She’s a teenage girl with raging hormones who’s been raised in an all-girl environment and has an emotional connection to her best friend/”partner” who she’s known her whole life. I’m hoping she’s a little bit pervy, so she’ll try to coax Shadow into a threesome with Timothy so she can see what Shadow likes so much about this boy in exchange for her continued silence about Shadow’s moonlighting.
A threesome with me would involve many paper cuts on sensitive man areas… so THAT’S out of the question. He mean’s Timothy. I edited the comment to reflect this.
Hey Brandon, a high-res crop of that last panel with the speech bubbles removed would be great as the next ‘voted’ image!
Am I the only one curious what they’re actually wearing?
Also, am I the only one thinking Midnight might be Bi, not Lesbian?
I agree, is it an overcoat? Or just a very revealing dressing gown? Who knows!
I love the way that their tails are playing in the background
Goodness me… this comic is reaching MonMusu levels of ”OH GOD! PLEASE JUST MAKE THIS A HENTAI ALREADY!” with all this epic teasing.
Oh my. I always wondered what went on considering there’s no boys around.
Guess that answers that question.
wrong!!!! Midnight five fingers…
Somehow I don’t think Tim would mind. Like, at all. In fact he might encourage it.
Lokk, as long as I’m a part of the fun, and Shadow’s cool with it, this is alright!
Now that adventure time finally made marceline and bubblegum canon, look for fans to start speculating when these two start dating
They’re just very good friends now. Having formerly been estranged acquaintances.
Thats what I’m hoping for
Are Noxians generally more sexual then humans or is Midnight just pervy?
She’s a teenage girl with raging hormones who’s been raised in an all-girl environment and has an emotional connection to her best friend/”partner” who she’s known her whole life. I’m hoping she’s a little bit pervy, so she’ll try to coax Shadow into a threesome with Timothy so she can see what Shadow likes so much about this boy in exchange for her continued silence about Shadow’s moonlighting.
How meny times does Brandon have to say “there will be no threesome!” for you guys to get it? lol
Wait, with Brandon? Would her goal be knowledge or script approval?
No im just Brandon has said on more then one occasion that there will be no threesome and still you guys are persistent with asking for one.
A threesome with me would involve many paper cuts on sensitive man areas… so THAT’S out of the question. He mean’s Timothy. I edited the comment to reflect this.
I think I need something to sop up all of this drool. Prepare yourself for the awestruck stuttering! Don’t end up like me!
No reason she can’t wash her back though!
The back of her uterus… with her tongue.
long tongues. The one thing I didn’t think of! XD
I came here for the story and just waiting for things to progress but updates are a bit slow for a cohesive flow.
Just strolling through the comments don’t mind me