Everybody going at it would nice, but pretty sure that won’t happen. Unless we are talking a April fools page Brandon hehe. Other then that I’m highlighting doubtful. But a Shadow, Tim and Midnight threesome… I’m keeping the fire of hope burning for that.
dewclaws.. cats use to use them to help in climbing.. Ocelots is the only cat known to still use em..
one of the stories of the name,, was dogs used em to wipe dew off…
Well… there’s going to be a confrontation, and I think it’s going to get ugly…
As a person who avoids any and all confrontations, this will be difficult to read, but it might help me get past a writers block in several of my own unfinished stories so… Time to take notes!!
Brandon Shane when Shadow says, Tonight’s the Nigth! What does she mean tonight she will see Tim or she means Tonight is the Tonight she will be Tim girlfriend forever. or she said something else.
Oh man, shadows in the mood for some lovin and Tim has another girl over, *covers eyes, looks through fingers*
I wish I could see 4 or 5 pages cause the anticipation is terrifying, someone tell me everything will be okay and that they fall in love like they should
I am the terror that flaps in the night!
I am the girl of you drams that will ask you out!
I am he relationship you can’t avoid!
I am Darkwing Shadow! Let’s get dangerous.
Clever girl….
Haha seriously though you keep us in suspense like this sooner or later we’re gonna ask for an animated series. Or at the least a vocal version
Tonight is the night – for Timmy’s first threesome!
Haha you guys wish!
*takes off the penguin suit and hides the rubber gear*
Hell, get Midnight and Mrs. Dobbs in there and we’ll have a right, proper orgy!
I’m sure there’s somebody out there who wants to see everybody have sex with everybody, whether it makes sense or not. XD
I volunteer as tribute!!!
Nah. Would just be happy with T+S+M
Everybody going at it would nice, but pretty sure that won’t happen. Unless we are talking a April fools page Brandon hehe. Other then that I’m highlighting doubtful. But a Shadow, Tim and Midnight threesome… I’m keeping the fire of hope burning for that.
Well that’s what the gallery and fan art section are for!
Let us Dream master Brandom XD… Im Here For the: OMG ARE THOSE FANGS?? HALP… But a threesome, in the future … This is Time for Spooks.
Shadow’s own bed, being right at floor level, is sited to prevent unwanted Noxe visitors.
(“Not under THIS bed, Missy”)
That’s right, there are no ‘under beds’ in Nox! It’d break the magic whosits or something.
Monster in the Closet? I sense a Spin-off!
There’s already Closet monsters in this story though.
“Tonight is the night… for daaaaaanger!”
I swear I know this reference but what is it??????
What is it Brandon????
I don’t know, I just made it up on the spot because I couldn’t think of anything witty to say and my laptop was about to die! XD
Tonight is the night is a Rod Stewart Song
Weird. I just noticed the Boogey People (WHAT DO THEY CALL THEMSELVES?!?!?!) have only 3 toes but they have 4 fingers.
It’s mostly for being silent and fast
Having fewer toes than fingers does not make you silent or fast.
Noxian as far as the name goes I think….
Their heels used to be another toe… but they evolved and lost it. Yeah, that it.
dewclaws.. cats use to use them to help in climbing.. Ocelots is the only cat known to still use em..
one of the stories of the name,, was dogs used em to wipe dew off…
Oh hey. Robnot. I responded to you about Gold Diggers on the last page.
Giggaty,giggaty, giggaty
She’s learned so much about human culture but still doesn’t wear undergarments.
Or does she? We shall have to wait and see!
Shadow wears only the sexiest of the sexiest granny panties..
Shadow doesn’t need to wear undergarments especially tonight.
Methinks she’s planning to do something with Tim.
Well… there’s going to be a confrontation, and I think it’s going to get ugly…
As a person who avoids any and all confrontations, this will be difficult to read, but it might help me get past a writers block in several of my own unfinished stories so… Time to take notes!!
The essential feature of all storytelling is conflict, from grand opera through to short stories and even some poetry.
Sorry ’bout that, Chief
Smells like girl fight soon maybe
I always thought that it would have smelled like teen spirit. You know, like “American Pie.”
nah. one very upset Noxian beauty and one very shocked human Teen. With a flustered boy trying to explain.
Brandon Shane when Shadow says, Tonight’s the Nigth! What does she mean tonight she will see Tim or she means Tonight is the Tonight she will be Tim girlfriend forever. or she said something else.
What do YOU think it means?
Oh man, shadows in the mood for some lovin and Tim has another girl over, *covers eyes, looks through fingers*
I wish I could see 4 or 5 pages cause the anticipation is terrifying, someone tell me everything will be okay and that they fall in love like they should
♪When two become one~♫
I am the terror that flaps in the night!
I am the girl of you drams that will ask you out!
I am he relationship you can’t avoid!
I am Darkwing Shadow! Let’s get dangerous.
Suck gas, evil-doer!
This can only go well and in direct liniarity with everyone’s plans for the evening.
Brandon Shane, I think she means tonight’s the night that she will be Tim girlfriend.
Clever girl….
Haha seriously though you keep us in suspense like this sooner or later we’re gonna ask for an animated series. Or at the least a vocal version