So what can we expect from this new character, just a one night stand or will she have a more important role? I’m feeling like since she was introduced right after the scene with Terminus that it somehow ties them together.
Well so do I, i hate homophobia but I am heterosexual like I am cool with a girl who is bisexual and two students bullied her for that and I do help her out when that happens but she is ok like I make things better for her and stuff
“Romance” is an atificial construct, unrelated to human reproduction.
Like the mediaeval artifice of “courtly love” it’s nice to have but not necessary so Mekenizo’s proposition that “humanity would end” is nonsensical because homosexual men CAN and HAVE fathered children.
Yeah, but it would still keep humanity going. Romance just helps facilitate sexual encounters. It isn’t actually necessary though. So if everyone DID go homo, it’s still very possible to make babies. It’s just that the normal traditional way of making babies wouldn’t be happening. Of course all this is moot since not everyone is straight or gay. Which is cool.
Of course “Ruth” still has to have that talk with her son. As for figuring things out for themselves, I believe that she wants Tim to make that decision and accept his choices as a human being rather than a noxian hybrid. Revealing herself as Lady Blackheart to him would only give Tim an excuse to be with Shadow Shame-free/Guilt-free.
Ok so if Ruth decides to reveal herself to him as lady Blackheart, Tim will realize that he himself is part Nox and use that as a means to escape any shame or guilt he would have were he 100% Human instead. I’m not saying he needs an excuse nor be free of the guilt. Yes, Tim has his reservations because he already worries about the shame it could possibly bring him but Ruth wants him to do that soul searching on his own as a HUMAN and overcome his fears and love shadow not as a Noxian hybrid, but as man regardless of what it could bring him.
I feel Tim has guilt and shame because to him a serious relationship with Shadow is “taboo”. From the beginning she told him she shouldn’t even be talking to him. She wanted the picture he took of her because she would have been in big trouble if she was the cause of “proof’ of the existence of Noxians to the human world. I believe that first encounter set the tone. Without going back through the comics I think there were other instances that only reinforced that. Again this is my opinion. So with that in mind I think that is why Tim would “need an excuse” to be guilt free and finding out he’s the product of a “forbidden” human Nox relationship would give him that excuse. Maybe his mom wants him to make the hard decision and want to be with Shadow despite it being forbidden to show the strength of his feelings for Shadow and commitment. I also think to a lessor part Tim deep down knows he’s different than other humans and wants to feel “normal” because he doesn’t know why he’s different while Shadow has more embraced being different. Just my 2 cents.
Evervigilant, your points are certainly valid and sound correct. Here’s an additional one, which doesn’t contradict yours at all.
Tim has been around Shadow for SO long that he hasn’t “friendzoned” her, he’s “sisterzoned” her. To explain that made-up word, I mean it as “a girl you’ve known for SO long, you’ve not only figured you’ll never have a relationship with her; the very IDEA of having a relationship with her feels like incest”. Tim has been meeting Shadow pretty much nightly for ten years by this time. That’s more than enough time for “friend” to become “family”.
All my point does is add another level to the “taboo” concept.
Tomorrow night I will be on a cruise to Cuba, I’m super excited! But I’m still sad I’ll have to wait a whole week until I get to see the next update.(No internet) I love your work Brandon!
I’m making a new thread to your response Brandon. First I’m going to say you’re surrounded by too many “Yes Men”. This new character is ugly people have a problem with that I don’t care. You give us midnight and you do nothing with her. You give her an artificial hatred towards Tim. Tim will already have to work to be liked by The Nox and work more to be liked By Midnight as a friend. But you treat Midnight as a romantic antagonist and do nothing with it.
While I’m on the subject of characters you do “nothing with” you have Terminus. And one of your responses to the last two pages you called them an antagonist but he has done nothing. I repeat. Nothing. Antagonistic aside from cheating on Nightmare. If anything nightmare is more of an antagonist and she’s just a mean bitch at this point. Terminus on the other hand has been walking in Nix and found a door. Oh a door. Nice. And we never hear of his intentions again. Mystery box that I don’t care about.
And then there’s that human girl Marcy. None of that side plot was necessary. Tim already wanted to be normal and would have turned Shadow down. Oh yeah, that mind blowing “monster mash”, where was that? I never saw a response and I want to know.
You could have had different character archetypes relationships but you waste and throw away every opportunity you had. Gloom and that gold one could have been your gay relationship you wanted so bad but let me guess, Midnight was slightly more liked then Shadow so you have to waste her like this. And for a while you drew Midnight a little pudgy. I get it, you like redheads, you put one on your store advertisement. A very average looking one at that too. You have a male Nox with a female human, check. And several Knox with each other like Moonlight and the other head master , check. You don’t have to show any human relationships because that’s already boring and we see that everyday. You say Midnight is more charged up than other Nox. That was the door that you slammed shut for her to bring up being okay with Tim. For anyone who says ” but Tim only has one thingy, he can’t do two girls at once.” I say yeeeeeeeah threesomes happen. Years ago my ex girlfriend was in her apt and we weren’t expecting her roommate anytime soon. But her roommate came early I’m kind of surprised Us in joined in. Afterwards we had a talk and we were all okay about it. There was never any hurt feelings and we carried on for almost a year until the roommate have to leave. We will keep in touch for some time but my ex also had to move away. We’re still friends and my current girlfriend knows what happens. But then again I also know my current Girlfriend history too. No hard feelings between anyone.
Moveing on….
But let’s be REALLY honest here, drawing three characters would be a little bit more work than 2 per page. You are doing the bare minimum by not archiving your pages better. Even when people are offering to help. You ignore that advice. You don’t release new incentive pictures because that’s bribing for votes. Last one was in 2017 or 2016?
Here’s a question I’ve been wanting to ask you for a long time but I don’t think you would answer. I have several drawings of Mid Shad and Tim together, happy, 2 tails and a hand holding them together. Would you even post any of that on your fan art? Also.. in an unrelated question my girlfriend modifies pre-used Monster High dolls. She wants to make a Shadow and a Midnite. Will you ever release a more detailed character sheets of them with just the freckles/spots, all over the body where they are at?
Would a ménage à trois help the comic. Yeah it would. It would clear up the hate between Tim and Mid. Mid -> Shad <- Tim is already half the Triangle. But nooooo. This couldn't be the relationship with the twist that would have blown people away. You're doing everything cliche. Let me guess how the comic ends. Ruth and Moonlight makeup, Tim and Shadow are accepted by the Nox, a "antagonist" pffft dies. Don't really care about Spencer or Marcie because they were not important to the story. If anything they have been more filler. What is this, Days of Our Lives or As the World Turns? Would anything matter if I told you I was dieing of ligma and had 5 months to live? Or should I buy you a beer if I knew you in real life. Pffffffft. You need less "Yes Brandon. Do that cliche move. More filler. More unnecessary characters. Let's make this comic 10 years long." Wake up, get a better writer. Not saying that to be mean, love the comic. But this. This was not necessary. Shadow could have been the one sitting right next to her right now. Instead we have to settle for this.
I went on for too long. I'm sorry. Excuse any poor glamour or out of place words. I threw in my criticisms, opinions, ways to improve that will be ignored… You read the comments for feed back but the that agree with you stroke your ego. An example is you throw in the music that you like and make it the music your character likes. If I made a comment about country folk singers, a subject I know nothing about, at least it'd be a challenge to try and make things different instead of having my characters beating extension of myself. This will be read by fewer people. Since its on new page day..
Much of what you are speaking of here is called foreshadowing in literary terms. While it’s nowhere near as bad as J. R. R. Tolkien in Lord of the Rings, it there to warn you about things that happen later. (Tolkien tells you in the prequel to LotR that Merry and Pippin, the two most likely to die, will survive.)
You say Brandon hasn’t done anything evil with Terminus. Suppose his human girlfriend really IS pregnant… And he kills her. Would that be evil enough as a starter? (Note: she didn’t appear in Brandon’s original story, so I have no idea what he has planned for her.)
Suppose Blue (whatever her name is) is a plant by Terminus to split Midnight from Shadow so the redhead is all alone at a later point in the story? (Again, no idea)
As for the door Terminus found, it does become important in the story. VERY important.
BTW, it is YOUR opinion that a threesome would be good for the story. Not everyone agrees.
As for Brandon’s taste in music, I’m so old that I haven’t even HEARD of most of the groups he likes. It doesn’t matter to me. And as for getting a better writer… The writer here is a guy named Brandon Shane.
First of all, you clearly don’t know or understand anything about my plans, and completely disregard any set up I am doing in lieu of your own personal theories on how you think things should go. You think you know more about my own characters than I do.
Guess what? You are so far off base, you can’t even see it anymore.
So, here we go:
1. I like the new girl. I think she’s a cool design. I liked her before anybody ever saw her in this comic. There was no “Yes Men” telling me anything. I added her into the story long before anyone ever saw her. It’s not MY fault you don’t like her. You can’t blame others for liking her, they’ve known her just as long as you have. You don’t even know her name yet. Give her a break…
2. Midnight is and never was a romantic rival. She is Shadow’s best friend who is looking out for Shadow’s well-being. That is why she doesn’t like Tim. She does not HATE Tim, she is just protecting her friend. Midnight does like Shadow, yes, but she is not obsessed with her. (like somebody I know…)
3. Terminus has been secretly plotting something on every page he has been on, and that planning will be coming to fruition before this chapter is finished. You want to see villainy? Well, buckle up friendo.
4. Marcy is just a means to and end, I’ll give you that. Everyone knows it. She’s just a story point meant to move things along, but don’t think for a second she’ll just be sidelined. It’s always good to leave an ace up your sleeve.
5. What are you talking about Midnight being More Charged Up than anybody in Nox? What does that even mean? I don’t recall ever saying that, I’ll need a citation.
6. You had a threesome, good for you. *pops a party popper for you*
7. Incentive pictures are a bonus, and I don’t have time to sink into a ton of random pin-ups. I could draw a whole page in the time it takes me to work on just one of those. They happen when they happen.
8. All fan art is welcome. Clearly, I already have a few pictures of Shadow and Midnight together in the gallery already. It’s not canon though. Still fine. Draw away! And yes, your girlfriend can mod whatever she wants. There are no specific places for their markings, at least when it comes to the freckles. I’ve never drawn them in the same position twice I don’t think. Cheeks/Neck/Shoulders/Hips/Thighs
9. Midnight and Tim will clear up their animosity towards each other in a much more meaningful and important way than fucking each other. If you note on Page 75, that Midnight does not seem to hate Tim anymore. Weird huh? It’s like in the future their relationship has been fixed! Oh and This Monster Mash thing you are obsessed with? yeah I said it’s coming up… but you wanna know what it is? IT’S A PARTY! It doesn’t even occur until AFTER the events of the future. What the heck do you think everybody is getting dressed up for in those future pages? Geez…
10. Everything you say is better is just your opinion, man. We obviously have different views.
11. You really seem stuck on this idea that I’m taking people’s opinions into consideration, but the story is already written. It has a little wiggle room to move a few things here and there, but it’s a done deal. Random readers aren’t swaying the story one way or the other.
12. I’m sorry you hate the direction things are moving in. There was never any plans for a threesome in the story. You just invented it in your head and can’t see any other solution beyond it. You think my comic is cliché? Well I think so too. I’m not a great writer, but I have built this community up from nothing so clearly people must like something that I’m doing. Quite frankly, from my perspective, you wanting a threesome in the comic is cliched too, and quite frankly, pretty distasteful.
13. How is putting music I like in the comic an example of people stroking my ego? I don’t care what some random person on the internet thinks about my taste in music. I like what I like, you like what you like. There’s no reason to fight over it. I don’t recall trashing anyone’s taste before.
There’s an old adage: “Write what you know”, and so I do. All the characters are made up of me. I’ve infused things I like or hate into each one of them to give them their personalities. Lots of writers do this.
Anyway, I’ve wasted an hour writing this when I should have been working on finishing the page.
See you next time, so you can tell me how to write my own story some more!
Wow. I don’t comment often, but when I do, I use it for constructive criticism. I mean, talk about two handed heavy ham fisted typing. Plus, I’m not sure that English is his first language.
I think people are missing the point of this comic. It’s not meant to be a hentai comic like everyone seems to think. It’s a comic with scenes depicting soft core sex and nudity but that’s not what the main focus is. The whole threesome thing needs to take a break because it’s getting people way to fired up.
I don’t know any more everything’s just funny
>Who’s this?!
Midnight’s new girlfriend!
Or rapist. She’s looking a bit shady.
Not everybody who looks shady is a rapist. Some of them are just undercover cops.
Yeah I know. I’m just using an example.
hey Brandon love the new characters design
You & me both you know the new characters design like I love this design too
So what can we expect from this new character, just a one night stand or will she have a more important role? I’m feeling like since she was introduced right after the scene with Terminus that it somehow ties them together.
Sorry to say this but… I hate homophobia
Why are you sorry to say that? It’s a GOOD thing to hate homophobia.
Well so do I, i hate homophobia but I am heterosexual like I am cool with a girl who is bisexual and two students bullied her for that and I do help her out when that happens but she is ok like I make things better for her and stuff
If every person was a homosexual, humanity would cease to exist.
Not true. Guys can just spill into a turkey baster for women to shoot into them. Boom. Preggers.
Kinda takes all the romance out of the equation though doesn’t it?
“Romance” is an atificial construct, unrelated to human reproduction.
Like the mediaeval artifice of “courtly love” it’s nice to have but not necessary so Mekenizo’s proposition that “humanity would end” is nonsensical because homosexual men CAN and HAVE fathered children.
Then they go back to their men lovers.
Yeah, but it would still keep humanity going. Romance just helps facilitate sexual encounters. It isn’t actually necessary though. So if everyone DID go homo, it’s still very possible to make babies. It’s just that the normal traditional way of making babies wouldn’t be happening. Of course all this is moot since not everyone is straight or gay. Which is cool.
@Lucas who said “Yeah, but it would still keep humanity going. Romance just helps facilitate sexual encounters.”
You could say the same for booze or other mind-altering substances. Name your poison!
Well, it’s a good thing everybody isn’t homosexual, AMIRITE?!
Think about it, Brandon. Virtually EVERYBODY’S first sexual experience is homosexual.
Masturbation is almost always a same-sex encounter, since you do it to yourself.
Except that’s…..not what being homosexual is.
You’ve got to be joking.
Not really, That’s AUTOeroticism, there’s a great difference.
Better question, how soon will it be before we see Tim and Shadow again and how long will it be before they speak to each other?
I’m starting to think my questions are getting on people’s nerves so I think I’ll just stop commenting
I don’t have a problem with your questions, it’s just that they are often way too precise to properly answer without totally spoiling things.
I’m sorry, I took it as I was getting too personal and I was coming off as annoying for asking too much
Naah. In other words, ask ANY question but don’t expect a direct or complete answer.
Of course “Ruth” still has to have that talk with her son. As for figuring things out for themselves, I believe that she wants Tim to make that decision and accept his choices as a human being rather than a noxian hybrid. Revealing herself as Lady Blackheart to him would only give Tim an excuse to be with Shadow Shame-free/Guilt-free.
That’s one of the better excuses / reasons I have heard!
Why should Tim NOT be free of guilt and/or shame by “being with” Shadow?
Why do you think he needs an excuse?
Is it because she is Noxe and has a different skin colour? A tail?
I think we need more explanation from you about that.
Ok so if Ruth decides to reveal herself to him as lady Blackheart, Tim will realize that he himself is part Nox and use that as a means to escape any shame or guilt he would have were he 100% Human instead. I’m not saying he needs an excuse nor be free of the guilt. Yes, Tim has his reservations because he already worries about the shame it could possibly bring him but Ruth wants him to do that soul searching on his own as a HUMAN and overcome his fears and love shadow not as a Noxian hybrid, but as man regardless of what it could bring him.
Thank you both (@Evervigilant) for explaining your thoughts.
I feel Tim has guilt and shame because to him a serious relationship with Shadow is “taboo”. From the beginning she told him she shouldn’t even be talking to him. She wanted the picture he took of her because she would have been in big trouble if she was the cause of “proof’ of the existence of Noxians to the human world. I believe that first encounter set the tone. Without going back through the comics I think there were other instances that only reinforced that. Again this is my opinion. So with that in mind I think that is why Tim would “need an excuse” to be guilt free and finding out he’s the product of a “forbidden” human Nox relationship would give him that excuse. Maybe his mom wants him to make the hard decision and want to be with Shadow despite it being forbidden to show the strength of his feelings for Shadow and commitment. I also think to a lessor part Tim deep down knows he’s different than other humans and wants to feel “normal” because he doesn’t know why he’s different while Shadow has more embraced being different. Just my 2 cents.
Evervigilant, your points are certainly valid and sound correct. Here’s an additional one, which doesn’t contradict yours at all.
Tim has been around Shadow for SO long that he hasn’t “friendzoned” her, he’s “sisterzoned” her. To explain that made-up word, I mean it as “a girl you’ve known for SO long, you’ve not only figured you’ll never have a relationship with her; the very IDEA of having a relationship with her feels like incest”. Tim has been meeting Shadow pretty much nightly for ten years by this time. That’s more than enough time for “friend” to become “family”.
All my point does is add another level to the “taboo” concept.
Tomorrow night I will be on a cruise to Cuba, I’m super excited! But I’m still sad I’ll have to wait a whole week until I get to see the next update.(No internet) I love your work Brandon!
When is the new page
This afternoon/evening, probably. Going to the movies today, will finish when I get back.
What movie are you going to see?
Just got back from Captain Marvel, proceeding to continue work. Just gotta shade it.
When it is ready.
Today sometime, it’s only 11am where I am. Plenty of time to get it done.
I’m making a new thread to your response Brandon. First I’m going to say you’re surrounded by too many “Yes Men”. This new character is ugly people have a problem with that I don’t care. You give us midnight and you do nothing with her. You give her an artificial hatred towards Tim. Tim will already have to work to be liked by The Nox and work more to be liked By Midnight as a friend. But you treat Midnight as a romantic antagonist and do nothing with it.
While I’m on the subject of characters you do “nothing with” you have Terminus. And one of your responses to the last two pages you called them an antagonist but he has done nothing. I repeat. Nothing. Antagonistic aside from cheating on Nightmare. If anything nightmare is more of an antagonist and she’s just a mean bitch at this point. Terminus on the other hand has been walking in Nix and found a door. Oh a door. Nice. And we never hear of his intentions again. Mystery box that I don’t care about.
And then there’s that human girl Marcy. None of that side plot was necessary. Tim already wanted to be normal and would have turned Shadow down. Oh yeah, that mind blowing “monster mash”, where was that? I never saw a response and I want to know.
You could have had different character archetypes relationships but you waste and throw away every opportunity you had. Gloom and that gold one could have been your gay relationship you wanted so bad but let me guess, Midnight was slightly more liked then Shadow so you have to waste her like this. And for a while you drew Midnight a little pudgy. I get it, you like redheads, you put one on your store advertisement. A very average looking one at that too. You have a male Nox with a female human, check. And several Knox with each other like Moonlight and the other head master , check. You don’t have to show any human relationships because that’s already boring and we see that everyday. You say Midnight is more charged up than other Nox. That was the door that you slammed shut for her to bring up being okay with Tim. For anyone who says ” but Tim only has one thingy, he can’t do two girls at once.” I say yeeeeeeeah threesomes happen. Years ago my ex girlfriend was in her apt and we weren’t expecting her roommate anytime soon. But her roommate came early I’m kind of surprised Us in joined in. Afterwards we had a talk and we were all okay about it. There was never any hurt feelings and we carried on for almost a year until the roommate have to leave. We will keep in touch for some time but my ex also had to move away. We’re still friends and my current girlfriend knows what happens. But then again I also know my current Girlfriend history too. No hard feelings between anyone.
Moveing on….
But let’s be REALLY honest here, drawing three characters would be a little bit more work than 2 per page. You are doing the bare minimum by not archiving your pages better. Even when people are offering to help. You ignore that advice. You don’t release new incentive pictures because that’s bribing for votes. Last one was in 2017 or 2016?
Here’s a question I’ve been wanting to ask you for a long time but I don’t think you would answer. I have several drawings of Mid Shad and Tim together, happy, 2 tails and a hand holding them together. Would you even post any of that on your fan art? Also.. in an unrelated question my girlfriend modifies pre-used Monster High dolls. She wants to make a Shadow and a Midnite. Will you ever release a more detailed character sheets of them with just the freckles/spots, all over the body where they are at?
Would a ménage à trois help the comic. Yeah it would. It would clear up the hate between Tim and Mid. Mid -> Shad <- Tim is already half the Triangle. But nooooo. This couldn't be the relationship with the twist that would have blown people away. You're doing everything cliche. Let me guess how the comic ends. Ruth and Moonlight makeup, Tim and Shadow are accepted by the Nox, a "antagonist" pffft dies. Don't really care about Spencer or Marcie because they were not important to the story. If anything they have been more filler. What is this, Days of Our Lives or As the World Turns? Would anything matter if I told you I was dieing of ligma and had 5 months to live? Or should I buy you a beer
if I knew you in real life. Pffffffft. You need less "Yes Brandon. Do that cliche move. More filler. More unnecessary characters. Let's make this comic 10 years long." Wake up, get a better writer. Not saying that to be mean, love the comic. But this. This was not necessary. Shadow could have been the one sitting right next to her right now. Instead we have to settle for this.
I went on for too long. I'm sorry. Excuse any poor glamour or out of place words. I threw in my criticisms, opinions, ways to improve that will be ignored… You read the comments for feed back but the that agree with you stroke your ego. An example is you throw in the music that you like and make it the music your character likes. If I made a comment about country folk singers, a subject I know nothing about, at least it'd be a challenge to try and make things different instead of having my characters beating extension of myself. This will be read by fewer people. Since its on new page day..
Much of what you are speaking of here is called foreshadowing in literary terms. While it’s nowhere near as bad as J. R. R. Tolkien in Lord of the Rings, it there to warn you about things that happen later. (Tolkien tells you in the prequel to LotR that Merry and Pippin, the two most likely to die, will survive.)
You say Brandon hasn’t done anything evil with Terminus. Suppose his human girlfriend really IS pregnant… And he kills her. Would that be evil enough as a starter? (Note: she didn’t appear in Brandon’s original story, so I have no idea what he has planned for her.)
Suppose Blue (whatever her name is) is a plant by Terminus to split Midnight from Shadow so the redhead is all alone at a later point in the story? (Again, no idea)
As for the door Terminus found, it does become important in the story. VERY important.
BTW, it is YOUR opinion that a threesome would be good for the story. Not everyone agrees.
As for Brandon’s taste in music, I’m so old that I haven’t even HEARD of most of the groups he likes. It doesn’t matter to me. And as for getting a better writer… The writer here is a guy named Brandon Shane.
First of all, you clearly don’t know or understand anything about my plans, and completely disregard any set up I am doing in lieu of your own personal theories on how you think things should go. You think you know more about my own characters than I do.
Guess what? You are so far off base, you can’t even see it anymore.
So, here we go:
1. I like the new girl. I think she’s a cool design. I liked her before anybody ever saw her in this comic. There was no “Yes Men” telling me anything. I added her into the story long before anyone ever saw her. It’s not MY fault you don’t like her. You can’t blame others for liking her, they’ve known her just as long as you have. You don’t even know her name yet. Give her a break…
2. Midnight is and never was a romantic rival. She is Shadow’s best friend who is looking out for Shadow’s well-being. That is why she doesn’t like Tim. She does not HATE Tim, she is just protecting her friend. Midnight does like Shadow, yes, but she is not obsessed with her. (like somebody I know…)
3. Terminus has been secretly plotting something on every page he has been on, and that planning will be coming to fruition before this chapter is finished. You want to see villainy? Well, buckle up friendo.
4. Marcy is just a means to and end, I’ll give you that. Everyone knows it. She’s just a story point meant to move things along, but don’t think for a second she’ll just be sidelined. It’s always good to leave an ace up your sleeve.
5. What are you talking about Midnight being More Charged Up than anybody in Nox? What does that even mean? I don’t recall ever saying that, I’ll need a citation.
6. You had a threesome, good for you. *pops a party popper for you*
7. Incentive pictures are a bonus, and I don’t have time to sink into a ton of random pin-ups. I could draw a whole page in the time it takes me to work on just one of those. They happen when they happen.
8. All fan art is welcome. Clearly, I already have a few pictures of Shadow and Midnight together in the gallery already. It’s not canon though. Still fine. Draw away! And yes, your girlfriend can mod whatever she wants. There are no specific places for their markings, at least when it comes to the freckles. I’ve never drawn them in the same position twice I don’t think. Cheeks/Neck/Shoulders/Hips/Thighs
9. Midnight and Tim will clear up their animosity towards each other in a much more meaningful and important way than fucking each other. If you note on Page 75, that Midnight does not seem to hate Tim anymore. Weird huh? It’s like in the future their relationship has been fixed! Oh and This Monster Mash thing you are obsessed with? yeah I said it’s coming up… but you wanna know what it is? IT’S A PARTY! It doesn’t even occur until AFTER the events of the future. What the heck do you think everybody is getting dressed up for in those future pages? Geez…
10. Everything you say is better is just your opinion, man. We obviously have different views.
11. You really seem stuck on this idea that I’m taking people’s opinions into consideration, but the story is already written. It has a little wiggle room to move a few things here and there, but it’s a done deal. Random readers aren’t swaying the story one way or the other.
12. I’m sorry you hate the direction things are moving in. There was never any plans for a threesome in the story. You just invented it in your head and can’t see any other solution beyond it. You think my comic is cliché? Well I think so too. I’m not a great writer, but I have built this community up from nothing so clearly people must like something that I’m doing. Quite frankly, from my perspective, you wanting a threesome in the comic is cliched too, and quite frankly, pretty distasteful.
13. How is putting music I like in the comic an example of people stroking my ego? I don’t care what some random person on the internet thinks about my taste in music. I like what I like, you like what you like. There’s no reason to fight over it. I don’t recall trashing anyone’s taste before.
There’s an old adage: “Write what you know”, and so I do. All the characters are made up of me. I’ve infused things I like or hate into each one of them to give them their personalities. Lots of writers do this.
Anyway, I’ve wasted an hour writing this when I should have been working on finishing the page.
See you next time, so you can tell me how to write my own story some more!
And hey, just remember:
Wow. I don’t comment often, but when I do, I use it for constructive criticism. I mean, talk about two handed heavy ham fisted typing. Plus, I’m not sure that English is his first language.
Yeah maybe. He just really pissed me off. I was having a good time and he ruined my day coming home to that rant.
Well Brandon I am sorry for that
At least country folk singers know enough to bring their union cards to Bob’s Country Bunker.
You ok now???
Well…I’m pretty late
Hit or miss I guess they never miss huh
I think people are missing the point of this comic. It’s not meant to be a hentai comic like everyone seems to think. It’s a comic with scenes depicting soft core sex and nudity but that’s not what the main focus is. The whole threesome thing needs to take a break because it’s getting people way to fired up.
Last three some I had was a bacon, swiss, onion three egg omley