Yes, Tim, try her.
You’ve got the green light, if only you bloody-well WAKE UP! Because if you don’t, you won’t get the offer again for a LONG while, if ever.
It was established back in part one that Noxians don’t wear underwear–Tim’s Gynophobia was established when he had a mild freakout at seeing Shadow’s bare crotch when she used her robe to wipe her face they were kids and realizing that the monster girl was still an actual girl.
Metaphore => *Metaphor
were => *wear
(From my education a metaphor is saying something is another thing,
kind of like a simile without using “like” or “as”)
(Sorry if I have offended anybody by stating this statement to state my opinion)
Yep, at this point, Shadow’s firmly in the ‘friend’ zone. While not typical with males of the human species, it does happen from time to time. Either that, or he really is that honking dense.
Another possibility is that he’s put Shadow in the ‘way out of his league’ category, or figures that she’d only be interested in another Noxian. I can understand you might confuse that with him having a very high specific gravity, but it’s probably much closer in thought to the friend zone, the only key difference being that my options would have him be very eager for a romantic relationship with Shadow but just not believing that it is at all possible. Just to be explicit, if he’s disregarding the possibility of a relationship with Shadow because he personally would prefer to be with a human girl, I’d say he’s lacking in the mental department, specifically in the survival skills portion.
Huh was so sure we we’re going to see Marcy pull Tim into her room, get naked and try to get into Tim pants. Guess not, oh well all I’ll say now is I hope Tim doesn’t stay oblivious and he and Shadow do it in the next several pages. It would be a bit of a cliche if he doesn’t realize what Shadow is trying to do and she ends up leaving again. Also one question will we at some point ser Marcy naked ?
Dis ain’t dat kinda comic. Marcy hopefully ain’t gonna do dat.
(I don’t see her doing that, based on my perception of how she has developed so far as a character. Who knows? I might be wrong.)
You must be a massive idiot with only two brain cells fighting for dominance. Tim is not dance and knows what she is doing. And he has a preference for her.
That’s a possibility if he’s thinking “Shadow’s a FRIEND and I don’t want to lose a friend by getting sexual.”
Tim, please take notice.
In another 45 seconds she may have lost the mood – it can be THAT quick!
Best comic ever.
Panel 1 – One shoulder off.
Panel 2 – Two shoulders off.
Jesus Christ, kid, this is a neon welcome sign.
Not to mention “Try me!”
Yes, Tim, try her.
You’ve got the green light, if only you bloody-well WAKE UP! Because if you don’t, you won’t get the offer again for a LONG while, if ever.
He probably wont get the hint Till Panties Hit him in the Face.
What panties?
It was established back in part one that Noxians don’t wear underwear–Tim’s Gynophobia was established when he had a mild freakout at seeing Shadow’s bare crotch when she used her robe to wipe her face they were kids and realizing that the monster girl was still an actual girl.
I was gonna say same thing.
But you already stated the fact.
I shall state which pages.
#40 “Midnight Snack” [Panels 4-6]
#42 “Parents” [Panel 1]
That was a Metaphore. I know they don’t were any.
Metaphore => *Metaphor
were => *wear
(From my education a metaphor is saying something is another thing,
kind of like a simile without using “like” or “as”)
(Sorry if I have offended anybody by stating this statement to state my opinion)
Or he gets bitten first because with those teeth shadow has it going to hurt a lot lets just say her bite is worse than her bark
Did you think that line up all by yourself? You think her bark is worse than her bite? What are you, stupid?
The look on Tim’s face says he’s going to thank her in the funnest way possible either that or I’m reading the artists images wrong.
Yep, at this point, Shadow’s firmly in the ‘friend’ zone. While not typical with males of the human species, it does happen from time to time. Either that, or he really is that honking dense.
You might be surprised at the amount of obvious single guys can rationalize away.
Another possibility is that he’s put Shadow in the ‘way out of his league’ category, or figures that she’d only be interested in another Noxian. I can understand you might confuse that with him having a very high specific gravity, but it’s probably much closer in thought to the friend zone, the only key difference being that my options would have him be very eager for a romantic relationship with Shadow but just not believing that it is at all possible. Just to be explicit, if he’s disregarding the possibility of a relationship with Shadow because he personally would prefer to be with a human girl, I’d say he’s lacking in the mental department, specifically in the survival skills portion.
Huh was so sure we we’re going to see Marcy pull Tim into her room, get naked and try to get into Tim pants. Guess not, oh well all I’ll say now is I hope Tim doesn’t stay oblivious and he and Shadow do it in the next several pages. It would be a bit of a cliche if he doesn’t realize what Shadow is trying to do and she ends up leaving again. Also one question will we at some point ser Marcy naked ?
Dis ain’t dat kinda comic. Marcy hopefully ain’t gonna do dat.
(I don’t see her doing that, based on my perception of how she has developed so far as a character. Who knows? I might be wrong.)
TIM. USE YOUR 2ND BRAIN CELL. Like got damn he’s so frigging dense here.
Or he’s a sly genius
He’s been sly as fuck. Look at that face he’s making.
He knows what he’s doing.
He knows some of what he is doing at least. I don’t think he knows how hurt she was.
He’s playing with her and is about to drop the dirty d? I hope so.
Who is denser, Timmy or Ash Ketchum?
Ash definitely. He is dense on many levels.
Can we get Tim some eye drops over here….oh and a book on basic female body language
Tim is a dense boy. That is all.
tim my boy you are so missing the point of her flat tone right now
You must be a massive idiot with only two brain cells fighting for dominance. Tim is not dance and knows what she is doing. And he has a preference for her.
Did anyone notice: Tims shirt came off, too…
Not his shirt, his coat.
She might have to lead him by the hand. If she has been coming around for years he might think she is off the menu.
That’s a possibility if he’s thinking “Shadow’s a FRIEND and I don’t want to lose a friend by getting sexual.”
Tim, please take notice.
In another 45 seconds she may have lost the mood – it can be THAT quick!
Oh God, Shadow’s about to pounce; quick, Tim, write you last words on paper or get a suit of armor – before she brakes ever bone in your body!
The best defence is a strong offense