s just come from a workout.
You might be Right I was hinting at a romantic one or just Friends and everything in between.