Would be funny if the mother cast a spell or enchanted an item which the son always carried to make him look human instead of half demon. Then she reveals her son is half demon. Best of both worlds king of story arc.
I would love to see that story ark. How do you think it would be revealed. Taking it off during sex? And if it was a spell would overwhelming love brake it like shadow on Halloween night. Talk about a mood killer but a great plot twist.
Maybe she should. They are a powerful tool of the Sexy (which is often hinted at in the Xanth novels from Piers Anthony—very entertaining if you stayed juvenile at heart).
Wow Mikial. What post weak insecurities you must have to attack a fictional character with your bullshit…
Seriously, man you catch more flys with honey than your alpha dog bullshit.
I’d just like to point out that there is no such thing as an alpha or beta. The study that concluded this behavior in wolves was actually retracted BY THE SAME AUTHOR after he studied more thoroughly and discovered the findings to be much more complex and varied than that. Look it up, it’s true.
In terms of human interaction, it is simply a way to distinguish between males whoa re confident and dominant and males who are not. Of course we are not wolves, however, the terms can still be used. In this case it is about a guy who is turning down sexual advances because he is weak. He is the kind of guy who gets cheated on and left by a woman in a relationship.
The ancient greeks believed falling to one’s base instincts made one weak, and showing restraint was the most masculine thing one could do… It’s why they sculpted their heroes and gods with small flaccid penises..
Awwwww. It thinks it knows how men and women interact because it watched some hentai flicks.
I find this very funny.
Also, yeah surprised you know about the debunked ‘alpha/beta’ wolf thing, Brandon. All that study proved was how captive wolves from different packs interact. Big kudo’s to the author for going back and debunking his own study.
I find people like you to be utter doucheknuckles. Chucklefucks, if you will. The mental equivalent of a teenager in heat. Eventually, women grow up and want more than you will ever provide. They want security, which you cannot provide. They want connection, which you cannot make. They will want stability, which you are not. They will want genuine affection, which you cannot show. “Alpha” is merely how assclowns like you excuse your behavior.
point of inquiry, how much would we collectively have to patron for Brandon S. to do this full time? could we get a page a day, or 7 a week on sundays? id pledge more for that… i think we all would…
lets do some math, according to google analytics, the site has approximately 7300 hits on sundays between the hours of noon and midnight. lets assume that 25% of those are unique, that gives us a unique base of dedicated fans numbering about 1800. Assuming the cost of living at 2500 a month, but for the sake of our author, lets dish out enough for him to make at least 50k a year. that comes out to 27.70 a month per person…
Thats a bit high, but when you consider the cost by page if we got 7 pages a week, thats less then a dollar a page. I would pay that in a heart beat.
I still think Tim is in the know, he just doesn’t want Shadow to do this with a mindset of jealous urgency, not want wanting her to regret later, unaware that she’s already won
Fair point, shadow is acting strange from Tim’s perspective since they have no prior relationship yet,or Tim could be oblivious to jealousy, or he might know she’s jealous and he’s just trying to calm her down before they ruin their relationship. Will see in the fallowing pages soon.
They may look younger because of the evolution of the art style, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they are.
However it has been officially stated that before they were 9 year olds in the chapters focusing on the past, but they have been retconned to be 12.
Curious to see how she handles this “rejection”. Sometimes hell hath no fury like a woman turned down. Especially when jealousy is involved. Hope Tim can talk her down.
Well at least you might have a good point man I agree with you dude let’s hope that he’ll calmly talk her down like that he still love her you know she deserves better than that like give her little bit more time to think about it
WHAT THE HELL MAN sorry it’s just that Tim needs know that shadow wasn’t playing around besides he needs to realise who the he’ll he is talking to like Jesus Christ man almost look like that he forgot that he loved her like come don’t leave her with a like can he see that she was waiting for him and being prepared for a special occasion like come on man don’t talked to her like that maybe reason with her like he still love her or something sorry it’s i over reacted so my bad man
i think the point needs to made that while they were both aged up they are still young and this behaviour is out of character for shadow. she teases him yes but this was beyond normal teasing, until now they’ve just been friends with a bit of tension because of what tim thought was a general fear of girls (though it’s probably closer to a romantic fear of shadow rejecting him that he’s been afraid of all this time). Tim’s stopping it because something is wrong, from where he’s standing shadow is obviously upset about something, and as we know there is. she may have planned a sexual encounter for tonight but she’s rushing it because she’s upset about the earlier kiss.
Well i see you’re point so my bad I just made mistake plus I just feel bad for shadow about her witness a scene that she shouldn’t never seen about what Marcy weaver did so you might get that right you know she deserves better you know
Would be funny if the mother cast a spell or enchanted an item which the son always carried to make him look human instead of half demon. Then she reveals her son is half demon. Best of both worlds king of story arc.
I would love to see that story ark. How do you think it would be revealed. Taking it off during sex? And if it was a spell would overwhelming love brake it like shadow on Halloween night. Talk about a mood killer but a great plot twist.
Stop it? Why?
See I told you Panties on his head will bee the only time he gets the clue.
She doesn’t wear panties!
Maybe she should. They are a powerful tool of the Sexy (which is often hinted at in the Xanth novels from Piers Anthony—very entertaining if you stayed juvenile at heart).
It doesn’t have to be panties though. It could be sexy lingerie or something. Heck the way she’s wearing her usual clothes is sexy enough already.
I know that Brandon I’m saying he is dence. and when she is stark naked is when he might get the clue.
No panties? I think a tail might do.
Lol beta cucks. She needs to go fuck a real guy and make Tim realise what she wants
So real guy = jumps at the chance to have sex just because its an option?
Strange how so many women hate these “real” guys you speak of.
Wow Mikial. What post weak insecurities you must have to attack a fictional character with your bullshit…
Seriously, man you catch more flys with honey than your alpha dog bullshit.
*munches popcorn*
Still 12 and living with mom, huh?
every man is a “real man”, what your talking about is called being an asshole. it isn’t recommended for most relationships.
I’d just like to point out that there is no such thing as an alpha or beta. The study that concluded this behavior in wolves was actually retracted BY THE SAME AUTHOR after he studied more thoroughly and discovered the findings to be much more complex and varied than that. Look it up, it’s true.
So, yeah. XD
Basically, “Alphas” are just assholes.
In terms of human interaction, it is simply a way to distinguish between males whoa re confident and dominant and males who are not. Of course we are not wolves, however, the terms can still be used. In this case it is about a guy who is turning down sexual advances because he is weak. He is the kind of guy who gets cheated on and left by a woman in a relationship.
It’s a guy having sexual encounters on his terms.
Not following along blindly like so many others.
If you really think that, then that’s pretty sad.
*because’s he’s weak Uh no? I mean I don’t see it that way. Tim’s clearly just uncomfortable.
The ancient greeks believed falling to one’s base instincts made one weak, and showing restraint was the most masculine thing one could do… It’s why they sculpted their heroes and gods with small flaccid penises..
Awwwww. It thinks it knows how men and women interact because it watched some hentai flicks.
I find this very funny.
Also, yeah surprised you know about the debunked ‘alpha/beta’ wolf thing, Brandon. All that study proved was how captive wolves from different packs interact. Big kudo’s to the author for going back and debunking his own study.
I find people like you to be utter doucheknuckles. Chucklefucks, if you will. The mental equivalent of a teenager in heat. Eventually, women grow up and want more than you will ever provide. They want security, which you cannot provide. They want connection, which you cannot make. They will want stability, which you are not. They will want genuine affection, which you cannot show. “Alpha” is merely how assclowns like you excuse your behavior.
I agree with mikial.
Then yer a moronic jackass, aintcha?
*Reads comic*
*Closes zip*
Not today, old friend….
I want to up vote this comment.
NO! Dammit! I want more! (I just binged ALL of this series for the first time)
Join the club. We can all suffer together now.
point of inquiry, how much would we collectively have to patron for Brandon S. to do this full time? could we get a page a day, or 7 a week on sundays? id pledge more for that… i think we all would…
lets do some math, according to google analytics, the site has approximately 7300 hits on sundays between the hours of noon and midnight. lets assume that 25% of those are unique, that gives us a unique base of dedicated fans numbering about 1800. Assuming the cost of living at 2500 a month, but for the sake of our author, lets dish out enough for him to make at least 50k a year. that comes out to 27.70 a month per person…
Thats a bit high, but when you consider the cost by page if we got 7 pages a week, thats less then a dollar a page. I would pay that in a heart beat.
What is the “theory” of Tim’s that Shadow claims (in panel 2) to be testing?
That he got over his fear of girls
Hehem, is Timothy blue balling shadow?
I’d say the one getting blue is Midnight right? Eh. Got it?
I still think Tim is in the know, he just doesn’t want Shadow to do this with a mindset of jealous urgency, not want wanting her to regret later, unaware that she’s already won
Does Tim know she’s jealous?
Well he did hear her growling from under the bed.
He did? Did I miss something?
Page 165 3rd panel it seems like he’s looking over toward his bed.
I hope you’re right so much.
I looked at the page and that doesn’t really suggest he knows that Shadow is jealous even if he did hear her.
Fair point, shadow is acting strange from Tim’s perspective since they have no prior relationship yet,or Tim could be oblivious to jealousy, or he might know she’s jealous and he’s just trying to calm her down before they ruin their relationship. Will see in the fallowing pages soon.
Page 3 vs. Page 170
What the hell went wrong with the pacing here?
It’s not the same scene? Not even close.
They were clearly younger when they hit it off before, but now we’re gonna act like it never happened? Its obvious its not the ‘same scene’
They may look younger because of the evolution of the art style, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they are.
However it has been officially stated that before they were 9 year olds in the chapters focusing on the past, but they have been retconned to be 12.
Specifically on page #3 tim says he’s 18 yrs old. In this panel he is no where near 18… So they have a ways to go.
No the first scene happens AFTER this. I just sucked at drawing them back then.
Curious to see how she handles this “rejection”. Sometimes hell hath no fury like a woman turned down. Especially when jealousy is involved. Hope Tim can talk her down.
Well at least you might have a good point man I agree with you dude let’s hope that he’ll calmly talk her down like that he still love her you know she deserves better than that like give her little bit more time to think about it
sorry it’s just that Tim needs know that shadow wasn’t playing around besides he needs to realise who the he’ll he is talking to like Jesus Christ man almost look like that he forgot that he loved her like come don’t leave her with a
like can he see that she was waiting for him and being prepared for a special occasion like come on man don’t talked to her like that maybe reason with her like he still love her or something sorry it’s i over reacted so my bad man
i think the point needs to made that while they were both aged up they are still young and this behaviour is out of character for shadow. she teases him yes but this was beyond normal teasing, until now they’ve just been friends with a bit of tension because of what tim thought was a general fear of girls (though it’s probably closer to a romantic fear of shadow rejecting him that he’s been afraid of all this time). Tim’s stopping it because something is wrong, from where he’s standing shadow is obviously upset about something, and as we know there is. she may have planned a sexual encounter for tonight but she’s rushing it because she’s upset about the earlier kiss.
Well i see you’re point so my bad I just made mistake plus I just feel bad for shadow about her witness a scene that she shouldn’t never seen about what Marcy weaver did so you might get that right you know she deserves better you know