If Shadow goes home with a broken heart, Tim will get a visit from Midnight. She promised long ago to kill him if anything bad happened to Shadow because of him.
Holy fucking shit you’re right he kinda forgot about that promise that midnight made let’s hope that he’ll remember that quickly before she covered his body with claw marks that look like straight razors cuts
Ah…. Tim! .. are you entirely sure about that? Your EXISTENCE seems quite adequate Proof that your respective species are close enough to be cross fertile. [Ask your Mother – “Admiral Blackheart”] Shadow has the Teeth, and Claws of Carnivore, but humans are Omnivores, and, as a Class Predators. The two are clearly closer then a Spider, and a Hermit Crab, and, if Tim is very lucky, closer then a Horse, and a Donkey. I’d be most concerned given his Hybrid Nature that I wasn’t a Mule. I think this is were Shadow is going when she say he will
“… NEVER be Normal!”
I’m sorry, if Tim can’t figure out a pleasing female dressed up provocatively is the universal sign of wishing to pitch woo, he DESERVES to stay single! *^^*
She’s right, he’s never going to be normal!
Hey, Brandon, how many children did Tim’s parents have? Because if Tim’s mom is Blackheart that means that cross species were made, one looking like a human and one a monster. Page 57 said that Shadow was abandoned on a doorstep. Is it possible that Blackheart left her in Nox because she wouldn’t fit in in the human world?
Well I already know that shadow is not his sister or cousin neither well shadow she is basically adopted so she is not really related to him and also Brandon you might know I am on you’re side for this plus I hope you are doing well on you’re comic at least the good thing about this comic it makes me feel confident & well worth for my time and brandon it’s not weird that I think & talked about this comic to my therapist about how good of the plot , the line’s, and the cool characteristics of your characters that you did well and sorry I just feel extremely excited for the new page and I am not trying spam or anything like that I am just telling you & letting you know that how greatful i am about this comic if you know what I mean and I apologize if I make you feel uncomfortable with my comment
It was pretty strongly alluded to that she is Mortis’ daughter, between the awkward paternal way that he spoke to her and the fact that he violently flipped out at the idea of Terminus making a pass at her. I suppose it may be possible that she’s the illicit child of Mortis and Moonlight, kept secret for political reasons, but that would make her Tim’s cousin so…Probably not (Unless Moonlight and Ruthless are only “sisters” in the nunnery sense).
Peyton Ryan Blevins thanks for the support I like the comics and I am aware of the updates and I love the comic and the great work of Brandon
but shadow to say that he will not be normal says it because she knows something that timothy does not know and there may be an unexpected turn
*rolls eyes* “Species…” Tim, that only matters when you’re thinking of babies.
And no, I’m not suggesting getting it on with a cat… at least until we can have intelligent, emotive conversations with one. Shadow is basically humanoid with a few simple attachments. We’re not talking about squids, here.
Somehow I feel this is taking a jab at apartheid, 2 people at ope set sides of the rase / spesies over coming social norms and falling in love. I think that’s a great story. BUT(As a white South African) I canda get fucken pised. I GET IT MY ANCESTERS WERE BAD PEOPLE! The educational sistem really drills it into everyone. And every white on black crime is always because of apartheid, but if a white man calls a black man the N word ore any other variety they get sent to jail. Sorry about the rant I just needed to get this of my chest. PS. Anne other white South Africans can confirm everything I said. I’m not trying to be racest just calling out social injustes.
I’m Australian and we ( european heritage) still cop constant criticism (and racial vilification) because the British colonials badly mistreated (rapes, masacres) our Aboriginal peoples.
However all we can do is keep quiet and put up witth the hate until it dies down. That may take centuries or more.
The USA still hasn’t completely recovered from the heritage of slavery, either.
So, *I* didn’t do it, therefore you can’t mean *ME*, yes, the criticism can be unjust but I’m not going to join an Aryan Nation hate group in revenge. I’m a Pagan, not Christian so I believe in the Rule of Three, not revenge.
If Shadow goes home with a broken heart, Tim will get a visit from Midnight. She promised long ago to kill him if anything bad happened to Shadow because of him.
Holy fucking shit you’re right he kinda forgot about that promise that midnight made let’s hope that he’ll remember that quickly before she covered his body with claw marks that look like straight razors cuts
Shadow would stop her before he got hurt. But, it would prove Shadow’s love for him.
Oh I see you’re point man sorry
Well we know Tim doesn’t die, so maybe something else happens.
Must be where the claw-mark scar on his shoulder comes from.
Was that dryer setting comment from Suicide squad.
Ah…. Tim! .. are you entirely sure about that? Your EXISTENCE seems quite adequate Proof that your respective species are close enough to be cross fertile. [Ask your Mother – “Admiral Blackheart”] Shadow has the Teeth, and Claws of Carnivore, but humans are Omnivores, and, as a Class Predators. The two are clearly closer then a Spider, and a Hermit Crab, and, if Tim is very lucky, closer then a Horse, and a Donkey. I’d be most concerned given his Hybrid Nature that I wasn’t a Mule. I think this is were Shadow is going when she say he will
“… NEVER be Normal!”
I think it takes some strong magic for the two species to breed.
Or many many tries
And listen for the “CLICK”
Ooooohhh yeaah
funn has come
nice job as always Brandon. Go on !! You rule !!
I’m sorry, if Tim can’t figure out a pleasing female dressed up provocatively is the universal sign of wishing to pitch woo, he DESERVES to stay single! *^^*
She’s right, he’s never going to be normal!
So does Shadow qualify as a red head and the classic temper?
haha maybe!
he has yet to learn that he is, in fact, half bed-monster.
note: not saying that’s a spoiler or anything, but it’s nearly impossible not to reach that deduction at this point.
Well seeing as we know that Ruth is Lady Blackheart
Hey, Brandon, how many children did Tim’s parents have? Because if Tim’s mom is Blackheart that means that cross species were made, one looking like a human and one a monster. Page 57 said that Shadow was abandoned on a doorstep. Is it possible that Blackheart left her in Nox because she wouldn’t fit in in the human world?
Tim’s Parent’s have ONE child. Timothy Newton.
Shadow is NOT Tim’s sister.
Well I already know that shadow is not his sister or cousin neither well shadow she is basically adopted so she is not really related to him and also Brandon you might know I am on you’re side for this plus I hope you are doing well on you’re comic at least the good thing about this comic it makes me feel confident & well worth for my time and brandon it’s not weird that I think & talked about this comic to my therapist about how good of the plot , the line’s, and the cool characteristics of your characters that you did well and sorry I just feel extremely excited for the new page and I am not trying spam or anything like that I am just telling you & letting you know that how greatful i am about this comic if you know what I mean and I apologize if I make you feel uncomfortable with my comment
We can hope that the story of Shadow’s origin will be told reasonably soon.
It was pretty strongly alluded to that she is Mortis’ daughter, between the awkward paternal way that he spoke to her and the fact that he violently flipped out at the idea of Terminus making a pass at her. I suppose it may be possible that she’s the illicit child of Mortis and Moonlight, kept secret for political reasons, but that would make her Tim’s cousin so…Probably not (Unless Moonlight and Ruthless are only “sisters” in the nunnery sense).
Ya we kind of new that at the beginning but shadows right tim isnt not normal
yes but before the long-awaited kiss there are things to solve and clarify
One more thing not to speak English so I’m using translator I hope you understand and I like your work Brandon greetings from Peru
Well that’s very kind of you I bet he be impressed
Gentlemen this is war now RUN FOR THE HILLS
Hey man welcome back & how have you been
ahora sabemos de donde viene la cicatriz que el tiene https://themonsterunderthebed.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/003-Its-Complicated-Redux.png
Peyton Ryan Blevins thanks for the support I like the comics and I am aware of the updates and I love the comic and the great work of Brandon
but shadow to say that he will not be normal says it because she knows something that timothy does not know and there may be an unexpected turn
No problem man and you’re very welcome
*rolls eyes* “Species…” Tim, that only matters when you’re thinking of babies.
And no, I’m not suggesting getting it on with a cat… at least until we can have intelligent, emotive conversations with one. Shadow is basically humanoid with a few simple attachments. We’re not talking about squids, here.
Somehow I feel this is taking a jab at apartheid, 2 people at ope set sides of the rase / spesies over coming social norms and falling in love. I think that’s a great story. BUT(As a white South African) I canda get fucken pised. I GET IT MY ANCESTERS WERE BAD PEOPLE! The educational sistem really drills it into everyone. And every white on black crime is always because of apartheid, but if a white man calls a black man the N word ore any other variety they get sent to jail. Sorry about the rant I just needed to get this of my chest. PS. Anne other white South Africans can confirm everything I said. I’m not trying to be racest just calling out social injustes.
I’m Australian and we ( european heritage) still cop constant criticism (and racial vilification) because the British colonials badly mistreated (rapes, masacres) our Aboriginal peoples.
However all we can do is keep quiet and put up witth the hate until it dies down. That may take centuries or more.
The USA still hasn’t completely recovered from the heritage of slavery, either.
So, *I* didn’t do it, therefore you can’t mean *ME*, yes, the criticism can be unjust but I’m not going to join an Aryan Nation hate group in revenge. I’m a Pagan, not Christian so I believe in the Rule of Three, not revenge.
Surely not worse than American Indians were treated.
Who claimed “worse”?
Because timothy says “I need to be normal once in my life” I mean it was never normal or what?
Good point man