Welp I searched nox on google and found this Nox is an action role-playing game developed by Westwood Pacific and published by Electronic Arts in 2000 for Microsoft Windows I never new and I feel like either Brandon just thought of the name or he heard it and made this up still I’m gonna look more of whatever I can find
Nox is also the latin name of the greek godess of the night mother of deities such as Hypnos (Sleep) and Thanatos (Death), with Erebus (Darkness)., also is the word in Harry potter to end the speel Lumos
Or possibly, “Not supposed to mingle with humans.” Realistically, as far as Tim knows, Shadow actually isn’t supposed to be directly interacting with humans. Based off of those rules, what sort of future do you think he believes they have together? Likely, Tim is probably thinking, “The Nox aren’t supposed to interact with humans. If we had a relationship, what would happen later down the road when we get older? We can’t marry, we can’t have kids. Would we just stay dating forever, or would I have to break up with Shadow and never see her again?”
Respectfully, I think you are crediting teenage human males with FAR more self-awareness and intellectual acumen than they are capable of. Or at least that’s how I remember it.
*Clap* Clap* Clap* Good job. I am actually impressed. It really suprised me. It wasn’t anything like other comics I ever saw. Guess that’s why I keep watching it. Keep it up man!
Go back to the Halloween strips. Just before the run-in with Craig, Shadow is saying that there’s something about Ruth that feels familiar. She may not realize it completely, but she feels something’s not quite right with Ruth.
He does have a clue, if it ever occurs to him. During the Halloween series, Shadow assumed a human appearance. If Shadow can do it, so can someone else. Jumping from there to “My mom is a monster” might be too much to ask for. But if someone hits him with a clue bat, he might be able to accept it more easily.
Brandon usually leaves a comment if he’ll miss a week, which tends to happen every other week. If he doesn’t say anything then it’s safe to assume that he’s been working on the next page of the comic, and it will be out some time before Monday. Other than that there never has really been a plan beyond “Sunday,” and any part of Sunday is fair game.
Still thinking about cookies
If I was Tim I would say I’m to dark
I searched nox on google and found this Nox is an action role-playing game developed by Westwood Pacific and published by Electronic Arts in 2000 for Microsoft Windows
I never new and I feel like either Brandon just thought of the name or he heard it and made this up still I’m gonna look more of whatever I can find
Nox is also the latin name of the greek godess of the night mother of deities such as Hypnos (Sleep) and Thanatos (Death), with Erebus (Darkness)., also is the word in Harry potter to end the speel Lumos
Nox is also the spell that cancels Lumos in Harry Potter.
Nox is literally just a Latin word for night/darkness… you’re overthinking this haha
If Tim doesn’t say my girlfriend, hes in deep trouble
Oh, but we ALL know what he’s going to say. “Human.”
Or possibly, “Not supposed to mingle with humans.” Realistically, as far as Tim knows, Shadow actually isn’t supposed to be directly interacting with humans. Based off of those rules, what sort of future do you think he believes they have together? Likely, Tim is probably thinking, “The Nox aren’t supposed to interact with humans. If we had a relationship, what would happen later down the road when we get older? We can’t marry, we can’t have kids. Would we just stay dating forever, or would I have to break up with Shadow and never see her again?”
I think the parents are going to get in because of the loud and have a “chat”
Respectfully, I think you are crediting teenage human males with FAR more self-awareness and intellectual acumen than they are capable of. Or at least that’s how I remember it.
*Clap* Clap* Clap* Good job. I am actually impressed. It really suprised me. It wasn’t anything like other comics I ever saw. Guess that’s why I keep watching it. Keep it up man!
a smart man would finish that like this “you’re not old enough yet, we aren’t. this is a christian server”
I think Tim should feel lucky that he has someone like Shadow, I know I would.
That is one crinkled tail …. boy has one life left
Anyone else expecting her to bring Tim none human mother into this equation?
I doubt she’s figured it out yet.
Go back to the Halloween strips. Just before the run-in with Craig, Shadow is saying that there’s something about Ruth that feels familiar. She may not realize it completely, but she feels something’s not quite right with Ruth.
He does have a clue, if it ever occurs to him. During the Halloween series, Shadow assumed a human appearance. If Shadow can do it, so can someone else. Jumping from there to “My mom is a monster” might be too much to ask for. But if someone hits him with a clue bat, he might be able to accept it more easily.
Wait, is the next page late or is it just me? I wanna see what happens next
Well, it’s still Sunday isn’t it?
Brandon usually leaves a comment if he’ll miss a week, which tends to happen every other week. If he doesn’t say anything then it’s safe to assume that he’s been working on the next page of the comic, and it will be out some time before Monday. Other than that there never has really been a plan beyond “Sunday,” and any part of Sunday is fair game.
If Midnight finds out that Tim broke Shadows heart, she is going to kill him.
He’s gonna say it!
I love the ECG jags in Shadow’s tale here.
Tim is sooo cuckoldous, you know.