Hmm… I’m guessing he hasn’t shown interest in her and that is drawing her attention and ego.
Also kinda wanting to see her and shadow at a beach or something, though that may just be due to my current location.
Also, are you going to change is outfit every day Brandon? Or is their going to be some gag that we see his closet full of the same clothes?
I need to know before the outfit details get too far into the story. I can understand Nox a little, but HS people, no matter who they are, change outfits at least every few days.
A New Challenger Appears!!!
anyone else smell in coming brown nosing?
Looks like Captain Ruthless let Shadow in the secret to her disguise. She makes just as cute a human as she does a monster.
She already has the secret….remember Halloween??? This is not Shadow though. Also Shadow doesnt know that Ruth is Lady Blackheart…
And it’s Vice Admiral Ruthless. Do we need to dig out that particular page?
Aaand we all know that a Vice Admiral is in charge of vice, while a Rear Admiral is…..??
I smell a shameless vamping if that’s what you mean…
Wait so this is not a finished comic? Shit, i’m gonna die waiting
Love the Enchantment Under The Sea poster. Will McFly be making an appearance as well? lol
Oh, boy! I got to know Spencer today and I already like his “Approach” on handling the matter! LMFAO!!! XD
Generic Posters in the background are Generic. They with blend in perfectly at my middle school
Hmm… I’m guessing he hasn’t shown interest in her and that is drawing her attention and ego.
Also kinda wanting to see her and shadow at a beach or something, though that may just be due to my current location.
Also, are you going to change is outfit every day Brandon? Or is their going to be some gag that we see his closet full of the same clothes?
I need to know before the outfit details get too far into the story. I can understand Nox a little, but HS people, no matter who they are, change outfits at least every few days.
Unless you’re a cartoon that wears the same clothes 24/7!
I see that Marcy’s trying to flirt with Tim.
Can’t escape from crossing fate
*playing super smash bros song*
I love idea of a prom night with Tim and Shadow!
At least the young lady has good taste. :-/
Not yet.
Tim hasn’t tasted her yet (and may never if Shadow and his own sense of self-preservation are working.)