They say that if you can think of it, it exists. I am afraid to google “gray lipstick”. It surely must exist, for Goth fans at least.
Worked up the courage. Yes, it exists.
Brandon, just noticing you’ve been struggling with the schedule recently. maybe you change the schedule to every other week? it’d give us a more definite time, and loosen up the schedule for you.
I don’t see why this scheduling issue even exists. It is scheduled to come out once a week, but it shouldn’t have to be said that life does comes first. You’re a human being, not a machine. I understand.
There are times when I seriously consider doing away with the schedule completely and just saying that it’ll update whenever I feel like it… but I don’t, because having a deadline keeps me moving.
If there was no deadline at all, chances are much greater that I would slow down even more.
It’s great to have that extra motivation, but I never hold it against you. I would never expect you to throw everything away, because I wouldn’t if I were in your shoes. You come first, and I’ll stand behind you on it.
So what is the deal with the Aegis? I mean in general, what are there purpose? In page 63(I think) Moonlight inspects shadow’s Aegis to find out her improvement and I’m at a loss for what exactly the device measures… context clues are not my forte but if I were to take a guess an Aegis measures levels of fear, and shadow having a higher score could have been a product of her prolonged exposure to Tim. Still I’m clueless.
It does monitor and collect fear, as some kinda power source. As for her improvement, all of that time spent watching scary movies with Tim had probably boosted her numbers substantially.
This is where people get it wrong. It does NOT collect fear itself. I’ve never said that anywhere. It is essentially, a glorified calculator. It’s more important function is that it is required to pass through a portal into and out of Nox itself. Without one, a portal is merely a very dark set of floor boards.
The Aegis merely detects fear, (and it’s potency) and assigns a number value to whatever it detects, adding to an accumulated score. The higher the score, the better at scaring you must be. Ranks are decided by the highest scores.
The numbers are reset every month or so during an annual check-in with the high-mother, though everything is tabulated into a total overall score.
Ohhhhh ok, yeah that makes a lot more sense. Thank you. Also, knowing that and knowing that from now to one year from now Tim gets his hands on a Ageis (unless he has one now.) Assuming Tim will get his from his mom due to the fact that he has a female Ageis in the last page of ch 3. All this just leads me to believe that the event that the family was about to go to in the last page of ch 3 is In Nox. But I still have no clue lol…
It seems to measure human fear, not their own. They seem to be sensitive to fear naturally. Midnight once came by without Shadow, and measured no fear. During the Halloween episode, Shadow was almost overcome by Tim’s fear at one point.
This is because Tim has a very ‘special’ fear that is only manifest when Shadow is around. He isn’t afraid of Midnight the same way, therefore Midnight gets barely a blip on her Aegis, whereas Shadow soaks in the numbers.
All kinds of fan art are welcome! Both naughty and Nice! (nothing gross or illegal please!) I’ve had drawings, animation, writing and even original music submissions! XD
There’s a gallery up top, actually, if you’ve never looked at it.
Looking forward, All Hallows Eve falls at the end of this month.
I wonder whether Brandon has a plan for Tim and Shadow to recognise the anniversary of their fun evening 7 years ago and whether it will cement or fracture their relationship.
Did the strange scratching noises under your own bed put you off?
Or was it the moaning from the closet-“Brandoooonnn – don’t do it – Brannndoonnnn!!!”
Well, you Northern Hemispherians have a seriously twisted school year but I conjecture that you mean end-of-year school exams ( in mid-year! ) rather than sports finals.
Well, we do have a wild, crazy community of spazzoids that can keep us entertained. (I mean this in a good light. I prefer crazy and exciting over dull and boring.)
It certainly gives clues (even without words) as to Marcy’s intent and Tom & Ruth’s reaction to her sudden appearance in Tim’s world, without advance notice.
Can Ruth’s Noxian expanded sense of smell perhaps detect evil intent or a lingering aroma of Craig the bully?
I still believe that Marcy’s either Craig’s relative OR possibly his willing minion in a nefarious plan to crush Tim’s sense of self-worth. Cheerleaders DO that, y’know.
I’ve put the theory forward before and Brandon has carefully neither confirmed nor denied.
That’s actually a really good theory. It makes whatever is going to happen to Marcy Feel more deserving instead of making her look like a victim. I really don’t think Shadows going to hold it against Tim. if anything, I think he’s going to backpedale and repair the damage. However, Brandon did promise in Monster Mash on page 164 or 165 And we’re just overthinking this. and it’s just going to cut straight to the point.
I’ll be expecting a prompt post on the weekend of the US Thanksgiving, so ya know.
Just playing, bro. Enjoy your holiday. See ya next weekend.
Oh, right, it is the Canadian Thanksgiving. Forgot about that.
is it weird that all i can think of is “what shade lipstick is that?”
It’s probably a gloss that enhances natural color?
They say that if you can think of it, it exists. I am afraid to google “gray lipstick”. It surely must exist, for Goth fans at least.
Worked up the courage. Yes, it exists.
not only Goth,, darker skin tones ware it to enhance.. i counted over 15 shades of gray at one store,, an price was between $6 an $60..
If I had to name that colour, I would call it ” mill-scale” or “cast-iron”
Cuz that’s how it looks to me…and I work in a metal shop.
sadly no page this Sunday was released….
Tonight is the same night as Tim’s ‘studying’, right?
Yes, it is!
Brandon, just noticing you’ve been struggling with the schedule recently. maybe you change the schedule to every other week? it’d give us a more definite time, and loosen up the schedule for you.
It’s Thanksgiving? I’m fine.
ok, good to hear. have fun with thanksgiving. (we don’t have thanksgiving here, and i always forget)
I don’t see why this scheduling issue even exists. It is scheduled to come out once a week, but it shouldn’t have to be said that life does comes first. You’re a human being, not a machine. I understand.
It’s only ever an indication, not a promise and certainly not a straitjacket!
Shadow just needed a little bit more time to be “perfect”.
There are times when I seriously consider doing away with the schedule completely and just saying that it’ll update whenever I feel like it… but I don’t, because having a deadline keeps me moving.
If there was no deadline at all, chances are much greater that I would slow down even more.
It’s great to have that extra motivation, but I never hold it against you. I would never expect you to throw everything away, because I wouldn’t if I were in your shoes. You come first, and I’ll stand behind you on it.
I know that feeling very well, too well, in fact.
So, thanks for trying and not giving up on the schedule!
Shadow is the one who gave tim his scar
Theory has it that he gets the scar in Chapter 5, but you didn’t hear that from me.
I know from experience whenever I say “tonight’s the night!”, it’s NEVER the night. LOL
Why do I get the feeling something is going to go horribly, horribly wrong…?
Also, hope you and yours had a good Thanksgiving. ^^
an she haz a good (18+) comic too..
So what is the deal with the Aegis? I mean in general, what are there purpose? In page 63(I think) Moonlight inspects shadow’s Aegis to find out her improvement and I’m at a loss for what exactly the device measures… context clues are not my forte but if I were to take a guess an Aegis measures levels of fear, and shadow having a higher score could have been a product of her prolonged exposure to Tim. Still I’m clueless.
It does monitor and collect fear, as some kinda power source. As for her improvement, all of that time spent watching scary movies with Tim had probably boosted her numbers substantially.
This is where people get it wrong. It does NOT collect fear itself. I’ve never said that anywhere. It is essentially, a glorified calculator. It’s more important function is that it is required to pass through a portal into and out of Nox itself. Without one, a portal is merely a very dark set of floor boards.
The Aegis merely detects fear, (and it’s potency) and assigns a number value to whatever it detects, adding to an accumulated score. The higher the score, the better at scaring you must be. Ranks are decided by the highest scores.
The numbers are reset every month or so during an annual check-in with the high-mother, though everything is tabulated into a total overall score.
Ohhhhh ok, yeah that makes a lot more sense. Thank you. Also, knowing that and knowing that from now to one year from now Tim gets his hands on a Ageis (unless he has one now.) Assuming Tim will get his from his mom due to the fact that he has a female Ageis in the last page of ch 3. All this just leads me to believe that the event that the family was about to go to in the last page of ch 3 is In Nox. But I still have no clue lol…
Sooo… the way you put it, an Aegis is a transdimentional portal key…with a really badass pedometer built-in.
Sounds alright to me!
It seems to measure human fear, not their own. They seem to be sensitive to fear naturally. Midnight once came by without Shadow, and measured no fear. During the Halloween episode, Shadow was almost overcome by Tim’s fear at one point.
This is because Tim has a very ‘special’ fear that is only manifest when Shadow is around. He isn’t afraid of Midnight the same way, therefore Midnight gets barely a blip on her Aegis, whereas Shadow soaks in the numbers.
When you consider everything that happened, the first reading after Halloween should be interesting. Wasn’t the last reading before? I will check.
Hey Brandon do you accept fanart? If so what kind of fanart do you accept and don’t accept?
All kinds of fan art are welcome! Both naughty and Nice! (nothing gross or illegal please!) I’ve had drawings, animation, writing and even original music submissions! XD
There’s a gallery up top, actually, if you’ve never looked at it.
Looking forward, All Hallows Eve falls at the end of this month.
I wonder whether Brandon has a plan for Tim and Shadow to recognise the anniversary of their fun evening 7 years ago and whether it will cement or fracture their relationship.
Hah, I ain’t touching Halloween in-story again for a good long while. XD
Did the strange scratching noises under your own bed put you off?
Or was it the moaning from the closet-“Brandoooonnn – don’t do it – Brannndoonnnn!!!”
More likely; it’s actually May or June on the calendar, in comic time right now. They are getting ready for finals now, right? XD
Well, you Northern Hemispherians have a seriously twisted school year but I conjecture that you mean end-of-year school exams ( in mid-year! ) rather than sports finals.
: ( I caught up and now i have nothing to read *despairs(
Reread it again. You probably went fast through it the first time. There will be little things you missed.
Welcome to the group now you just haft to wait tell each weekend and hope nothing sets it back
Well, we do have a wild, crazy community of spazzoids that can keep us entertained. (I mean this in a good light. I prefer crazy and exciting over dull and boring.)
Because the night belongs to lovers
Because the night belongs to us
I sense this going wrong very quickly
New page line art is looking amazing on the facebook!
It certainly gives clues (even without words) as to Marcy’s intent and Tom & Ruth’s reaction to her sudden appearance in Tim’s world, without advance notice.
Can Ruth’s Noxian expanded sense of smell perhaps detect evil intent or a lingering aroma of Craig the bully?
I still believe that Marcy’s either Craig’s relative OR possibly his willing minion in a nefarious plan to crush Tim’s sense of self-worth. Cheerleaders DO that, y’know.
I’ve put the theory forward before and Brandon has carefully neither confirmed nor denied.
How you doing Tomo!
That’s actually a really good theory. It makes whatever is going to happen to Marcy Feel more deserving instead of making her look like a victim. I really don’t think Shadows going to hold it against Tim. if anything, I think he’s going to backpedale and repair the damage. However, Brandon did promise in Monster Mash on page 164 or 165 And we’re just overthinking this. and it’s just going to cut straight to the point.