#182 “Between You & Me”
EDIT: April 28th, 2019
There’s a very good chance there won’t be an update this week, because I am VERY behind schedule currently. I just am feeling rather “blah” today, and while I AM still chipping away at the page, I doubt I’ll have time to get it out today.
It’s just one of those days!
Brandon. Are we going back to Tim in the next page or are we gona sort this mess out first?
Ps. I love this comic I think I’ve been following since page 84-ish.
Well, I’m going to explain a few things the next couple pages, so… yeah. No Tim yet.
Hey Brandon it’s me again well I am gonna say that I love how you did well with midnight like on the third scene on this page while she is saying you love him don’t you ? That damned human kid like the way made her look is amazing like very beautiful very fucking beautiful even for a gorgeous looking creature that would either melt or clawed any man or woman’s heart out just like her mom (mother moonlight) but probably on man for her mom not midnight due the apart of her sexuality (Bisexuality if am correct) I am just saying you know I hope I’ll you more of her soon & moonlight too i hope like they are my favorite characters from you and that sexuality thing well not to annoyed you just trying to get her characteristics right or something like that well if takes long for you to read this I am sorry I am just showing support for your work & stuff
Thanks man, yeah, she looks pretty good in Panel 3. haha.
Do you used speech to text software by chance? XD
What do you mean
and I did got her sexuality right , right Brandon
Right Brandon on that last comment
Like if I got her sexuality right
anyone else see the person in the background
I know I do!
*surprised Pikachu*
the same person was also there in the previous page
I’ve been hoping I would get my own Shadow since I started reading this comic because my name is also Tim. A man can dream right?
Ya they can dream
I confess, I’d love to know how Tim’s parents got together.
You see, when a man and a monster love each other very much…
I get that part, what I want to know is how did they meet? Maybe like this- he was in bed, she came out from under it, the legs collapsed, he woke up, their eyes met . . . .
I bet it was on halloween. Nox could walk around without tracking much attention there.
So when are we going to see a Nightmare on Tims street? Thinking its going to take something more than tickling to stop her.
Woops, did I just spoil the title of an upcoming page?
Maybe he’ll end up calming her down by doing the same thing that Tiberus did.
*kissy kissy*
First thing,I will do the obligatory intro of I have been reading for a while and I quite like this webcomic,keep up the good work,and I look forward to reading more in the future
Plot stuff,wooo!And a creeper listening in,wooo!Hope they see her before she explodes!
Have any of the comments had an effect on how you write? I can’t help but wonder if people wanting certain things to happen have influenced you to make it happen for their sake
I hope not
Me either, I want this to be his vision all the way to the end
I still have money on the shadowy person being Ruth.
Do you think you can ad a random person’s fan art caracter in a pannal in the background?
I think it can be cool seeing your fanatics in a poster or a background caracter
Second that, keep suggesting it or something. That would be a great way to get people more involved (although we are already) without changing the plot from what Brandon wants.
Everybody is thinking the shadow is either Nightmare or Ruth, it could be someone that has not been seen for awhile, Moonlight
Well just to be honest I really want that to be true due the apart that Moonlight is one of my favorite characters from this comic along side Ruth and Midnight, but mostly Moonlight, and I almost thinking about Moonlight every day wondering when she is coming back like I hope she’ll be back soon and stuff like that but I really wish that shadowy figure is her really man I do
but we’ll have to wait and see
Well just to be honest I really want that to be true due the apart that Moonlight is one of my favorite characters from this comic along side Ruth and Midnight, but mostly Moonlight, and I almost thinking about Moonlight every day wondering when she is coming back like I hope she’ll be back soon and stuff like that but I really wish that shadowy figure is her really man I do
but we’ll have to wait and see
Sorry didn’t mean to post a another comment it was accident so my bad
When did shadow find out Tim isn’t all human did I miss something?
You didn’t miss anything, don’t worry!
When she saw his mother she saw shes monster
Son of a gun. I’m all caught up! 182 pages in one night!!
Well good for you man
Paging Dr. Fine, Dr. Howard, Dr. Fine.
Uh oh she now something this is bad