Ladies and gentlemen, I’m here to make a very important announcement, Tim has no understanding of women. Seriously, this is the second time in a single day he doesn’t realize he’s being seduced!
HOW CAN TIM BE SO BLIND?! (Girl behind me in negligee) “Sweetly when are you coming to bed I’m cold?” “You should probably put some clothes on.” (Tim yells at me through the screen) “HOW CAN YOU BE SO BLIND?!”
Really? Tim has no understanding of females? He’s had a female friend since he was a kid. He has kissed this friend before. You and several other fans of the comic really don’t think he’s already made his choice? The only dense people are the ones who think that Tim Shadow or not going to hook up that night
Poor Tim has a case of Mangus Protagonium. It is a common ailment of young men in comics who aren’t jerks. Shadow’s going to have to take more drastic measures. Sexy measures…. and if that doesn’t work, chloroform.
Surprised to see a new page! Hope that insidious complaints don’t dig deep under your skin, after all it’s your world and your rules. People seem to forget that bit. Don’t fall into sin-driven compliance!
Before, aside from those few pages after they get together, this entire story has been been a flashback. This is the final flashback, presumably of how they got together.
I think you two are talking about the same thing; regardless of whether he gets the wounds to form those scars technically before or during their first act, the before will blend seamlessly into the during.
At least he didn’t pretend that nothing happened. I sure Shadow will appreciate his honesty and be proud of him for his strides in overcoming his fear of girls… hahahahahaha yeah right
please translate it into Spanish; I think it’s a great story until now but I find it hard to use the Google translator with every dialogue.
Your story is great, and thank you very much for bringing this.
I don’t think he’s as oblivious as he seems here. at the moment he’s talking with his girlfriend and telling her what happened in his day, plus she always wares rather provocative clothing around him anyway so that has to be the norm. and at least he’s being honest with her rather then not telling her about it.
Tim is still dense, but I do agree that he knew she was there, or that she would be there soon, and I do believe he’s messing with her now. I do NOT think that he was aware she was crying though, or that she loves him. And I don’t think he realizes that he’s irritating her or hurting her feelings now.
Well, let’s just say its easier for we, ladies to get out of the friendzone, then males… “oops! my blouse fell! Oh dear!”
Gettting out the friendzone is SIMPLE… “Oops Tim, its seems my blouse has fallen off! Oh no!”
She kinda broke that seal when they met. oof.
Ladies and gentlemen, I’m here to make a very important announcement, Tim has no understanding of women. Seriously, this is the second time in a single day he doesn’t realize he’s being seduced!
to be fair, its always easier to see it from the outside looking in
HOW CAN TIM BE SO BLIND?! (Girl behind me in negligee) “Sweetly when are you coming to bed I’m cold?” “You should probably put some clothes on.” (Tim yells at me through the screen) “HOW CAN YOU BE SO BLIND?!”
Really? Tim has no understanding of females? He’s had a female friend since he was a kid. He has kissed this friend before. You and several other fans of the comic really don’t think he’s already made his choice? The only dense people are the ones who think that Tim Shadow or not going to hook up that night
Poor Tim has a case of Mangus Protagonium. It is a common ailment of young men in comics who aren’t jerks. Shadow’s going to have to take more drastic measures. Sexy measures…. and if that doesn’t work, chloroform.
well, lack of fear… but still clueless
Wow nice update to shadows physical age. It looks good she looks more mature now instead of a larger form of her young self.
That’s why what Brandon does is called ART!
It’s time that Shadow spooks him for good
Surprised to see a new page! Hope that insidious complaints don’t dig deep under your skin, after all it’s your world and your rules. People seem to forget that bit. Don’t fall into sin-driven compliance!
I second that!
Is this before or after they had sex?
Like, does this happen before or after page 1?
Before, aside from those few pages after they get together, this entire story has been been a flashback. This is the final flashback, presumably of how they got together.
I think there’s been one page since that was after, but it was clearly a narration page, rather than depicted story content.
and protagonist brand denseness strikes again
It’s worse than I thought. He’s too thick to see what’s in front of him.
Tim’s not over his fear yet because Shadow is going to put the fear of Nox into him.
And then they’re going to kiss. At least that’s my theory.
Fear of Nox? Could you define and elaborate please?
am I detecting someone being friendzoned
She’s not going down without a fight.
And THAT might show how Tim got those permanent scars on his shoulder- we shall see but it might just be the wake-up call he needs.
“Wrestle me, Tim, ….. or BLEED!”
Or those scars are from their first time doing it
I think you two are talking about the same thing; regardless of whether he gets the wounds to form those scars technically before or during their first act, the before will blend seamlessly into the during.
At least he didn’t pretend that nothing happened. I sure Shadow will appreciate his honesty and be proud of him for his strides in overcoming his fear of girls… hahahahahaha yeah right
Naw. “That’s good, you’re not supposed to be afraid of them. You’re supposed to be afraid of *ME*.”
please translate it into Spanish; I think it’s a great story until now but I find it hard to use the Google translator with every dialogue.
Your story is great, and thank you very much for bringing this.
Get someone else to translate it for you. Brandon is a busy person.
I don’t think he’s as oblivious as he seems here. at the moment he’s talking with his girlfriend and telling her what happened in his day, plus she always wares rather provocative clothing around him anyway so that has to be the norm. and at least he’s being honest with her rather then not telling her about it.
I just re-read the last few pages. Tim is not dense, he knew she was there, and now he is messing with her. Re-read and let me know what you think.
Tim is still dense, but I do agree that he knew she was there, or that she would be there soon, and I do believe he’s messing with her now. I do NOT think that he was aware she was crying though, or that she loves him. And I don’t think he realizes that he’s irritating her or hurting her feelings now.
Let us just home Shadow doesn’t go crying to Midnight or Tim is a very dead man.
Finally! Someone sees the light. You can easily see he’s undressing and so is she.