Well Brandon I know you’re busy so I’ll accept your time off on this because of the holidays, I’ll see page #168 next time plus congratulations on you’re work plus you have a (Frohe weihnachten) that’s German for merry Christmas plus the reason I i said that because this is not only holiday season for saint Nick it’s also for krampus as well you know plus he is based on one of the most disturbing holiday icons from Germany
He is a holiday demon from Germany who comes for bad kids but sometimes he’ll even kill them if they really bad like he’ll probably torture or most likely he’ll latterly eat them to death until their bones are clean off but the only way to get rid of him is to behave long enough to make him go away but he’ll come again if they get back to their bad behavior plus there is no second chances
He not only a demon he’s like worse as Satan but only for Christmas plus he also has reindeer and their names are slasher,wrathful,gorgon,putrid,cyclops,rabies and goner he also has demon possess toys plus dark elves for helper’s
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY! One of these days I’ll get back on the horse, but I’ve been actually taking the time while I have it to get some other stuff out of the way. Check back next weekend, probably!
It’s going to stay in colour. The colours really add a certain pop to the characters that black and white just doesn’t convey correctly. Also, whether it’s in colour or not it won’t make it THAT much faster, as actually drawing/inking is the most time consuming part of it all.
I gotta keep saying this, but the only way I’ll ever get more pages out than I already do is to quit my day job and concentrate on this as my job. Which is NOT happening. It’s my hobby, I’ll get burned out fast if I do that. I already get burned out doing it just on weekends.
I’m on VACATION from work, so I’m actually taking the time to relax. XD
i just took a look on facebook(even gave a follow)
…okay, lets see where it goes.
but by the name of the page, there will be a shade of awkwardness to it.
He not only a demon he’s like worse as Satan but only for Christmas plus he also has reindeer’s and their names are slasher,wrathful,gorgon,putrid,cyclops,rabies,goner also be has demon possess toys plus dark elves for helper’s
I ain’t Brandon, nor am I an expert in writing/illustrating comics, but I think you should post a few more pages before asking for constructive criticism, there doesn’t seem to be enough of the comic to get an idea of where it is leading.
(Just my opinion )
All I can say (with my limited experience) is that you shouldn’t ask questions like ‘Anything I could “fix”?’, there is nothing to fix, each author/illustrator is different, the same goes for their works/books, it is ok to ask for constructive criticism. What needs “fixing” is up to you to decide. It is after all your own creation.
(I hope that I’m not offending anyone by saying that, Sorry if I am)
Make more pages. Use proper punctuation and spelling. What is the point of the comic? Correction: ” I’ll ” . I am personally a fan of fish girls like Laguna blue, Princess Ruto, and the fish girl from Blue submarine number 6. Art style and spelling improves the more you do it. So just do it. https://youtu.be/ZXsQAXx_ao0
Well Brandon I know you’re busy so I’ll accept your time off on this because of the holidays, I’ll see page #168 next time plus congratulations on you’re work plus you have a (Frohe weihnachten) that’s German for merry Christmas
plus the reason I i said that because this is not only holiday season for saint Nick it’s also for krampus as well you know plus he is based on one of the most disturbing holiday icons from Germany
Hmmm… Krampus…
To Google or not to Google.
(Who/what is this Krampus?)
How does Krampus compare to SCP 072? How does Krampus compare to the Tokoloshe?
What if I use Bing instead?
He is a holiday demon from Germany who comes for bad kids but sometimes he’ll even kill them if they really bad like he’ll probably torture or most likely he’ll latterly eat them to death until their bones are clean off but the only way to get rid of him is to behave long enough to make him go away but he’ll come again if they get back to their bad behavior plus there is no second chances
So… he just a demon santa? Without a “nice” list?
He not only a demon he’s like worse as Satan but only for Christmas plus he also has reindeer and their names are slasher,wrathful,gorgon,putrid,cyclops,rabies and goner he also has demon possess toys plus dark elves for helper’s
merry Christmas and happy Hanukkah everyone!
Ok that reminds me i celebrate Christmas and Hanukkah
……. and I celebrate the Saturnalia. IO SATURNALIA!
Happy Christmas and Merry Holidays!
Happy Holidays everyone
When is the next page coming out
I’m on Christmas break, so, whenever I feel like updating next, I guess!
happy holidays all..
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY! One of these days I’ll get back on the horse, but I’ve been actually taking the time while I have it to get some other stuff out of the way. Check back next weekend, probably!
Do you think that it would be possible to do pages without colour and realise more a week? Maby
the community can vote?
I personally would like it but if the community doesn’t I’m happy to live by it.
It’s going to stay in colour. The colours really add a certain pop to the characters that black and white just doesn’t convey correctly. Also, whether it’s in colour or not it won’t make it THAT much faster, as actually drawing/inking is the most time consuming part of it all.
I gotta keep saying this, but the only way I’ll ever get more pages out than I already do is to quit my day job and concentrate on this as my job. Which is NOT happening. It’s my hobby, I’ll get burned out fast if I do that. I already get burned out doing it just on weekends.
I’m on VACATION from work, so I’m actually taking the time to relax. XD
Well we will hope you a fun holiday break have a nice break plus you deserve it
happy holidays dude 
Burnout is dangerous (creatively), so by all means avoid it!
Its gonna be one those awkward conversations?
oh boy, oh boy.
Cant wait to see it.
Have you had a look at the facebook page?
i just took a look on facebook(even gave a follow)
…okay, lets see where it goes.
but by the name of the page, there will be a shade of awkwardness to it.
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
lmao I’ve been watching a Dr Who marathon on tv
He not only a demon he’s like worse as Satan but only for Christmas plus he also has reindeer’s and their names are slasher,wrathful,gorgon,putrid,cyclops,rabies,goner also be has demon possess toys plus dark elves for helper’s
I remember reading something about him a few years ago, isn’t he a traveling companion of Saint Nicholas’s?
Joined the strip literally two comics ago. Was super worried at the direction there, but not anymore.
Hoping that the next strip goes the way I suspect it will based on his words, posture and expression in the last panel!
hey Brandon I’ve been to busy to do common updates to my comic I’m trying to make but could you take a look at and give me any constructive criticism
maybe something I should fix or do different
I ain’t Brandon, nor am I an expert in writing/illustrating comics, but I think you should post a few more pages before asking for constructive criticism, there doesn’t seem to be enough of the comic to get an idea of where it is leading.
(Just my opinion
never hurts to ask
Not saying that you shouldn’t ask, just stating my opinion?
All I can say (with my limited experience) is that you shouldn’t ask questions like ‘Anything I could “fix”?’, there is nothing to fix, each author/illustrator is different, the same goes for their works/books, it is ok to ask for constructive criticism. What needs “fixing” is up to you to decide. It is after all your own creation.
(I hope that I’m not offending anyone by saying that, Sorry if I am)
Make more pages. Use proper punctuation and spelling. What is the point of the comic? Correction: ” I’ll ” . I am personally a fan of fish girls like Laguna blue, Princess Ruto, and the fish girl from Blue submarine number 6. Art style and spelling improves the more you do it. So just do it. https://youtu.be/ZXsQAXx_ao0
There are 3 main things I love about this story:
1) How much tension, excitement, and passion goes into this story.
2) How much detail goes into each page of this story.
3) The fact that Midnight might or might not be Lesbian, Bisexual or any other group within the LGBTQ+ community.
P.S. I’m pretty sure that I might be gay.
Well I have a theory that midnight maybe she was actually a bisexual
An interesting theory. Makes sense if you think about it.
What facts do you base this theory off?
Well you will get that right