#139 “Sexposition” I also know this because I was working on a Tim’s mom is lady Blackheart theory before the official reveal. at the time I was was going over every page even down to their Text box colors even the mole on her face. Also “old golden lion suit” was a biggest hint.
Don’t worry there’s a boat load of romance coming up in this very chapter! Also, betrayal, jealousy, rage, tears, murder, cookies, kidnapping, ice cream, evil plans, movie night, oh and happiness!
I meant drama as in.. know what.. never mind… I probably have just been reading too many bad hentai (esp korean) series. Where everything inevitably leads to dark shit. (rape, blackmail, corruption or misunderstandings leading to cheating/NTR trash etc.) lol -_-‘
O.O….. I really like the sound of that! Within the right context OC.. no BS cheating drama or anything. like group “bonding” with these three or something..
Perhaps, if you wait, Brandon will draw, letter and colour some more pages, which may (or may not) tell you exactly what Brandon believes you are entitled to know on that and many other questions.
Each page will take about a week or longer to prepare.
Wait ,Brandon(or anyone if you’re willing) ,what is this ,,Your comment is awaiting moderation.” thing.Does this mean Brandon has to manually approve comments?Damn that must be tiring
“I’m not coming from a place where such things are…’normal’ ” said JAAG
Well, yes they are – unless you live in a non-human population.
About 5% of the human population are “exclusive same-sex attracted” and another 25% (plus or minus) are “occasional same-sex attracted” .Those figures are right on the normal bell curve of statistical distributon of human characteristics (making them “normal”).
However there are human societies where any differences are repressed (sometimes fatally) and not acknowledged or discussed so those societies APPEAR to be homogenous, but are actually just repressive.
Luckily in the past 25 years (or so) Western civilised societies have taken notice of the scientific truths they have been given and persecution and oppression of the same-sex attracted has been made illegal.
It still happens in socially-backward societies but there’s less and less legal protection for the persecuters.
I believe there is a place where you can educate yourself on the matter, it’s called “The Internet” and it’s full of all sorts of information on anything you might like to know about.
Also, thank you very much for not hanging faggots, that is just the upper-crust of human decency!
Jesus Christ you people got defensive real fast wtf.
I didn’t ask you to tell me what percentage of the population is like this or that ,I just asked why do people loose their shit when lesbians appear(Since I’ pretty sure if 2 men where in this situation people wouldn’t have lost their mind like that,I’ve noticed)
How are you expecting people ‘like me’ (appearently) to get used with these things when you people light up when the word ‘faggot’ shows up(i know some faggots are ok with this word cuz Milo Yannopolus said so).The whole hanging thing was an exageration that was meant that where i’m from we don’t ‘punish’ such people in any way ,we’re not ‘used’ with them .You people suck ,I dont feel welcomed or educated ,I feel attacked,you need to take a chill pill and take it easier.I mean hell i could feel like you were gonna come out through the fucking monitor and decapitate me.holy shit.Sry for askin damn
You need to be more accepting you know.Now what? You made me feel like the bad guy. How will I comment any more now that you made me look like ‘that guy’.God im depressed…i need a cigarette.
“…I just asked why do people loose their shit when lesbians appear…”
If you’re wanting a simplistic answer (on a quite complex topic {like the working of somebody else’s mind}) then there are two possibilities depending on the meaning that you intend “losing one’s shit” to convey. One meaning is negative, one is positive.
One (the negative) is simple bigotry informed by the education (or lack of it) that the person has had.
“My Daddy/Mummy/priest/politician says it’s not natural & that’s all I need to know so I’m against it.”
The other (positive or neutral) is more complex because “it’s a relationship that I don’t share that a certain part of society wants to forbid so it’s more interesting (than a cheese sandwich) & therefore I want to explore it (see depictions of it) BECAUSE it’s illicit”
“..you people light up when the word ‘faggot’ shows up..”
That would be because that word is an “attack” term used to denigrate, disparage, humiliate and dehumanise the group it is used against.
It’s a word that members of that group use and can use WITHIN the group ironically or politically but when used by outsiders is offensive. There is a parallel in ethnic communities where an Asian or African-heritage member can use a term to or about another group member which, if used by a person NOT of the group, will lead to very negative reactions.
They consider it offensive so it IS offensive.
Within the group of gay men there are sub-groups called “Leathermen” and “Muscle Marys” .
If youre not one and call one ” a faggot”, expect to get some serious kicking – at least.
You’re saying that faggot is an ”attack” term ,later on you’re saying that it can be considered as offensive ,but let me tell you something bud ,offense is taken ,not given.I see you are an educated individual and for that I applaud you.I don’t meet many “smart” individuals(online or offline).Thank you for taking your time to answer my questions ,but here’s my final thoughts and a few things from my life .(I will simplify them for the sake of time and not writting another essay)
1.Where I come from people know about the offense is taken ,not given(its basically how we grow up) so I assumed that the majority of the world thought the same ,not being easy to “offend” .It’s easier not to care what some might say(won’t you agree? ) and looking for answers by yourself.
2.I do not wish to upset anyone ,I’m an upset individual myself so I am familiar with the pain(especailly when it’s…extended) but I just wanted to get a simpler answer from people who commented on this page ,in my view it’s just 2 girls so I just don’t see what’s so special ,you all say it’s normal ,so…why the “sexual” tone on some comments(i mean people are literally steaming cuz of this ,when if 2 males were here I don’t think that the response of people would’ve been so…lit af fam(sry) ) .I just want to understand from…simpler folks(I dont mean stupid) ,who will not bring up Wiki and start telling EVERYTHING about homosexuals.You see what I mean?
3.Kinda similar with 1 but words don’t have any power ,we give them the power they hold ,and since I lived in a place where there are NO social ,political ,sometimes even moral barriers i find it weird that people care so much about words .After all ,it is my personal belief that words are what we make of them ,and I want nothing but people understanding that.I just want..happiness .
So thx again Tomokatu ,for taking your time.
Oh and @TFUkidding
Wow dude what an original response ,I’ll note down to not ‘kike’ them or spike them in the future.I might even consider not throwing heavy rocks at them.Thanks dude!Very helpful
Hey Brandon no I am not trying to ask you that i am not trying to annoy you i am am a fan of your work of your not creep out about it but it nothing personal but I was curious about midnight sexuality like is she a lesbian or a bisexual you know just don’t be displeased with me plus I am extremely excited about the next page and I know you will do a good work and plus can you show more of lady moonlight in the future
And about midnights sexuality i just want to hear your thoughts about her even you created her plus a few people and my friends thinking her as bisexual but this the last time I’ll be talking about it so please don’t be piss off with me
Do noxians use razors or do they all have such hairy yumyums?
I imagine they are a tiny bit more clumsy with talons instead of fingers. Not a gamble you want to take on such a sensitive area.
Well, so far it’s been 3 for 3!
What?! There’s been another hairy yumyum shot somewhere else in the comic before this?? WHERE?!
That would have been Ruthless
oops, no…maybe not
Lady Moonlight
#139 “Sexposition” I also know this because I was working on a Tim’s mom is lady Blackheart theory before the official reveal. at the time I was was going over every page even down to their Text box colors even the mole on her face. Also “old golden lion suit” was a biggest hint.
Lol I was referring to shots of shadow concept art where she has hair down there
Hey Brandon if you answer me i just have one question for you to ask a very clear one if okay I’ll be patient
Sorry I mean if that’s okay
I really like the romance in this comic , Please make it more tim and shadow , like his parent >,<
Don’t worry there’s a boat load of romance coming up in this very chapter! Also, betrayal, jealousy, rage, tears, murder, cookies, kidnapping, ice cream, evil plans, movie night, oh and happiness!
Some of these may be filthy, filthy lies.
Murder?!? Wow you did change things up from the original story, this is gonna be neat.
Oh, wherever there are cookies and/or ice cream there are always evil plots, movie nights, betrayal and murder.
It’s just natural.
“Also, betrayal, jealousy, rage, tears, murder, cookies, kidnapping, ice cream, evil plans, movie night, oh and happiness!”
“betrayal, jealousy, rage, tears, murder”
Nooooo.. Please don’t say that.. No relationship type drama at least please. (of the betrayal or jealousy kinds especially..)
*is still pretty jumpy after reading one too many korean series containing romance over the years*
No relationship drama? I suppose I might as well end the comic right here. Haha.
I meant drama as in.. know what.. never mind… I probably have just been reading too many bad hentai (esp korean) series. Where everything inevitably leads to dark shit. (rape, blackmail, corruption or misunderstandings leading to cheating/NTR trash etc.) lol -_-‘
I’ve found a few of those series and find them pretty interesting, actually. Quite different from the usual way things go.
I can confirm things won’t go too dark and dismal, even if things get bad, there will almost always be a hint of levity.
Is the murder from killing the innocent cookies as you eat them? Or were they never innocent to begin with….
Asking the hard questions
It’s only murder if they’re sentient- do they look at you with tearful eyes when you pick them up?
Then it’s only pastricide.
Me too i love this romance comic one of my favorite scenes from one page is when shadow when she is sleeping right next to tim
Wow! did these two get hot. Too bad Tim can’t get a photo of them right now. Guess noxians are pretty promiscuous.
Tim will get his chance eventually.
O.O….. I really like the sound of that! Within the right context OC.. no BS cheating drama or anything. like group “bonding” with these three or something..
S: But I’m straight!
M:So is pasta until it gets wet
S & M together: “But when we’re S&M we’re BENT!”
Hey Brandon if you can answer this i have a question about midnight a very serious one
What’s that? Are you going to ask if she is a lesbian?
Ah no I am just curious about her some people think that she is bisexual or lesbian so what do you think
Perhaps, if you wait, Brandon will draw, letter and colour some more pages, which may (or may not) tell you exactly what Brandon believes you are entitled to know on that and many other questions.
Each page will take about a week or longer to prepare.
Wait ,Brandon(or anyone if you’re willing) ,what is this ,,Your comment is awaiting moderation.” thing.Does this mean Brandon has to manually approve comments?Damn that must be tiring
“I’m not coming from a place where such things are…’normal’ ” said JAAG
Well, yes they are – unless you live in a non-human population.
About 5% of the human population are “exclusive same-sex attracted” and another 25% (plus or minus) are “occasional same-sex attracted” .Those figures are right on the normal bell curve of statistical distributon of human characteristics (making them “normal”).
However there are human societies where any differences are repressed (sometimes fatally) and not acknowledged or discussed so those societies APPEAR to be homogenous, but are actually just repressive.
Luckily in the past 25 years (or so) Western civilised societies have taken notice of the scientific truths they have been given and persecution and oppression of the same-sex attracted has been made illegal.
It still happens in socially-backward societies but there’s less and less legal protection for the persecuters.
I believe there is a place where you can educate yourself on the matter, it’s called “The Internet” and it’s full of all sorts of information on anything you might like to know about.
Also, thank you very much for not hanging faggots, that is just the upper-crust of human decency!
So very very many of us are not hanging faggots at this very moment!
Jesus Christ you people got defensive real fast wtf.
I didn’t ask you to tell me what percentage of the population is like this or that ,I just asked why do people loose their shit when lesbians appear(Since I’ pretty sure if 2 men where in this situation people wouldn’t have lost their mind like that,I’ve noticed)
How are you expecting people ‘like me’ (appearently) to get used with these things when you people light up when the word ‘faggot’ shows up(i know some faggots are ok with this word cuz Milo Yannopolus said so).The whole hanging thing was an exageration that was meant that where i’m from we don’t ‘punish’ such people in any way ,we’re not ‘used’ with them .You people suck ,I dont feel welcomed or educated ,I feel attacked,you need to take a chill pill and take it easier.I mean hell i could feel like you were gonna come out through the fucking monitor and decapitate me.holy shit.Sry for askin damn
You need to be more accepting you know.Now what? You made me feel like the bad guy. How will I comment any more now that you made me look like ‘that guy’.God im depressed…i need a cigarette.
Yeah, they’re so uppity.
Good on ya for not hanging faggots, soon you’ll extend that courtesy to kikes and spicks!
Jesus Hammerswinging Christ…
“…I just asked why do people loose their shit when lesbians appear…”
If you’re wanting a simplistic answer (on a quite complex topic {like the working of somebody else’s mind}) then there are two possibilities depending on the meaning that you intend “losing one’s shit” to convey. One meaning is negative, one is positive.
One (the negative) is simple bigotry informed by the education (or lack of it) that the person has had.
“My Daddy/Mummy/priest/politician says it’s not natural & that’s all I need to know so I’m against it.”
The other (positive or neutral) is more complex because “it’s a relationship that I don’t share that a certain part of society wants to forbid so it’s more interesting (than a cheese sandwich) & therefore I want to explore it (see depictions of it) BECAUSE it’s illicit”
“..you people light up when the word ‘faggot’ shows up..”
That would be because that word is an “attack” term used to denigrate, disparage, humiliate and dehumanise the group it is used against.
It’s a word that members of that group use and can use WITHIN the group ironically or politically but when used by outsiders is offensive. There is a parallel in ethnic communities where an Asian or African-heritage member can use a term to or about another group member which, if used by a person NOT of the group, will lead to very negative reactions.
They consider it offensive so it IS offensive.
Within the group of gay men there are sub-groups called “Leathermen” and “Muscle Marys” .
If youre not one and call one ” a faggot”, expect to get some serious kicking – at least.
Be educated.
It was never the right place to bring it up and expect proper answers. A web comic. Really.
You’re saying that faggot is an ”attack” term ,later on you’re saying that it can be considered as offensive ,but let me tell you something bud ,offense is taken ,not given.I see you are an educated individual and for that I applaud you.I don’t meet many “smart” individuals(online or offline).Thank you for taking your time to answer my questions ,but here’s my final thoughts and a few things from my life .(I will simplify them for the sake of time and not writting another essay)
1.Where I come from people know about the offense is taken ,not given(its basically how we grow up) so I assumed that the majority of the world thought the same ,not being easy to “offend” .It’s easier not to care what some might say(won’t you agree? ) and looking for answers by yourself.
2.I do not wish to upset anyone ,I’m an upset individual myself so I am familiar with the pain(especailly when it’s…extended) but I just wanted to get a simpler answer from people who commented on this page ,in my view it’s just 2 girls so I just don’t see what’s so special ,you all say it’s normal ,so…why the “sexual” tone on some comments(i mean people are literally steaming cuz of this ,when if 2 males were here I don’t think that the response of people would’ve been so…lit af fam(sry) ) .I just want to understand from…simpler folks(I dont mean stupid) ,who will not bring up Wiki and start telling EVERYTHING about homosexuals.You see what I mean?
3.Kinda similar with 1 but words don’t have any power ,we give them the power they hold ,and since I lived in a place where there are NO social ,political ,sometimes even moral barriers i find it weird that people care so much about words .After all ,it is my personal belief that words are what we make of them ,and I want nothing but people understanding that.I just want..happiness .
So thx again Tomokatu ,for taking your time.
Oh and @TFUkidding
Wow dude what an original response ,I’ll note down to not ‘kike’ them or spike them in the future.I might even consider not throwing heavy rocks at them.Thanks dude!Very helpful
Hey Brandon no I am not trying to ask you that i am not trying to annoy you i am am a fan of your work of your not creep out about it but it nothing personal but I was curious about midnight sexuality like is she a lesbian or a bisexual you know just don’t be displeased with me plus I am extremely excited about the next page and I know you will do a good
work and plus can you show more of lady moonlight in the future 

Plus I hope you know I don’t want to make you angry
brandon & i am new to this just please understand what I am saying 
And about midnights sexuality i just want to hear your thoughts about her even you created her plus a few people and my friends thinking her as bisexual but this the last time I’ll be talking about it so please don’t be piss off with me
And I am trying to not offend anyone plus some of my friend of mine and she is bisexual
I suppose she is bisexual, yeah. You already had it figured out before you even asked! XD
I know it’s not super obvious yet, but we shall see more on that in the future!
Dear god do i love these last few pages…
Find a reason to work some of the other monster girls in now too. haha
Also, i still say midnight needs a boyfriend this time around.. and i’d say pretty badly given her… attitude here. lol