OH Cute! I just noticed.. Shadow looks slightly older.. more womanly than previous versions of her the cut of her jaw-line the higher forehead… all show the signs of her maturing into young womanhood! Lovely!
Come-on Tim! Don’t be so dense.. see the beauty waiting before you!!
Soo… if Shadow was getting the fear counter so high up before, wouldn’t the levels start dropping if Tim is “getting over his fear”?
If her Aegis is checked, she wouldn’t be able to become First Reaver?
Would that give the baddies an advantage of some sort?
Will Shadow and Timothy ever be more than just friends? (Actually, nevermind this question, we already know the answer )
Why do I have a feeling that Tim is just rattling her cage? I know it couldn’t be that look on his face in the last panel. Right? Oh, BTW, it looks to me like Shadow had some plans for a little more fun than normal tonight. Of course, I could be wrong. I’ve been wrong before.
10$ on tim having a plan to pull shadow into a kiss, something along the lines of; “Now that i’ve gotten over my fear, I have to thank you shadow.” and then turn around and kiss her, pull away after a bit, “Thank you, for everything.” or something along those lines
Do you think I will be possible to upload 2 pages a week? I LOVE this comic and I love the story behind it.
But if you don’t want to, you don’t have to. Its your comic and its your choice.
Thanks for making this awesome comic.
The best thing to do is get a cheap drawing tablet, some Chinese piece of crap from Monoprice or Huion or some brand like that. Hook that sucker up to your computer, and then wait for Clip Studio / Manga Studio to go on sale and buy that. It’s like 25 bucks when it’s on sale, you can afford that, right? You could practice on free programs like Gimp or whatever, or just Clipstudio’s free trial (or just pirate it until you buy it)
Stop by the How’s Your Webcomic threads on /co/ sometime if you want more help.
Brandon’s looking for a bunch of Japanese cosplay babes who can draw, like his comic and are willing to work for peanuts. The first 2 are easy, it’s that working for peanuts that’s a problem.
For the computer, Firealpaca is a really solid option (it’s free and supports drawing tablets if you get one in the future)
But if good drawings with cheap tools is the thing you want…
I would recommend looking in thrift-stores or yard-sales for an old scanner(digitizer) and digitize your work.
My scanner is over 12years old and still works!
Besides, that is exactly what the author of Wapsisquare did for more than a decade and a half!
And the guy did some really nice looking work this way for his quite successful comic.
Meh… any that you feel good about?
I have a decades old canon one that is a bit slow, but has been quite reliable for all this time and can churn-out high-deff pictures and even does film negatives.
So, if i can recommande a brand, it might be canon.
But, even if you buy them new, a scanner is WAY cheaper then a printer, a fax or a photocopier.
No prob.
It is only used on occasion but, I have scanned an entire 350page book in one go.
(My aunt had a rare cookbook I liked) The thing didn’t even get hotter then body warm in twelve hours straight!
In my case ware has not been an issue yet nor has age.
Also, I just checked and the same model I have, brand new is 80$CAN at staples. It is called Canon-Canoscan.
I guess if you’re lucky, you can find one used at a yard sale or thrift store for 10bucks.
OK, I am now officially confused. Did he or didnt he hear Shadows growl back on #165? It seems like he was turning around because of it, and of course he would know its her. Now he seems like he didnt know she was there?
She growled when they first met, and she certainly growled for Craig.
More to the point, a growl coming from somewhere in his bedroom that wasnt him or Marcy, wouldnt be hard for him to figure out its source.
This boy is as dense as neutron star material. Golden haired nuclear hottie on his bed and he is talking about another girl. Someone please slap him upside the head.
To anybody and everybody who reads this comment.
Do not forget to vote for this comic at Topwebcomics.com (link to vote located to right top of page above).
You can vote once every 24 hours, 7 votes a week!
Help this comic reach top 100 at least! (hopefully)
This comic deserves every vote it gets, so click (or tap) on that vote link and give it your vote, once each day.
(Just make sure your parents aren’t watching )
If I may ask, how did you come up with the story?
What inspired you to write and illustrate your own comic?
Do you consider it a hobby, or a potential career path?
(Just my curiosity, you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to )
OH Cute! I just noticed.. Shadow looks slightly older.. more womanly than previous versions of her the cut of her jaw-line the higher forehead… all show the signs of her maturing into young womanhood! Lovely!
Come-on Tim! Don’t be so dense.. see the beauty waiting before you!!
I see the look in his eyes that says that he knows she knows about this already.
Shadow looks great in this page. It’s the more angular cuts on her face.
worry about that once the flashbacks are over
A pretty simple solution here, Shadow. Just kiss him when he turns around.
Tim, for the love of all that is hot and dark, PLEASE lead this into a kiss for Shadow! DO NOT MAKE MY MISTAKES YOUNG PADAWAN!
How did you escape Order 66?
Nice try, Palpatine.
Star Wars references beyond the movies! I’m totally lost. Haha.
>I’m finally getting over my fear
He shouldn’t have said that. He should NOT have said that.
Well, actually I took that to mean he doesn’t feel that way for her. He’ll have to realize that fear means more than he realizes.
Soo… if Shadow was getting the fear counter so high up before, wouldn’t the levels start dropping if Tim is “getting over his fear”?
If her Aegis is checked, she wouldn’t be able to become First Reaver?
Would that give the baddies an advantage of some sort?
Will Shadow and Timothy ever be more than just friends? (Actually, nevermind this question, we already know the answer
And his next word should be, ‘Shadow, lets work on my fear tonight.’, and not ‘What up with you.’
Why do I have a feeling that Tim is just rattling her cage? I know it couldn’t be that look on his face in the last panel. Right? Oh, BTW, it looks to me like Shadow had some plans for a little more fun than normal tonight. Of course, I could be wrong. I’ve been wrong before.
Exactly!! You’re right on every count!
Time to make sure this comic is a porn comic
10$ on tim having a plan to pull shadow into a kiss, something along the lines of; “Now that i’ve gotten over my fear, I have to thank you shadow.” and then turn around and kiss her, pull away after a bit, “Thank you, for everything.” or something along those lines
Do you think I will be possible to upload 2 pages a week? I LOVE this comic and I love the story behind it.
But if you don’t want to, you don’t have to. Its your comic and its your choice.
Thanks for making this awesome comic.
Absolutely, once I get that full-time art and writing team I’ll get right on that!
I was thinking of making a web comic but I don’t have any digital drawing stuff.
Do you have any recommendations on gear?
The best thing to do is get a cheap drawing tablet, some Chinese piece of crap from Monoprice or Huion or some brand like that. Hook that sucker up to your computer, and then wait for Clip Studio / Manga Studio to go on sale and buy that. It’s like 25 bucks when it’s on sale, you can afford that, right? You could practice on free programs like Gimp or whatever, or just Clipstudio’s free trial (or just pirate it until you buy it)
Stop by the How’s Your Webcomic threads on /co/ sometime if you want more help.
I suspect that a minimum of $5000/month from Patreon subscriptions would help that goal along.
How much does CyberToast contribute, I wonder.
Brandon’s looking for a bunch of Japanese cosplay babes who can draw, like his comic and are willing to work for peanuts. The first 2 are easy, it’s that working for peanuts that’s a problem.
And drawing apps, preferably free or REALY CHEEP one time pay?
I am very tight on money.
Have you tried paint.NET? It’s full-featured and user-supported with add-ons.
I use Autodesk for Android you can also draw pictures on paper then scan it into the app and edit it all features are now free
For the computer, Firealpaca is a really solid option (it’s free and supports drawing tablets if you get one in the future)
But if good drawings with cheap tools is the thing you want…
I would recommend looking in thrift-stores or yard-sales for an old scanner(digitizer) and digitize your work.
My scanner is over 12years old and still works!
Besides, that is exactly what the author of Wapsisquare did for more than a decade and a half!
And the guy did some really nice looking work this way for his quite successful comic.
Which brand of scanners would you recommend?
Meh… any that you feel good about?
I have a decades old canon one that is a bit slow, but has been quite reliable for all this time and can churn-out high-deff pictures and even does film negatives.
So, if i can recommande a brand, it might be canon.
But, even if you buy them new, a scanner is WAY cheaper then a printer, a fax or a photocopier.
Canon seems to be a good choice. How often is your scanner being used? (If you don’t mind me asking.)
Thanks for replying.
No prob.
It is only used on occasion but, I have scanned an entire 350page book in one go.
(My aunt had a rare cookbook I liked) The thing didn’t even get hotter then body warm in twelve hours straight!
In my case ware has not been an issue yet nor has age.
Also, I just checked and the same model I have, brand new is 80$CAN at staples. It is called Canon-Canoscan.
I guess if you’re lucky, you can find one used at a yard sale or thrift store for 10bucks.
OK, I am now officially confused. Did he or didnt he hear Shadows growl back on #165? It seems like he was turning around because of it, and of course he would know its her. Now he seems like he didnt know she was there?
Only Brandon knows for certain and may never reveal just WHAT is going on in Tim’s mind.
Did Shadow ever growl for Tim in the past?
Did she ever get that erotic for him before?
She growled when they first met, and she certainly growled for Craig.
More to the point, a growl coming from somewhere in his bedroom that wasnt him or Marcy, wouldnt be hard for him to figure out its source.
This boy is as dense as neutron star material. Golden haired nuclear hottie on his bed and he is talking about another girl. Someone please slap him upside the head.
To anybody and everybody who reads this comment.
Do not forget to vote for this comic at Topwebcomics.com (link to vote located to right top of page above).
You can vote once every 24 hours, 7 votes a week!
Help this comic reach top 100 at least! (hopefully)
This comic deserves every vote it gets, so click (or tap) on that vote link and give it your vote, once each day.
(Just make sure your parents aren’t watching
Parents? Haha how old are you, kid?
18 on the outside, 16 on the inside
If I may ask, how did you come up with the story?
What inspired you to write and illustrate your own comic?
Do you consider it a hobby, or a potential career path?
(Just my curiosity, you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to
Definitely just a hobby for now.
Do you want the honest answer or the 21 answer?
Tim’s parents did, so these two most likely will? (When they are a bit older)