Well let’s that Tim will reply to her with a movie night maybe with all nightmare on elm street flims plus I wouldn’t blame shadow that’s a good ass franchise
Oh my bad sorry for the misspelled words also i actually did mean ass not as you know so I am sorry for a misspelled comment plus I said that because I was trying to be thoughtful for shadow so I hoped that she’ll have a fun time with tim maybe like a movie night with him you know maybe right before they have their first time you know what I mean right like they are might have little fuck
well No shit , she has a really good embrace move right there and also she deserves a good lover of her life anyway as for Marcy weaver she needs to get her own lover like if she gets a move on Tim again let’s hope that shadow would not strike her like if she is using some straight razors for claws if she gets too close
I can good speak English well XD
But my point stands. Tim is vulnerable and Shadow is trying to get a grip on Tim emotionally. And with how things are this can go south really fast.
shadow is hot
*Shadow (not shadow)
Shadow used attract… IT’S SUPER AFFECTIVE!
Tim fainted-
Uhm… attract doesn’t really deal damage.
(Although I do see what you’re doing, nice
Well let’s that Tim will reply to her with a movie night maybe with all nightmare on elm street flims plus I wouldn’t blame shadow that’s a good ass franchise
*let’s [hope] that
*films (not flims)
*Shadow (not shadow)
*as (not ass)
Oh my bad sorry for the misspelled words also i actually did mean ass not as you know so I am sorry for a misspelled comment plus I said that because I was trying to be thoughtful for shadow so I hoped that she’ll have a fun time with tim maybe like a movie night with him you know maybe right before they have their first time you know what I mean right like they are might have little fuck
You know like she’ll get some
and he’ll get some 
you know it might happen so let’s see what happens next weekend 
And sorry I get random words come out of my mouth sometimes
No need to be sorry, don’t take it too seriously
Oh ok well never mind then
well all that’s a relief right
the best comic ever
*The (not the)
Smooth move Shadow
well No shit , she has a really good embrace move right there and also she deserves a good lover of her life anyway as for Marcy weaver she needs to get her own lover like if she gets a move on Tim again let’s hope that shadow would not strike her like if she is using some straight razors for claws if she gets too close
Glad to see you back wild this year!
We need more rascal scenes
*Tim’s internal monologue.*
“I need an adult!”
He’s about to become one
I need an adult!
And Brandon you did a fine work like I met you in person I might buy you
for this as a reward for nearly 5 years of proud work
Haha! He sure changed, the fact that shadow just grabbing his chest makes him look like someone put a finger in his butt sure
Is the prof of that
Excellent reference. Is that from personal experience.
*is (not Is)
*proof (not prof)
It looked to me like she was giving him a “reach-around”.
You can pretty much hear her purring that into his ear
“Welcome to the year 2019; the year the comic EXPLODES!
(Not literally!)”
Not YET literally!!!
* burning fuse sound *
I think it’s great there wasn’t one of those big miscommunication, storming off in a huff things. Relationship built on trust! S’good.
We haven’t seen the whole flashback yet… you never know…
It was at this moment that he knew…
He was fucked.
So sweet.
Ok shadow, I know what you’re doing, but I can see this backfiring real fast so pump the breaks a but, yeah?
*Shadow (not shadow)
*bit (not but)
You forgot to point out ‘brakes’ instead of ‘breaks’. Sorry, but I had to.
I can good speak English well XD
But my point stands. Tim is vulnerable and Shadow is trying to get a grip on Tim emotionally. And with how things are this can go south really fast.
Oof…I’ve been hit..
I’m down…
*cough, cough*