#18 “Say Uncle!”
Yeah! Why DOES she steal socks anyway?
Can somebody explain it in detail, please?
PS: The glow in panel 3 doesn’t mean anything, before I get an influx of questions asking about it. It is just a stylistic choice on that frame.
I’ve had a crap-tastic last couple of days. First the my family had the wonderful privilege of having the police enter the house at 4am because the had the wrong address for another house 3 miles across town. Then I found out the car needs a few hundred dollars worth of repairs. So to calm myself I’ve been reading Poe.
From childhood’s hour I have not been
As others were; I have not seen
As others saw; I could not bring
My passions from a common spring.
From the same source I have not taken
My sorrow; I could not awaken
My heart to joy at the same tone;
And all I loved, I loved alone.
Then- in my childhood, in the dawn
Of a most stormy life- was drawn
From every depth of good and ill
The mystery which binds me still:
From the torrent, or the fountain,
From the red cliff of the mountain,
From the sun that round me rolled
In its autumn tint of gold,
From the lightning in the sky
As it passed me flying by,
From the thunder and the storm,
And the cloud that took the form
(When the rest of Heaven was blue)
Of a demon in my view.
Wow that really sucks! My regulars aren’t having the best luck this week! X(
You got sent up fuck creek without a paddle to, fuck it seems like everything to shit in 2 seconds, it’s funny, looks like all the people who had little to nothing, taken away, started from the bottom and i’m still here, well hope things get better, just do me a favor, when you’re in the lowest low you can get in, somebody out in this crap-tastic world, is in a deeper shit pile then you. That’s how I look at it. If I didn’t try to keep a good outlook on life, I’d of killed myself years ago
so that’s were I been going wrong all this time I been using the wrong tool for the job I been using guns bombs flamethrower lasers killer robots bio weapons and all this time all I had to do to beat the monster is to tickle it its always the last thing you think off
Indeed! Leave it to the mind of a weird 8 year old kid with seemingly no fear to think of these things.
heheheh yet another well done page to add to the comic. AWESOME XD
Thank you! Glad you like it!
I do. It’s one of my personal favorites so far.
Ah, c’mon, I’m last again, great, GREAT work as always, Brandom, keep making these, I want to see the end of this comic so bad… (AFTER A YEAR OR TWO!)
Or three even! XD
I still want to know when she’s gonna realize that he said she was cute…
Heh Heh, well, ‘almost adorable’ I might not count as exactly a full-blown compliment in this case.
And since she got mad directly afterwards, I’m pretty sure she realized right away. XD
God this is so cute. I didn’t quite know what to expect, but I’m really enjoying this comic so far. I’m kind of a sucker for romance between a human and a supernatural entity (usually ghosts).
Well thank you! I’m happy you’re enjoying it so far!
I just had a thought. If there is a textless version of the laughing panel it could be an excellent background wallpaper or avatar.
Do you add the text in after drawing the page or do you build it all as one?
The speech balloons are on a separate layer in my ‘work’ versions… so it probably could be a thing that could be done.
Hay I just thought of something…she’s apart of the Illuminati…jk She is apart of some species that is the soul reason that socks disappear. But still… the why part… idk she eats the socks… burns them… fills them with oranges and beats people to death… just spitballing
Haha, even if someone guessed the right answer I still wouldn’t tell them they were right until it is really revealed within the comic itself. XD
Same with her name, even though I did give some extremely leading picture clues about 2-3 pages back in the comment section, which nobody has deciphered yet I think.
Pretty Obvious that it’s [REDACTED] since its in your written story in your de-I mean sock drawer!
Yes, it is obvious that her name is indeed that, when referring to a completed work from the past where it has already been revealed! XD
Only 5 more pages to go until the secret is out for everyone, though.
Why is she stealing those socks?
Is it like the the underpants gnomes
Phase 1: get socks
Phase 2: ?????
Phase 3: Profit?
Something like that?
Lol I think this is the 4th or 5th time this joke has been brought up.
The answer is still nope. XD
I just love this comic, and with the socks I gota think about Al Bundy and the aliens stealing his socks for fuel, it might be the same situation here.
Oh yeeeeah! I remember that episode! XD
Really like this series. When does the next installment come out?
Tonight if I really hurry, tomorrow if I take my time. Right now I’m operating somewhere in the middle.
Cool, saw it. Can’t wait for more. Not my usual genre, but I like it!
Haha, well I’m glad you like it!
So how regularly do you update this?
Once a week right now. It’ll update tomorrow.
It always updates on Sundays! Sometimes it’s just really early! (Well, for me at least)
I’ve gone deaf in my left ear
Wow this page has a lots of comments about the socks she stole.
I predicted as much when I baited everyone last week, knowing, in fact, that of course I wasn’t going to spill the beans quite yet. :3