They should probably talk regardless. They’re clearly not on the same page regarding what they each want out of the felationship since Shadow is interested in moving things along as it were whereas Tim probably sees it as going too fast.
I tend to agree with the below comment which basically says that Tim thinks this is shadow playing. Singer or just be will find out what shadow’s play is really like.
I think that’s part of it too. I’m just saying that Shadow hasn’t really been giving Tim these signs that she wants something more intimate before now, so that might be playing a role in Tim being taken aback here.
I think Tim thinks she’s just hitting on him to get the fear smell out of him, something that probably hurts his feelings because he was trying to have a serious conversation.
I think he’s just assuming she’s teasing him like always, you can see he’s frustrated because he had a long night putting up with Marcy so I’m sure he’s oblivious to Shadows feelings and takes her flirting as a joke and not serious at all.
Not to mention the probability that she hasn’t brought up anything like this in the past, and thus he really doesn’t know what to think. I mean, he sees Shadow as his best friend… and he might be afraid of losing that over one night of passion.
I can see Tim is caring his actions. you can tell by how he doesn’t look at her body and covers her up. I think he’s trying to snap back to her common sense.
Yeah he’s definitely aroused. Tim’s probably just thinking this is going too fast. That was a serious power move Shadow’s using and they were just friends for the longest time.
A fun, sexy, committed friend wants to explore a relationship, or maybe just sex, sure, sign me up.
Might have to talk about a few things first. You know can they breed and need a condom. Or the use of those lovely teeth.
They should probably talk regardless. They’re clearly not on the same page regarding what they each want out of the felationship since Shadow is interested in moving things along as it were whereas Tim probably sees it as going too fast.
I tend to agree with the below comment which basically says that Tim thinks this is shadow playing. Singer or just be will find out what shadow’s play is really like.
I think that’s part of it too. I’m just saying that Shadow hasn’t really been giving Tim these signs that she wants something more intimate before now, so that might be playing a role in Tim being taken aback here.
I think Tim thinks she’s just hitting on him to get the fear smell out of him, something that probably hurts his feelings because he was trying to have a serious conversation.
Regardless of feelings, the sage advice that they should talk—pretty sure they can breed, because… Tim.
We know they can breed. I don’t think they do.
Boy what r u doin
But Damn.. she’s sexy!
Wow, Shadow’s getting serious.
somebody is blind to to their friend’s feelings
The gauge does not lie. Show a little extra skin and it goes off the scale.
I knew it! Still thinks she’s goofing! UGH! You’re killing me man!
Or hes just respecting her knowing she seen what happened and prob isnt thinking straight
I think he’s just assuming she’s teasing him like always, you can see he’s frustrated because he had a long night putting up with Marcy so I’m sure he’s oblivious to Shadows feelings and takes her flirting as a joke and not serious at all.
Not to mention the probability that she hasn’t brought up anything like this in the past, and thus he really doesn’t know what to think. I mean, he sees Shadow as his best friend… and he might be afraid of losing that over one night of passion.
That’s what I’m thinking. Tim might think Shadow is going too fast. And personally I think she kind of is.
Well that escalated quickly
It did and it didn’t.
Yeah, not sure if he thinks Shadow is just messing with him or what.
Come on Tim!
Shadow does not joke
* This is not my native language, sorry if it’s bad ;p
P.S I’m dying to see what’s next
No, it is very good. And yeah, English is a bitch to learn.
Try afrikaans it wil fok jou op
please I want more of this comic, do not stop doing I beg you
Semi-legit question: what’s the poster seen in the background of panels 3 and 4? Is it just added extras or should I be trying to find out what it is?
Nightmare on Elm street : Dream Warriors
I think that’s the one
I think you’re right I’ve seen it on past pages.
Ok, 2 things. First, I love the nip in the 4th panel and second, do Noxians go through heat?
JESUS! she’s advancing way too quick. she needs to step it down 3 clicks
I can see Tim is caring his actions. you can tell by how he doesn’t look at her body and covers her up. I think he’s trying to snap back to her common sense.
are. you. GAY?!?
No, when he found out she wasn’t wearing any underwear he didn’t take his eyes off her until she covered herself again.
Yeah he’s definitely aroused. Tim’s probably just thinking this is going too fast. That was a serious power move Shadow’s using and they were just friends for the longest time.