#182 “Between You & Me”
EDIT: April 28th, 2019
There’s a very good chance there won’t be an update this week, because I am VERY behind schedule currently. I just am feeling rather “blah” today, and while I AM still chipping away at the page, I doubt I’ll have time to get it out today.
It’s just one of those days!
There is a shadow behind Shadow
That is a funny way to say that, it is almost like you are saying Shadow is behind herself! LOL
I think that’s just an open doorway.
Do you mean the open doorway behind Shadow, or the shadowy person in the open doorway behind midnight?
Shadow behind Shadow.
I just realized the person hiding in the background.
Hey Brandon.
Skrek shows up in endgame.
Don’t push me, I will ban you.
Hey Brandon how are things going, but you don’t mind about me right like I saw the comments like when Dark at Hearts said about how can you stand me like what the he’ll is his problem like really but you do like me ( as a friend or fan) right like what I do to you like I didn’t anything wrong to you right, but you did trying to get them to leave me alone right like I am not a bad guy here I just wanted to read this comic or try to talk to you besides I am trying to support your work and stuff plus I am working on fan art for you just to show how supportive of your characters
but you do understand me right Brandon 

I don’t have a problem with you, no. I’ve said as much before.
Maybe the only thing I could suggest is to cut down on the on the long rambling paragraphs, I think that annoys some people. I don’t think Dark at Hearts will ever stop complaining though, so feel free to just ignore him.
If you haven’t gone to see the movie yet, may I suggest you find an off peak time to see it if you are not prone to emotional outburst. It’ll be awkward if YOU are the only person not crying throughout the movie.
Don’t forget about Judge Dredd, he returns after Guardians vol 2.
I mean what the hell
Sometimes people need to just shut up when they don’t have anything nice to say. Don’t mind him. Brandon and the rest of us are fine with you.
And, don’t take this the wrong way, as I only want to help you get your points across easier. When you are writing, try to step back from it for a moment, take a breather, and reflect on what you’ve wrote. It can help you space out your thoughts and portray it easier.
Anyways, don’t let the hate get to you. Every community has it, but it isn’t worth the hassle to deal with it.
Thanos dances to despasito and dabs on Ironman in endgame.
dude i think you shouldn’t have said that just in case that you don’t wanna be ban for spoiling it
I know he’s joking, but if it sounds credible at all… ooooh… that’s a paddlin’! XD
Sorry man just trying to help you out but this the last time I’ll be doing just in case I don’t cause any problems with them or you because I don’t want to argue or annoyed anyone so I’ll be back until the new page comes out so good luck with your work

Brandon, you should consider reducing your stress levels by doing what you suggested earlier.
Use your admin privileges to ban the couple of posters who have persisted in trying to spoil your cinema experience (whenever you DO take time to see the movie).
It’s an unfortunate feature of immature psychologies {some of them} that they will continually push at boundaries or limits just to persuade themselves that they’re daredevils or risk-takers. They don’t try riding motorcycles or train-surfing, just irritating hard-working cartoonists and spoiling somebody else’s fun.
Ban them and publish a list of who was banned.
It may only be temporary (dealer’s choice) but it will reduce the workload in moderating this forum and you can tell from the addy just WHO is trying to sneak back in. Some of them will.
They irritate the rest of us, too.
Heyo Brandon, i have no idea how this comment system works but hey i love your work. I lost it two years ago and i couldnt find it till a friend showed me and i was so happy with all the new panels and the fact i got this website to keep up with whats going on in the world you created. You inspire me to create my own comic series and i am so happy you’re still going strong in making this series. Pleas dont ever stop and i will always be here in support of this satisfying comic series thats both light hearted and loving!
Also PS. If you need a discord channel me and a couple others have experience as mods and such and we can totally help you create a discord to connect with your fans and maybe post some other stuff your doing or just hang out. Let me know how you feel and me and my team of mods will help you out.
Aria stark gets fucked in endgame.
As “The Dude” would say: “Fuck it.”
Next please
I’m working, I’m working! Patience!
18 minutes until Sunday! I can’t wait!
No no! It has to go on!
Hey Brandon.
When you are making a page, do you do a bit each day or leave it to the last min?
I chip away at it in little bits throughout the week, and then the brunt of what’s left on Friday and Saturday/Sunday if need be. This week at work was rather killer though, a big load of product going through and this weekend I’ve been rather lethargic.
keep up the good work Brandon
I’m guessing that most readers here prefer quality to quantity, and would rather wait until a new page is really ready than read one that’s been rushed.
For sure! I have waited far longer for far less, so I much prefer the quality, and many here agree.
As much as I would like to see the next page, I totally understand. Sometime you need to take a day or two to recharge. Focus on you and do what you can bro.
Take as long as you need, it’s a hobby after all. Though it is like art crack for some of us…
Story is getting interesting, I look forward to the next page.