Actually, Tim is just trying to save Shadows life! Being a horror film buff, Tim knows that once the fire of passion is lit, and the tits come out…
BAMMM!!! Jason Comes Out With His Machete and Chops Everyone Up!
He is not only a huge horror film buff. But a gentleman as well!
(Its better to wait until morning and call in sick so you can play with Shadow all day (Tim is a genius!))
Brandon I think the comic is wonderful so far. You’re right. This comic isn’t made for the cheap sex scene, and anyone dissapointed by that, you know porn’s free, right? I love reading every new page that comes out! Keep crafting this story with the time and precision it needs.
“Respect” is something you receive from outside. self-respect is entirely your own creation.
Blaming your inability to respect yourself on an externality just shows your own nability to rise above the shit you get handed.
Little sympathy from here.
Of course there’s another possibility, that your “Anony” post is just another troll from another anti-sensuality (EEK!! PORN!!) campaign troll-farm (Russian? maybe).
Even less sympathy then.
Tim still sees Shadow as a friend and nothing more. Right now, patience is Shadow’s friend. When the other girl takes advantage of his good nature, Tim will realize who’s better for him.
Brandon, I wanted to ask you if you’ve done another comic, so while I’m waiting for this I entertain with another of yours, since you’ve hooked me
I think Brandon is just throwing us a small nip to see how we would react and juge if he should release a full nude page so Plz behave I think it would be worth it. Brandon plz reply and give us your thoughts.
Am I the only one who’s figuring Tim’s immediate reaction is because Shadow is, quite out of the blue, acting EXACTLY like Marcy was less than an hour ago? Or even Spencer’s cock-teasing mom? (I won’t say “cougar-ish”, since I doubt she’d actually try something with an underage boy…or at least, I hope not.)
Tim’s already had to fend off the teasing and/or advances of two, overtly-sexual women…since school let out that very day, no less…so I suspect his reaction is more of a “No! Don’t you dare be like them! I know you well enough and you’re better than that!” nature.
Speaking as someone who used to be “constitutionally-afraid of ‘gurls'” like Tim, it’s obvious he’s finally growing up and gaining enough to confidence to avoid turning into a gibbering mess and tackle such situations head-on. Good on you, Boyo!
Right there with you. I do hope Tim follows this up by immediately explaining himself, and letting Shadow know what she means to him. She’s feeling jealous and insecure, and then getting turned down like that? Boy better start talking, or it’ll take more than cookies to patch things up.
The Shadow of Jesus is ALWAYS thirsty and will consume the innocent and unwary who fall into its darkness unawares.
Be alert and always be afraid of dark places no matter who tells you of eternal joy and everlasting light they found by embracing dark shadows.
Yes, really.
There are centuries of history of abuse, prejudice and terrorism to support that opinion and little to no steps toward recompense or even apology from the perpetrators.
“don’ t do this” Still want to hide from the facts of history?
Actually, Tim is just trying to save Shadows life! Being a horror film buff, Tim knows that once the fire of passion is lit, and the tits come out…
BAMMM!!! Jason Comes Out With His Machete and Chops Everyone Up!
He is not only a huge horror film buff. But a gentleman as well!
(Its better to wait until morning and call in sick so you can play with Shadow all day (Tim is a genius!))
Now we can say to Tim is a TimiGenius
Genius! Genius! GENIUUUUS!!!
driprat is doing a “how Jason got started” series on furaffinity.
Not sure if a canon version even exists to compare this to.
That was pretty good! Thanks for sharing it!
Brandon I think the comic is wonderful so far. You’re right. This comic isn’t made for the cheap sex scene, and anyone dissapointed by that, you know porn’s free, right? I love reading every new page that comes out! Keep crafting this story with the time and precision it needs.
Me to
Agreed. I may of found this comic on a porn site but I stayed for the story
Same here
You say porn is free but you have no idea what it has cost me in self respect.
“Respect” is something you receive from outside. self-respect is entirely your own creation.
Blaming your inability to respect yourself on an externality just shows your own nability to rise above the shit you get handed.
Little sympathy from here.
Of course there’s another possibility, that your “Anony” post is just another troll from another anti-sensuality (EEK!! PORN!!) campaign troll-farm (Russian? maybe).
Even less sympathy then.
Chill the fuck out
This is the best comics I’ve read. please continue
Tim still sees Shadow as a friend and nothing more. Right now, patience is Shadow’s friend. When the other girl takes advantage of his good nature, Tim will realize who’s better for him.
Or will he
Well yeah. The end game is a done deal. Getting there is 90% of the fun.
it was supposed to be a joke
Brandon, I wanted to ask you if you’ve done another comic, so while I’m waiting for this I entertain with another of yours, since you’ve hooked me
I think Brandon is just throwing us a small nip to see how we would react and juge if he should release a full nude page so Plz behave I think it would be worth it. Brandon plz reply and give us your thoughts.
We’ve already seen Shadow fully nude already, so this isn’t really a big deal.
Am I the only one who’s figuring Tim’s immediate reaction is because Shadow is, quite out of the blue, acting EXACTLY like Marcy was less than an hour ago? Or even Spencer’s cock-teasing mom? (I won’t say “cougar-ish”, since I doubt she’d actually try something with an underage boy…or at least, I hope not.)
Tim’s already had to fend off the teasing and/or advances of two, overtly-sexual women…since school let out that very day, no less…so I suspect his reaction is more of a “No! Don’t you dare be like them! I know you well enough and you’re better than that!” nature.
Speaking as someone who used to be “constitutionally-afraid of ‘gurls'” like Tim, it’s obvious he’s finally growing up and gaining enough to confidence to avoid turning into a gibbering mess and tackle such situations head-on. Good on you, Boyo!
You’re not the only one. That makes sense.
I’m glad you only have a fear of girls but with me, I’m scared of them and they’re scared of me.
Right there with you. I do hope Tim follows this up by immediately explaining himself, and letting Shadow know what she means to him. She’s feeling jealous and insecure, and then getting turned down like that? Boy better start talking, or it’ll take more than cookies to patch things up.
Jesus shadow is thirsty for Tim right now!
The Shadow of Jesus is ALWAYS thirsty and will consume the innocent and unwary who fall into its darkness unawares.
Be alert and always be afraid of dark places no matter who tells you of eternal joy and everlasting light they found by embracing dark shadows.
Plz don’t do this.
Yes, really.
There are centuries of history of abuse, prejudice and terrorism to support that opinion and little to no steps toward recompense or even apology from the perpetrators.
“don’ t do this” Still want to hide from the facts of history?
oh no…Red flag incoming! Hell’s doors are opening! Humanity is doomed!
I love this comic and have been following it for years Brandon I just want to say thank you for making this I love it.
Oh hohohoho ! SHE WANTS THE D !
Just look at her in the 4th panel. Who could resist to this passionned look and smile ?
Raaaahhh !! I want to hug Shadow so much. <3
Hey you wanna know something funny if you reply sorry it’s just i kinda felt the same way as you are about shadow you know
The 4th panel would make a good reward panel. Either as is, or slightly modified.
It is good.
He should be nice and follow his parents example.
Oh, wait! they did!
aw man, did he get Westermarck’d? cmon man.. we’ve been waiting!
oh man, have you considered doing fanart of this comic?
I’ve literally had it written down in my list of comics that NEED fanart for ages.
I imagine you have a backlog then, we are still waiting for the climax of that Wilykit comic.