Actually, he’s right, at least not today… had a major power outage here and I lost several hours of work time. I’ll update when I can… but it probably won’t be today. *sigh*
Also, it’s a free comic, so give me a break. I don’t owe anybody anything.
I lost two days recently due to some dickhead on a bulldozer cutting the fibre. but nobody should have noticed because I’m NOT important like Brandon is.
A huge hurricane just hit north Florida. I live in south Florida luckily but homes in south Florida that have lost power for unrelated reasons can’t get power back because all emergency workers fled to help north Florida… anyhow, I understand poweroutages suck.
I’m in North Florida, the tons of workers are constructing powerlines faster then I have ever seen. The lines aren’t to my house yet, but they are zooming down the main roads.
Hey, just found your comic today know you will probably never see this comment but wanted you to know just how amazing I think it is. I’m not gonna lie I first click on for some nice porn but soon found myself immersed in this amazing universe you have created. Please for the love of all that is good keep it up man THIS SHIT IS AMAZING!!!!!- Your new number one fan Ben
tbf, you have a Patreon. on some level, those people are owed something. obviously it’s down to their judgement whether or not your 2-3 pages a month are worth the dollar they pay, but surely you’d like to make a living off of this? I personally haven’t become a Patron because a once-a-week comic hasn’t been able to keep up with their updates schedule for a whole month in the last… what? two years? since inception?
maybe you should change your update schedule to once every 2 weeks, that way you can work up a backlog. it looks like it’s just not viable keeping up a once-a-week pace, and it makes you look (however true that is) lazy or unmotivated. I’d gladly be a patron to someone who posts less but it doesn’t feel like I’ve been lied to. I’d rather get an update EVERY 2 weeks because you have a backlog for a bit, and that way you can use your extra time to promote yourself, or maybe add value to your Patreon. I’m a big fan, but consistency is a big deal before I give someone my money, if that is indeed your end goal someday.
First of all, my Patreon is set up so that you only have to pay whenever I submit a finished page, not monthly.
So if I don’t post anything new there, then there is no money changing hands.
The rough drafts/inks are all free.
I don’t owe anybody anything.
It’s been that way since day one.
I don’t care if you don’t pay me. I have a full-time day job and this comic is just a hobby.
I’m glad you like it enough to complain when you don’t get your fix though.
Damn right you dont owe anybody anything. Well, ok, you might owe Tim an apology for the events you seem to be setting him up for…
Take peoples impatience as a sign they love your work, and let the complainers go pound sand.
Hey man, I think its about time you drop it. Yes he has patreon but he still puts the comic up for free so more people can enjoy it. He is not out for the money, like Brandon said its his hobby
Patreon is if you WANT to support him. You don’t HAVE to pay for the comic to see it. Which means it’s free. And he’s already made a point that money is exchanged only when a post goes up. Sounds fair to me.
There’s only a payout when I actually post something. It’s set to per creation.
If I don’t post anything on Patreon, then my supporters get to keep their money.
I’m not cheating anybody out of anything by not updating.
So, keep waiting like everybody else, or join my patreon and check out the fresh new ink preview I put up! (for free!)
as a retired on a fixed income type.. i DON’T have money to spend on “patreon” .. so i am very happy that Brandon does this for free.! also IRL im not a “must have it now.” type.. so i know that not all schedules can be met.! an life gets in the way..
an just so you know.. one of the comics i follow,, has a prepaid patreon, an the artist has not updated in a year , cuz of real world work,, an none are complaining.. tho we keep asking if all is well…
an finally,, i wood much rather Brandon post on his own schedule ,, than one that would burn him out an NOT want to post again…
The new page was looking great too. Ruth’s expression in the final panel was like, ‘no ONE SINGLE human girl is good enough for my son.’ I’m guessing Tim can handle 3 human females or 2 Nox females at any given time.
Shadow has these really nice painted claw-like finger nails. My money is on her when she bares the teeth to the blonde. The fear will be strong in that one.
Well, he works during the week, so he probably didn’t have time. We likely won’t see it until next week. Personally, I’ll be fine with waiting, but others seem to be struggling. It’s a slippery slope. Next weekend, it won’t be enough, and more possible delays, and so on. Oh well
Been a long time fan if your comics but this is my first time posting a comment. You do a wonderful job with this comic. I love the story and art that shows you put a lot of time abd love into it. Keep up the great work and I can’t wait to see the next page.
Take your time, seriously. Even I am getting a bit annoyed by all of those people who start complaining about that there was no update last week, and the worst part is that they probably didn’t try to sort out the context of why there is no update and just complain about that you didn’t post this week. The last thing we want you to do is to quit because people are complaining about the rate of the pages.
Keep going, you’re doing a wonderful job!
and by sideways…. the bottom two are literally at a 90* angle from what they should be, pointing at the next tooth in line, and both only 1-2mm away from a major nerve in the jaw….
I was recommended to have them removed once, that was 5-6 years ago…..
Deal with the driving boozers and driving texters first.
They’re far more common and at least as dangerous as driving stoners.
Perhaps also deal with the inattentive mums who turn around to admonish or wipe clean the rugrats in the back seat as a higher priority or those drivers who are using their rear-view mirror to apply eye-shadow or shave (you missed a bit there, oh no a pedestrian! (S)he MUST have been stoned!!) It’s can’t be MY fault, I’m a car-driver!)
Ride a motorcycle and learn where the REAL menaces on the road are.
Hint: Dope-smokers are the least of your worries.
I’m not surprised, only disappointed by people’s impatience. I, for one, forgot about this website entirely and had a nice treat of viewing many pages, almost like when I first found this comic via reddit.
my suggestion (not a request) is to release 1.5 pages every two weeks, but as always, it’s up to you. Some way to “spice up” the format, but it’s probably going to function like an even more annoying cliff-hanger each time.
Another week with no update.
it’s still early, man. give him time.
Actually, he’s right, at least not today… had a major power outage here and I lost several hours of work time. I’ll update when I can… but it probably won’t be today. *sigh*
Also, it’s a free comic, so give me a break. I don’t owe anybody anything.
I lost two days recently due to some dickhead on a bulldozer cutting the fibre. but nobody should have noticed because I’m NOT important like Brandon is.
Same here lost power dead middle of the night by a snow storm but I AIN’T AS IMPORTANT AS BRANDON AND TOMOKATU….(carry the chain on people)
Someone secretly switched my Folger’s instant coffee for used cat litter. I didn’t notice because the switch because of a power outrage.
A huge hurricane just hit north Florida. I live in south Florida luckily but homes in south Florida that have lost power for unrelated reasons can’t get power back because all emergency workers fled to help north Florida… anyhow, I understand poweroutages suck.
I’m in North Florida, the tons of workers are constructing powerlines faster then I have ever seen. The lines aren’t to my house yet, but they are zooming down the main roads.
Keep it cool… Just wanna see the blond chick completely scared from Shadow…
Yep we all want to see that.
Hey, just found your comic today know you will probably never see this comment but wanted you to know just how amazing I think it is. I’m not gonna lie I first click on for some nice porn but soon found myself immersed in this amazing universe you have created. Please for the love of all that is good keep it up man THIS SHIT IS AMAZING!!!!!- Your new number one fan Ben
welcome to the spook house,,, can also be called , nut house.. be hey..
Ben..??? you give him new nick name..? it’s Brendon.. jus sayin..
grr now you have doing it,,
…No… My names ben…
punctuation… cuz it reads as one,,
” Your new number one fan. Ben”
gah.! now i feel like a “word natzi”… cuz we all do it..
sorry ben, carry on…
if anything, he owes you an apology for expecting anything out of you when you do this all for free
tbf, you have a Patreon. on some level, those people are owed something. obviously it’s down to their judgement whether or not your 2-3 pages a month are worth the dollar they pay, but surely you’d like to make a living off of this? I personally haven’t become a Patron because a once-a-week comic hasn’t been able to keep up with their updates schedule for a whole month in the last… what? two years? since inception?
maybe you should change your update schedule to once every 2 weeks, that way you can work up a backlog. it looks like it’s just not viable keeping up a once-a-week pace, and it makes you look (however true that is) lazy or unmotivated. I’d gladly be a patron to someone who posts less but it doesn’t feel like I’ve been lied to. I’d rather get an update EVERY 2 weeks because you have a backlog for a bit, and that way you can use your extra time to promote yourself, or maybe add value to your Patreon. I’m a big fan, but consistency is a big deal before I give someone my money, if that is indeed your end goal someday.
First of all, my Patreon is set up so that you only have to pay whenever I submit a finished page, not monthly.
So if I don’t post anything new there, then there is no money changing hands.
The rough drafts/inks are all free.
I don’t owe anybody anything.
It’s been that way since day one.
I don’t care if you don’t pay me. I have a full-time day job and this comic is just a hobby.
I’m glad you like it enough to complain when you don’t get your fix though.
Don’t worry, people are just excited about the updates. When ever you can get it is fine.
Damn right you dont owe anybody anything. Well, ok, you might owe Tim an apology for the events you seem to be setting him up for…
Take peoples impatience as a sign they love your work, and let the complainers go pound sand.
you get $514 per page.
Yes, and?
I didn’t get that last week, or the week before that. What’s your point?
This is why I only ask for $1. Anything more is welcome, but nuts.
“Also, it’s a free comic, so give me a break. I don’t owe anybody anything.”
Uh…you have Patreon supporters.
Hey man, I think its about time you drop it. Yes he has patreon but he still puts the comic up for free so more people can enjoy it. He is not out for the money, like Brandon said its his hobby
Patreon is if you WANT to support him. You don’t HAVE to pay for the comic to see it. Which means it’s free. And he’s already made a point that money is exchanged only when a post goes up. Sounds fair to me.
That pay by the page you stooge. So he could never update again and people would have everything they paid for. Learn some patience.
There’s only a payout when I actually post something. It’s set to per creation.
If I don’t post anything on Patreon, then my supporters get to keep their money.
I’m not cheating anybody out of anything by not updating.
So, keep waiting like everybody else, or join my patreon and check out the fresh new ink preview I put up! (for free!)
as a retired on a fixed income type.. i DON’T have money to spend on “patreon” .. so i am very happy that Brandon does this for free.! also IRL im not a “must have it now.” type.. so i know that not all schedules can be met.! an life gets in the way..
an just so you know.. one of the comics i follow,, has a prepaid patreon, an the artist has not updated in a year , cuz of real world work,, an none are complaining.. tho we keep asking if all is well…
an finally,, i wood much rather Brandon post on his own schedule ,, than one that would burn him out an NOT want to post again…
The new page was looking great too. Ruth’s expression in the final panel was like, ‘no ONE SINGLE human girl is good enough for my son.’ I’m guessing Tim can handle 3 human females or 2 Nox females at any given time.

Hope everything fine in Canada.

It’s ok we still love you
Shadow has these really nice painted claw-like finger nails. My money is on her when she bares the teeth to the blonde. The fear will be strong in that one.
That or the cheerleader enters the wierd zone as well haha xD
I have always wonder, in the past as there been like a big encounter between nox and earth or nox always benn hidene from human
There’s a shared history… but it has been lost to time.
The voices once told ME that Bram Stoker was really Nox, not Irish but Edgar Allen Poe just pretended to be.
Did something happen? How come there is no update even today?
I hope everything is ok there.
Well, he works during the week, so he probably didn’t have time. We likely won’t see it until next week. Personally, I’ll be fine with waiting, but others seem to be struggling. It’s a slippery slope. Next weekend, it won’t be enough, and more possible delays, and so on. Oh well
Power outage preventing me from drawing, visiting parents after that, back to work at my real job today, tired and had a nap after dinner.
Pick any of those.
I’m chill. Take your time, and don’t fret it.
Been a long time fan if your comics but this is my first time posting a comment. You do a wonderful job with this comic. I love the story and art that shows you put a lot of time abd love into it. Keep up the great work and I can’t wait to see the next page.
Take your time, seriously. Even I am getting a bit annoyed by all of those people who start complaining about that there was no update last week, and the worst part is that they probably didn’t try to sort out the context of why there is no update and just complain about that you didn’t post this week. The last thing we want you to do is to quit because people are complaining about the rate of the pages.
Keep going, you’re doing a wonderful job!
Wait, he missed an update?
Harrumph harrumph harrumph.
Also, we want more pr0ns. Immediately.
*crosses fingers*
Just found out not to long ago I’ve got wisdom teeth… Yay…
Everybody has wisdom teeth. XD
I’ve got sideways wisdom teeth
wisdom teeth are not wise…..
and by sideways…. the bottom two are literally at a 90* angle from what they should be, pointing at the next tooth in line, and both only 1-2mm away from a major nerve in the jaw….
I was recommended to have them removed once, that was 5-6 years ago…..
And I got mines pulled-out last month.
(They had to crush one to remove it)
And fun-fact! Some peoples only grow 2 wisdom teeth instead of the normal 4.
Do you feel the wisdom yet? Me neither. They lied to me!
They are called “Wisdom Teeth” because, by the time you got your you are SUPPOSED to have Gained enough KNOWLEDGE to be called WISE.
Oh, I was only kidding anyways. I know why they named them that.
I love this community lol
Congratulations on Canadian legislative sanity!
Rip out a cone for me please, Brandon (and one or more for Shadow to put her in the mood, if you know what I mean)
Yeeeeah… I’m not for it. XD More idiots walking around and driving in public.
All the more reason for it to be treated like a double dui in reference to drinking and driving.
.. using mobile phones while driving.
Actually a normal driver loses skill and awareness equivalent to a blood alcohol 0f about 0.1 while conversing on a phone.
There would be far fewer collisions.
Passengers should not be able to communicate AT ALL with the driver.
However, very few fatal collisions occur when stoners are walking, either alone or in crowds.
No, they happen when one of the potheads gets behind a wheel because “they can handle their drugs”.
More stupidity from our formerly-sane neighbor to the North, and have fun with your increased traffic fatality rates.
Deal with the driving boozers and driving texters first.
They’re far more common and at least as dangerous as driving stoners.
Perhaps also deal with the inattentive mums who turn around to admonish or wipe clean the rugrats in the back seat as a higher priority or those drivers who are using their rear-view mirror to apply eye-shadow or shave (you missed a bit there, oh no a pedestrian! (S)he MUST have been stoned!!) It’s can’t be MY fault, I’m a car-driver!)
Ride a motorcycle and learn where the REAL menaces on the road are.
Hint: Dope-smokers are the least of your worries.
Nice comic, dont let those impatient fools get to you brand!
No updates… lazy cunt
*Waves in a friendly neighbourly way* Fuck you too, buddy!
I was thinking of releasing it the moment it was done, but you just pushed it to Sunday!
I’m not surprised, only disappointed by people’s impatience. I, for one, forgot about this website entirely and had a nice treat of viewing many pages, almost like when I first found this comic via reddit.
my suggestion (not a request) is to release 1.5 pages every two weeks, but as always, it’s up to you. Some way to “spice up” the format, but it’s probably going to function like an even more annoying cliff-hanger each time.
They aren’t technically cliff-hangers, just ends of pages.
When the story is finished, you’ll find there are no cliff-hanger endings.
Take your time, pal! Nobody’s going to kill you. Even if we have to wait for it a bit longer.

You’re right, they aren’t going to kill me.
Just my drive to keep updating at all for their spoiled asses.
Is it possible to black-list their IDs, so they can’t continually bother you? Or whitelist everybody else?
I’ve never blocked anybody, and I really don’t want to start.
But, If I *did* I’d start with the a-hole 2 comments up from here.
Take your time with the comic. Its yours after all and you can have your way all the time.