Been loving this comic. Someone on Imgur decided to post some of your strips and I loved the art style. The story has been really enjoyable so far and enjoy how your developing the characters and slowly detailing the monster world.
Was pleased to see how didn’t use nudity/sex as a staple of comic and used as a way to explain characters relationships and culture of monster world (if that’s what you were going with). You may have been asked this question a lot but to lazy to ready through all the comments, do you plan to have merchandise in the future?
One question I have about story, is there a passageway to every humans bedroom in the monster world and are they marked in some way?
Thank you! As for merchandise, I’ve thought about the usual staples, T-shirts, Pins, Stickers, Posters… but just haven’t done much looking into it yet.
Well, the way I figure it works (seeming as there must be a limited number or portal doors in Nox) as night-time turns around the Earth, it must be that the portals open on different beds, depending on the time. So the portal to Tim’s bed is only active from 7pm-7am at a stretch and after that, if Shadow were to go through it, she’d come out in some other person’s room. So she has to keep to a schedule, and remember which portal goes where. (which, of course, she already does.)
Me would also become interest whether the main entrance happens only with Nox works, or what if Shadows tail still around Tim wrist is wrapped, while she goes through. or what her mother would say to the fact that Tim trips in her world.
Hey Brandon, you may already know of something better, but look into Zazzle-dot-com… I’ve bought coffee mugs from another artist there, and was impressed. Once you upload an image(s), all your fans need to do is select one, hit ‘transfer to another product’, and we have access to hundreds of options to print it on. Not sure what you earn, but it seems a really simple way to share your work and maybe make a buck or two.
It also says “stay in School” at the bottom, but Tim’s head is blocking it. I just found it fit well with the them of the story while I was looking up inspirational school posters.
Okay, it’s almost obvious that Marcy wants Tim to do her homework for her, and I don’t doubt she’ll hint at “favors” she’ll never outright offer nor follow through on in return. In the meantime, she’ll hang on the arm of her football/wrestler gorilla boyfriend (possibly Chuck?), who she’ll use to intimidate Tim.
Seen too many of these “the world really does revolve around me!” football cheerleaders in high school. (Interestingly enough, the football cheerleaders normally refused to lower themselves to being basketball cheerleaders; the basketball cheerleaders were typically marching band majorettes, rifle twirlers, and flag girls, and a much nicer group.) Fortunately, as a straight B-student most of the time (being the resident underachiever), they didn’t target me.
Why would Tim *not* just want to be friends? Of course, in my limited experience, when you friend-zone a cheerleader, they do not take it well. I’ve seen responses of siccing their actual boyfriend on the geek, or at least claiming to up the game all the way to actually offering the sex the geek isn’t interested in.
I’ve not seen the cheerleader’s response to this ever actually working. The time the cheerleader sicced her boyfriend on the guy, the boyfriend brushed it off as an impossible claim, without mentioning that he knew it was impossible, because at the date time she claimed the guy was hitting on her, the boyfriend was secretly playing D&D; the geek was the GM. Meanwhile, the cheerleader who upped her game was going after the gayest geek in the school. (For clarification, not the most flamboyant, but the least interested in girls/women for romantic/sexual/blending in purposes.)
To be fully honest, this Marcy looks like a woman knowing her charms and wanted to take advantage of Tim. As a man, I think it is a big cliché and I do not like that much except if Tim refuses… and speaks about that with having the creeps to Shadow.
Honestly at this point I think it’d be a bigger cliche if Tim doesn’t accept because of it being anti-cliche, I think it’s be better if Tim went a long with it because she’s a pretty girl because logic but also just wants to be friends with her and does it for that reason. It subverts both cliches especially if she just wants to be friends back which I think is pretty satisfying. Or you can even make her some weird antagonist.
Well shadow is gonna face some problems also that poster in the background that’s about a dance, could it be for something we will see at some point in the future? Like a fight of shadow and Tim about Tim going to the dance with another girl, story moves and Tim ands up with shadow in the dance admitting his love for her , when suddenly everything goes to downtown.?
Except for that mincing child hungry pedophile who responds to everything, I bet most readers are too young to get the Enchantment Under the Sea ref. At least until the films are inevitably remade. Good ref tho!
I have a feeling this may cause some jealousy problems regarding Shadow. I’m picturing Tim being coerced into studying with Marcy at home, and Shadow making a surprise appearance at that time. Could almost blow their cover? Can’t wait to see more.
Been loving this comic. Someone on Imgur decided to post some of your strips and I loved the art style. The story has been really enjoyable so far and enjoy how your developing the characters and slowly detailing the monster world.
Was pleased to see how didn’t use nudity/sex as a staple of comic and used as a way to explain characters relationships and culture of monster world (if that’s what you were going with). You may have been asked this question a lot but to lazy to ready through all the comments, do you plan to have merchandise in the future?
One question I have about story, is there a passageway to every humans bedroom in the monster world and are they marked in some way?
Thank you! As for merchandise, I’ve thought about the usual staples, T-shirts, Pins, Stickers, Posters… but just haven’t done much looking into it yet.
Well, the way I figure it works (seeming as there must be a limited number or portal doors in Nox) as night-time turns around the Earth, it must be that the portals open on different beds, depending on the time. So the portal to Tim’s bed is only active from 7pm-7am at a stretch and after that, if Shadow were to go through it, she’d come out in some other person’s room. So she has to keep to a schedule, and remember which portal goes where. (which, of course, she already does.)
Definitely would enjoy pins. Interesting, what would happen if say they were half in human world and half in monster world during portal change?
I’d happily wear one of your T-shirts and the artwork skills required are ALREADY evident & well-practised.
Now, how to sell them internationally?
Me would also become interest whether the main entrance happens only with Nox works, or what if Shadows tail still around Tim wrist is wrapped, while she goes through. or what her mother would say to the fact that Tim trips in her world.
Hey Brandon, you may already know of something better, but look into Zazzle-dot-com… I’ve bought coffee mugs from another artist there, and was impressed. Once you upload an image(s), all your fans need to do is select one, hit ‘transfer to another product’, and we have access to hundreds of options to print it on. Not sure what you earn, but it seems a really simple way to share your work and maybe make a buck or two.
Wonder what the “Master the Skills that underlies the fear” poster is about?
It means :
EMBRACE your FEAR and: do your homework,. talk with girls and fuck Shadow,. MAKE TWO CHAPTERS IN A WEEK.
or anything else, depends on you
It also says “stay in School” at the bottom, but Tim’s head is blocking it. I just found it fit well with the them of the story while I was looking up inspirational school posters.
Is it me….or Spencer looks a lot like tim…
Brandon does re-use old design
Who are these people? Or am I dumb?
Well, they were literally *JUST* introduced in the previous 2 pages… so… I’m not sure how you’re missing anything. XD
Bravo for the Back to the Future Easter egg. Caught it right away.
Hill Valley confirmed
It’s cool to see some side character chatting that are human nice little break from Nox
So many ball jokes,so little time.
Okay, it’s almost obvious that Marcy wants Tim to do her homework for her, and I don’t doubt she’ll hint at “favors” she’ll never outright offer nor follow through on in return. In the meantime, she’ll hang on the arm of her football/wrestler gorilla boyfriend (possibly Chuck?), who she’ll use to intimidate Tim.
Seen too many of these “the world really does revolve around me!” football cheerleaders in high school. (Interestingly enough, the football cheerleaders normally refused to lower themselves to being basketball cheerleaders; the basketball cheerleaders were typically marching band majorettes, rifle twirlers, and flag girls, and a much nicer group.) Fortunately, as a straight B-student most of the time (being the resident underachiever), they didn’t target me.
I’ve got plans that border on cliché, yes; but I think I subvert things just enough that it works.
Hah, It’s not like this story isn’t already jammed full of cliches anyway.
Why would Tim *not* just want to be friends? Of course, in my limited experience, when you friend-zone a cheerleader, they do not take it well. I’ve seen responses of siccing their actual boyfriend on the geek, or at least claiming to up the game all the way to actually offering the sex the geek isn’t interested in.
I’ve not seen the cheerleader’s response to this ever actually working. The time the cheerleader sicced her boyfriend on the guy, the boyfriend brushed it off as an impossible claim, without mentioning that he knew it was impossible, because at the date time she claimed the guy was hitting on her, the boyfriend was secretly playing D&D; the geek was the GM. Meanwhile, the cheerleader who upped her game was going after the gayest geek in the school. (For clarification, not the most flamboyant, but the least interested in girls/women for romantic/sexual/blending in purposes.)
To be fully honest, this Marcy looks like a woman knowing her charms and wanted to take advantage of Tim. As a man, I think it is a big cliché and I do not like that much except if Tim refuses… and speaks about that with having the creeps to Shadow.
Honestly at this point I think it’d be a bigger cliche if Tim doesn’t accept because of it being anti-cliche, I think it’s be better if Tim went a long with it because she’s a pretty girl because logic but also just wants to be friends with her and does it for that reason. It subverts both cliches especially if she just wants to be friends back which I think is pretty satisfying. Or you can even make her some weird antagonist.
Well shadow is gonna face some problems also that poster in the background that’s about a dance, could it be for something we will see at some point in the future? Like a fight of shadow and Tim about Tim going to the dance with another girl, story moves and Tim ands up with shadow in the dance admitting his love for her , when suddenly everything goes to downtown.?
“All your base are belong to us!” Or not, ‘cause he isn’t interested in stealing hers lol
I like Spencer. I see him being a plot tool for much humor.
Except for that mincing child hungry pedophile who responds to everything, I bet most readers are too young to get the Enchantment Under the Sea ref. At least until the films are inevitably remade. Good ref tho!
Well, that name calling was uncalled for… and I’ve gotten lots of comments on the poster!
I have a feeling this may cause some jealousy problems regarding Shadow. I’m picturing Tim being coerced into studying with Marcy at home, and Shadow making a surprise appearance at that time. Could almost blow their cover? Can’t wait to see more.
Merci would become supposed, jump screaming out of the closed window
Timmy is about to pop his cherry. *snob* They growns up so fast. (We all know that studing ain’t this what she want.)